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About slopoke36

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    I like onion rings, pop tarts, jazz recorder, and Fly fishing!

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  1. slopoke36

    2015 Coues Deer

    Hahaha. You guys are right about the amount of meat. I misspoke.
  2. slopoke36

    2015 Coues Deer

    Rage Hypodermics 60# 2015 Supra Max 200 Xweave (355gr) Carter Release.
  3. slopoke36

    2015 Coues Deer

    Took me several years to learn this area with countless glassing sessions. I know there are bigger bucks in there than the one I shot last year and this year but they are tough to sneak up on (you all know that). I shot this deer a hundred yards from the spike I shot last year, one hour apart in time difference, and 364 days later. Crazy huh? When I first came upon this little guy, he was at 40 yards and feeding towards me. It was fun to watch him do his thing for a while. He got to about 28 yards and we started to play this cat and mouse game of him looking at me and then go back to feeding. He was having a hard time figuring me out. Wind and camo were in my favor. It was hard to wait and not move. I don't know how many times I told my self in my mind to "don't move". Once I felt that I had a good shot and he was feeding I pulled back and let one fly. I shot him quartering to me. Arrow went in his front right shoulder and out his rear left quarter. Full pass through. He went about 30 yards and piled up. I know he isn't a monster of a deer but these Coues deer are tough to hunt and I consider him a trophy and a lot of meat in the freezer.
  4. Will shotgun choke tubes affect POI?
  5. June 13th 6pm-10pm The Annual Sierra Vista Chapter banquet has moved to a new location for 2015. Please come out and join us for fun evening of games, raffles, silent and live auctions. http://www.ducks.org/arizo%E2%80%A6/events/38122/sierra-vista-dinner
  6. Does anyone have a contact email or number? Their site seems to be down.
  7. I have a couple of the covey's marked in 35B. Ran into them during the August deer hunt. They were small, however (3-5birds). I marked them on the GPS and when I returned they are no where to be found.
  8. slopoke36

    First Hunt with My Dog

    How did the dog do?
  9. slopoke36

    First deer ever 35B

    Coues assassin you guys saved my butt. It was a pleasure meeting you guys out there. Thanks again for the help.
  10. slopoke36

    First deer ever 35B

    Well I got my first deer ever this weekend in 35B. Not a big one but a trophy to me. I spent all summer scouting and planning this hunt. I had some really nice deer on trail camera but when the moment happened it was this little guy. To honest I made sure he had antlers and that was about it before the shot. I knew what ridge these bucks were using to go from bedding area to water. I still hunted the ridge moving as slow a possible. I stopped in the shadows and made sure I had a back drop to hide my outline. I saw him coming and waited for him to appear on the other side of the juniper tree. He stepped out at 22 yards and I doubled lunged him. He was quartered slightly away from me. He went about 15 feet which made for an easy recovery. Over the past couple years I have chased Coues after Coues with no luck. At times it has even been heart breaking but in the end it was worth the wait. I wouldn’t trade this buck for anything. I earned him and grateful for this buck and the opportunity to hunt.
  11. slopoke36


    Any help with 36A late Nov would be greatly appreciated. Never hunted there.
  12. slopoke36


    I use loc-tite super glue. No issues.
  13. slopoke36

    Draw results
