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Everything posted by slopoke36

  1. slopoke36

    Whisker Biscuit

    I was hoping that was the answer
  2. slopoke36


    Thanks guys. They are bigger than you think once they get above 10 or so pounds (IMO).
  3. slopoke36


    Here is a picture of my 15lbs 6oz Pike I caught in Saskatchewan
  4. slopoke36


    When should I start my heavy scouting and setup of trail cameras? I don't want to start to early and have the deer change patterns on me because of weather, water, food, etc. Thanks in advance.
  5. slopoke36


    Does Charlie Daniels play a mean fiddle? Now that is funny! Thanks for the information guys. I think I am going to go put some out this weekend and see what happens. How long should I wait before checking them?
  6. slopoke36


    Is there a huge issue with people stealing cameras?
  7. You guys are making me think about applying in NM and just paying the 500 bucks
  8. slopoke36

    Finally They're UP

    Nada - good luck everyone!
  9. slopoke36

    Turkey Hunting

    Going to NM in late Apr.
  10. slopoke36


    New to bowhunting coues deer and was wondering how good the hunting is around 35B, 24A and 34B??? Any information to get me started would be great.