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Everything posted by Hyperwrx

  1. In a sad turn of events, the vote was 3-2 to ban trapping bobcats in California. Mercer and a number of others really worked hard on educating the panel. Hats off to him. TAKE NOTE ARIZONA. An article covering the event today.
  2. Reduced entry fees for early registration has been extended a 5 more days. Come hunt with some of the best predator hunters in the United States. We wont see this event back in Arizona for quite a few years. Participate while its on our home turf.
  3. Hunters, it is in Arizona this year and its your chance to win big prize money and other equipment. Last year, winners took home over 10K and AR-15s, not to mention the notoriety of knowing your they're one of the best callers/hunters in the US. Early entry fee is $325 (until Sept 1). Day and a half of hunting anywhere in the US and make it back to check-in in time. Lots of new information at the website below. The promoters have a new official webpage up that gives all the detailshttp://worldchampionshipcoyotecallingcontest.com/ Let me know if you have any questions and I can try either answering them or direct you to who can answer them. I am not affiliated with the event but have competed in it before and will again this time again. There are a handful of guys here on this forum that kill a good number of coyotes each year. Step up to the plate and put your skills to the test. It's a great atmosphere that is friendly to beginners and can get you noticed by the industry quickly. NOTE- This event is an invite only contest. To be able to get in and compete, you need someone who has competed before or a president of a local predator hunting club to vouch for you. If you've been a member here for a while and I recognize your screen name I'll vouch for you and you can get in. Just PM me or shoot me an e-mail toscott@francom.us.
  4. You have to give these foolish organizations some credit. They can rally the forces and get people motivated. Few states can prevail when all the hippies get behind a cause. Be thankful, they congregate in just a few states. In 1994 Arizona trappers suffered a terrible loss with Prop 201, which banned the use of snares, leg hold, and most body gripping traps on public land. 58% voted in favor of the ban. These fanatic organization could mount an attack in Arizona again and have the resources to do it. Hunters and trappers are an apathetic bunch until after their rights are taken away, then they scream and cry. Duck hunters seldom worry about deer hunters and predator hunters shrug when elk hunters complain. It's this type of attitude that divides outdoors men and creates the cracks in the foundation that these antis get their fingers into and get a hold of an issue and run with it. There are a few states that have withstood the antis successfully. Nevada being one of them. True trappers/hunters across the SouthWest put time, money, and effort into the CA fight from beginning until the end because they realize that their state could be next. Arizona could be next and it would take a different attitude across this state to beat it. Get involved in your local hunting/trapping organization at any level. Become a member. We can't wait until these wacko organizations target our state, we have to mount an offence and collect the data necessary to repel them investigating if our foundation has cracks. Pray it doesn't happen.
  5. All sizes and colors. Some trail cameras are in the exact same spot as last year and I am seeing the exact same bear. Archery Aug 22.
  6. Hyperwrx

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    Collected footage from last 2 weeks. http://vid402.photobucket.com/albums/pp105/Hyperwrx/trailcams2015-2016/2%20bucks_zpsm6idvmtu.mp4
  7. In years past yes. The board of directors is moving it to a new location. Every 2 years is goes to a different location. We get it in AZ for 2 years. This is our second year.
  8. Hyperwrx

    Summertime calling

    You're right. I thought we were still in July. I apologize. Happy hunting.
  9. Hyperwrx

    Summertime calling

    You'd better check your AZ G&F regulations on when you can hunt gray foxes in Arizona.
  10. Took a ICOtec GC500 electronic predator caller and pulled out the 3 printed circuit boards and collapsible antenna and mounted them into a Pelican 1120 case. Hooked it all back up and mounted a TOA SC-610 speaker in the lid. System now runs off a rechargeable SLA 12 volt 1.3AMP-hour battery. Yes, it is louder and will last 4 x longer than 4 AAs, No, the remote range is not effected. Yes, I am sure I voided any manufacturer's warranty. The GC500 was $149 Free Shipping TOA speaker $40 Free shipping Pelican 1120 Case $30 Shipped I attempted to get the sound even louder by sending the audio signal through a 3rd party amplifier then out to the speaker and encountered a considerable amount of THD and even snaps and pops when pushing remote buttons. I ended up taking the amp out and just running the stock wattage. Contact me for info on where I got the materials if you are interested as I hunted around for the cheapest prices.
  11. Hyperwrx

    ICOtec GC500 Modifications

    Initially I'd have guessed the caller would have been super loud as I was adding an additional amplifier. I tried 2 different ones and both produced too much unwanted noise. In the end, I just used the stock ICOtec wattage, whatever that is. Red printed circuit board is one of the amps I tried. Others are top left in the photo.
  12. Hyperwrx

