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Everything posted by Ringer

  1. Ringer

    grand canyon national park to expand?

    If he signs anything before Jan 20th then Trump can undo it the next day. The only thing he can do is the pardons for the beast and her crew.
  2. Ringer

    Election time is upon us

    The losers are pissed and whining and now some of the winners are whining and the guy has zero power until Jan 21. Must be a perfect solution if everyone hates him. If he appoints 1 to 3 Supreme Court justices and cracks down on illegals I will be a happy camper. Give him a few months to settle in before you burn him.
  3. Ringer

    Election time is upon us

    Wonder where Californians get their water from?
  4. Ringer

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    Those Romanians are good Americans. They did it the right way and are to the right of Attilla the Hun. Big Trump supporters. They escaped under Chechescu when their relatives kept disappearing at night. They know how great socialism can be.
  5. Ringer

    Should you get a tag if you can't read English?

    Not just Mexicans or illegals. I had a Mexican-American working for me for years that was busted killing does and bucks out of season. I asked him why he did that and he said he owned a ranch in Mexico and that whenever they needed meat they went hunting. He said he and his buddies had been killing deer for years to feed the families here. My Romanian workers tell me every week about their friends who catch 2 coolers full of trout at Woods Canyon after they stock it. They also buddy hunt if one of them gets a tag. I think a lot of it is cultural with people who immigrate to the US.
  6. Wonder if the little pinpoint metal detectors could give you the cable locations?
  7. Ringer


    Need to build a wall. On the west side.
  8. That Payson snake is an AZ black for sure. That would have been a great hatband.
  9. As a kid my buddy stopped with one right next to his foot and was screaming for me. I pumped all the rounds in a Hi standard .22 and it still wasn't dead. I carry my H&K .40 with one round of bird shot and it kills them fast and dead with one shot to the head.
  10. Ringer

    Damned coons

    They have been in Bartlett for years. Was fishing the main lake 3 months ago and had a family of 5 on a sandy beach take off and swim around us for a while. They are usually up the river. Pretty large otters.
  11. Ringer

    Damned coons

    I have seen them just about all over the state but usually near a water source. Seen coata mundies around Tucson and up at Apache lake. Seen otters on Bartlett. Had a beaver near the Phoenix airport in a small lake we used to own. Never know how they travel around.
  12. Ringer

    Electronic callers

    Yes but please turn it down. I was all set up with elk coming in at 5BS when someone turned a call on at top volume. The elk ran like heck away from the call and it just went on and on.
  13. Ringer

    Watch Your Step

    I use .40 with bird shot in my H&K and no it doesn't feed at all. Easy deal to pull the slide back and get the second round in but it takes a little time. The first shot has killed every rattler I shot with it so it works.
  14. Ringer

    I am deplorable

    Weekend at Bernies coming up.
  15. Ringer

    Shoulder surgery roll call

    Dr. Brian Shafer at AZ Bone and Joint. They do a lot of athletes. I tore the labrum all the way off on the right shoulder then slipped on a boat ramp and tore the left off a year later. He did a great job and good as new. 56th Street and Bell Road.
  16. Call Right Toyota and ask them who installs their lifts. The place is east of the 51 just north of 16th street. Forgot the name but they told me no effect on my warranty and they did a great job.
  17. Ringer

    Things That Piss Me Off

    Wife came home from getting a pedicure last night. Young woman was getting the full treatment and telling the owner how she got healthcare and help with food and housing from the gubmint and how to work the system. That pisses me off.
  18. I think the gorilla and Hillary thing happened a long time ago. Have you looked at Chelsea?
  19. Ringer

    For our kids

    Typical government workers. Let's just sell state land until there is no state land then how would you propose funding education? Maybe we could even vote in Prop 124 and guarantee gubmint workers a 2% raise in their pensions each year. Makes sense since all of the private sector has not even had a raise in the last 8 years and pensions became obsolete 30 years ago.
  20. Ringer

    Testing Time of Year

    I didn't get an elk tag AND I quit dipping Skoal after 35 years so watch out. I understand the funding mess but until the good teachers get more and the bad teachers get canned I doubt anything will change. Just too much of a burden between parents that don't care until little Johnny gets into trouble or ones that could care less. I feel for public school teachers today. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  21. Ringer

    Testing Time of Year

    I think teaching is critical BUT there are dumb teachers and terrible parents. There are classrooms full of kids who speak Spanish as the primary language. There are the mentally challenged kids that have been forced into the mainstream. All create challenges for teachers as well as the other kids. My daughter taught 8th grade until one of her 14 year olds called her a f'ing C word in the classroom. The parents were brought in and they actually said that was not considered foul language in their home and Bobby was justified in using it. She quit and did the flight attendant thing then worked at a hospital. Now she is a teacher for online home schoolers.They get all the proper equipment mailed to the home and interact with her daily as well as doing online testing where they are both on camera. My grandson was in public schools until the age of 10 and now is home schooled. He is testing well above his grade level and is well adjusted. That will be the way of the future if public schools fail to police bad teachers and buckle to the unions IMO. I also don't like the latest ballot initiative to sell off more state land to give more money to the schools. Why not sell it all off? Maybe we get rid of the unions and fire the bad teachers so the rest can be rewarded properly based upon merit.
  22. Living proof of the end of the world. Wonder how all those college kids that whine about being offended came about? And, I never even been to the museum. I own a furniture manufacturing company and let my 12 year old grandson use the planers and sliders.
  23. You got that right. I will die trying to save a kid but there is no way I give a hoot about one that gets scratches from a bush. Those old ladies volunteer to help your kids and you want to call in the feds on them.
  24. Ringer

    Just want to vent

    I wrote G&F. They are changing the rules for next year. Anyone over 70 will get a tag and the rest of you have to wait every 10 years. Now GET OFF MY LAWN!
  25. I had kids and they actually lived through a few scratches and worse. OK you should have put a batting glove on and beat the crap out of both of the grannys. They deserved it.