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About QCArcher

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  • Birthday 06/24/1977

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    Queen Creek

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  1. QCArcher

    Sold Thanks

    PM sent. Looking for your contact info Sir. Have a buddy interested in your LMT.
  2. QCArcher


    Is this still available?
  3. QCArcher

    whats your effective range?

    My effective range depends entirely on the situation. I've killed animals at 70 yards when conditions were perfect and I've also taken game at 7 yards. If the wind and the animal are calm, I have good footing, and no shakes, I'd take a "long" shot. If those conditions aren't right, I'll hold off. Hoyt Vector Turbo @ 29", 71#'s. 472 grain arrow Spot Hogg Tommy Hogg sight Slick Trick Broadheads
  4. QCArcher

    limb driver from vaportrail

    The Limb Driver Pro-V is the one on my hunting bows, as well as those of my buddy's and most of what I've been putting on bows at the shop over the last year. Extremely reliable and consistant rest. It works like a spring steel blade when up. The rest its self is spring loaded, which cradles your arrow throughout the shot. A standard fall away blade, such as the trophy taker, qad, and rip chord, allows the arrow to skip off the rest during the shot. As an added plus, they are timed by tying to your top limb as opposed to tying in to your cable. This makes it much easier for in-field repairs and doesn't rely on your bow timing to keep falling away properly. If you have any questions, shoot me a pm. I'd be happy to help. Mike
  5. QCArcher

    Bad Boy Buggies for Coues whitetail

    Bad Boy Buggies are for easterners who hunt their back yard food plots and need a ride to their tree stand, not us western hunters. Totally different world out here.
  6. QCArcher

    Bow Season is Upon Us

    This year I'll be totin' the Carbon Matrix + with Victory VAP arrows pushing Slick Trick Grizz Trick 2 broadheads. For sights, it's Spot Hogg all the way, Hogg It 7 pin. I'm using the new Vaportrail Pro V rest and strings, and a Tight Spot quiver. Hopefully I have enough time to get into the field this year. Good luck to y'all!
  7. QCArcher


    The bucks are definitely hanging around the does down south. Saw 2 bucks just yesterday hanging in the area of a doe. She probably won't be ready for a few more weeks, but you couldn't tell them that. Hopefully we get some cooler weather in the next couple weeks to help keep things on the move during the day. Saw plenty of pigs too!
  8. QCArcher

    AR 15s

    This link has everything you ever needed to know about all the different manufacturers of the AR platform. Everything top to bottom is factually explained, no he said she said, or rumors about buddies guns type stuff. http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pws...amp;output=html I went with the S&W line as a result of reading this.
  9. QCArcher

    Wolves moving West

    You "wolf huggers" keep on thinking that way. What a waste of money the whole wolf program is. SSS!
  10. QCArcher

    I really messed up!!!

    Way to go Kath.... Carl and I got drawn for 37B and CJ got drawn for a 37B youth tag this year as well. Plenty of left over tags this year, sound like.
  11. QCArcher

    O/U Shotgun Setup for Quail --

    I'm like you guys, improved on the bottom barrel and modified on the top (second shot). Late season when the birds are skittish, I'll switch those to modified on bottom and full on top for those long shots.
  12. QCArcher

    spring draw results are out.

    37B Javi again. Looking forward to it and the rut!
  13. Yeah, there's also a big shoot in Globe that same weekend. Should have checked the shoot schedules for the dates. I'd have like to come down there for that one but already commited to Globe.
  14. QCArcher

    Unit 34A

    Your sis is a lawyer for the CBD?! I don't know that I'd be posting that on an open forum. There are many people here that wish they'd go away, very far away. Why haven't you set her strait yet?
  15. QCArcher

    max hamilton 3-d

    Depends on the class you're going to shoot. If you're going in unlimited, expect to see 50 yard targets as that's the max (+- a few) for that class. If going in bowhunter, I believe the farthest stake is 40. In short, I'd for sure have a 50 yard pin. Good luck to you guys and have fun! Mike