    ICOtec GC500 Modifications

    First of all I wouldn't compare a CS-24 to my modified ICOtec GC500. The CS-24 is way louder. I'd say 1/3 louder. CS-24 has a pause button. GC500 does not. Just start and stop. The Minsaka Outdoors AR-2 is what I modeled my device off of but the AR-2 is also much louder. I'd compare this closer to the FP Hellfire but feel the Hellfire is still a tiny bit louder. Hellfire is $300. CS-24 is $599.95 currently on AllPredatorCalls.com. Minaska Outdoors AR-2 $499.99 from Minaska Outdoors. I spend about $250 on my GC-500 Frankenstein creation. Now what would be interesting to see would be to take a higher end Foxpro flashlight styled caller, like a FP Crossfire $399, gut it, and use a TOA horn in a pelican case. Way louder plus a better amplifier.
  13. Hyperwrx

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    The last lion picture has 3 lions in it if you can find them. A mom and 2 cubs. Tough to tell the difference in size between the 3. Bnnes- I am about 2-3 miles off a graded road. I quad in then hike.
  14. Hyperwrx

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    I'll sweeten the area with these trail cam photos. Find all 3 if you can.
  15. Hyperwrx

    Assorted Unit 22 Bears

    No, come the beginning of archery season last year quad and foot traffic drove all the bear away. I did shoot a turkey and a coues in the area,
  16. Hyperwrx

    Two Bear Rugs

    You trapped the ringtail?
  17. Held at the Gila County Fairgrounds in Globe, AZ July 25-26. Otis Latham will be putting on a number of presentations about trapping bobcats and putting your fur up correctly. Rich Higgins (the Coyote Professor) will be presenting a seminar on the basics of coyote calling. AZ G&F will present data collected on the bobcat jaws we trappers have been required to turn in when getting a CITES tag.
  18. Hyperwrx

    Globe ATA Auction

    Lower prices at the fur auction this year makes more elbow room on the trap line next year!
  19. Hyperwrx

    Guess they really are in AZ.

    AZG&F allows you to take as many as you want in legal areas. The sky is the limit.
  20. Hyperwrx

    .17 Hornet for a calling rifle

    My experience in last few years- .17 HMR- tried it. Ditched it. Shot placement is key if you don't want running fox, which you will never find if its thick. Chance of a bobcat running off wounded scared me away plus mine was a savage with feeding problems. Shot a few cats with it at under 50 yards and it did the job but still.... Killed some coyotes but it's not a coyote rifle by any means. .17 FB- Best cat and fox fur gun money can buy in my opinion. 10 yard on fox, no exit. Can't find entry for a while. Didn't work well on coyotes and didn't work well on a lion. Remington has discontinued the rifle. .17 Remington- Same as FB but sped up the bullet. Did a number on many coyotes, but it will tear a fox up. Bobcats require good center mass body shot so the bullet can fragment and dissipate energy and not exit. Shot a coyote at 350 with it and it ran 15 yards and piled up. Impressed me. Mine is in an AR-15 platform. 6.8 SPC Straight up fantastic coyote caliber. Competition gun that will anchor a coyote where it stands. 110g at 2550fps hits like a linebacker. Mine is an in an AR-15 platform.
  21. Hyperwrx

    cats and cages

    I have the Arizona Triple Crown calling contest down in Safford on Saturday and Sunday. I wont make it to the fur sale unfortunately. First time in many moons. Good luck. You guys are going to need it. Fur market is down from last year. Colorado sale was down and Utah sale also down. $200 average price on bobcats. Better make sure your put up is 1st class. No small females or kittens or you'll be getting double digit prices. It's a close bid so that helps the trapper. Good luck and report back.
  22. Hyperwrx

    Varmint Round up

    Curious how this went. We had terrible wind on Friday and Saturday all over the state.
  23. Hyperwrx

    Cat In A Cage !!

    Perfect stretch and fantastic belly. Good job. Good trick I learned is to cut a piece of tan/brown carpet slightly smaller than the rectangle floor shape behind the pan to the back of the cage.Small enough to not interfere with the pan coming down. put bobcat urine on it and the scent stays in that carpet much longer than on the plain ground. Cat gets caught and they piss all over it. Now can carry that really hot scent to your next cage set.
  24. Hyperwrx

    What are they coming to right now??

    Way back when I purchased a Mossberg 835 at a Walmart- $300. The shotgun served me well many years. It was the Accu-mag edition and it shot 3.5" shells. I bet it isn't $300 any more.