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About NewHunter

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  • Birthday 04/07/1981

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  1. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    I'm open to different types of shotguns. I like the Benelli, but I can be flexible. My BIL picked one up recently and I love it.
  2. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    Thanks guys. I was probably a tad high with my original pricing. I think I'm right in the ballpark now. Either way, I'll live
  3. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    I don't think I'm too far off. I think the current prices I have are a deal... https://www.gunbroker.com/Semi-Auto-Rifles/search?Keywords=ar-15 del-ton&Sort=13&PageSize=24
  4. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    Also, a build with the parts you mentioned and then the Magpul furniture and scope is probably around 500-550 depending on where you get everything and shipping (not always free). I updated my price to something a little more accurate for a "lightly used" Del-ton. Also, I'd much rather trade for a decent shotgun or another gun.
  5. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    I'd love it if your opinion included an offer.... You're probably right on a lot of points, I'm definitely not as smart as you when it comes to this. From my standpoint some people like to buy complete and some like to build. I'd rather buy a complete setup for more than build for less based on convenience. I'm negotiable on price, it's just a starting point.
  6. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    https://www.del-ton.com/DT-Sport-Lite-p/dtsportlt.htm# It's this model with the additions you can see. Nothing else was added.
  7. NewHunter

    Del-ton DT Sport Lite AR w/ a few accessories

    Magpul adjustable stock and grips, 5.56 NATO, 400 rounds down the barrel is barely broken in, scope is $90 new, stock DT Sport is $600 in most stores, maybe cheaper online but then you pay for shipping. I'm not form on price. I have 2 ARs, I only "need" 1.
  8. Selling a DT Sport Lite. I'm the second owner. I've put maybe 200 rounds through it. First owner didn't put much more than that, so still in brand new condition. Has a UTG 3-12x44 30mm scope that is mounted and I can include or can take off (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004KRA4YG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zxW.DbFA6780P). I don't really want to give up any mags, this isn't my only AR, but can throw a few in. Looking to get either $550 with everything, $500 without the scope, or a shotgun plus cash in trade (Benelli Supernova it something along the lines). I'm located in Gilbert and can meet most places in the Phoenix area.
  9. NewHunter


    Replied to a handful of PMs. Maybe it is worth more than I'm asking
  10. NewHunter


  11. NewHunter

    SOLD, Please Delete

  12. NewHunter

    SOLD, Please Delete

  13. NewHunter


  14. NewHunter

    Here we go again!

    They probably can, but depending on who they have for their CC provider, they may not get refunded the fees from processing the cards. Since it is internet, that is around 2.5-3% on 130,000 applicants. That is a lot of lost money if they don't get a refund. You would think that they would have a processor that would refund the fees since they are a large government agency, but there are a lot of things they do that don't make sense... The easiest way to do it, in my opinion, is give every card one shot and if it declines, sorry... we all had plenty of warning when we used the online system to have it updated. Checks get ran once and if they bounce, you don't get a second shot. They should keep it the same with cards. I'm not sure what system they are using, but it shouldn't be that hard to run all transactions immediately based on who got drawn and then on day 2 run all the backups. They can technically run every applicants card for the tag amount and have it go pending on the account and then if you aren't drawn it would just fall off. Similar to how some gas stations pend $100 at purchase, but then run the actual charge the next day. Pretty easy to do, but I imagine they would have plenty of ticked off people that thought they were drawn but weren't. If they warned us that is what they were going to do, most would be fine with it since they lock up your money if you send a check... Basically, they need to fix their process for next year because this is taking too long...