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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    Treestandman - Accident!

    It is- mikeudall@yahoo.com Mark
  2. bowsniper

    Treestandman - Accident!

    I spoke to Mike this morning. He had surgery on his leg/knee yesterday, and he was a little grogy from the pain meds. He hopes to get out of the hospital Monday or Tueday. Then he will need some recovery time for his back and shoulder. He very much appreciates your prayers. Drop him an email and let him know that you are praying for him. Mark
  3. bowsniper

    Treestandman - Accident!

    Yeah, I had a fall in August last year. I was leaning back on a lineman "saftey" harness and it disengaged. I fell 25 feet and dislocated and busted up my wrist. I was very lucky that was all. Mike, you are in my prayers. The injury is bad enough, but I know how frustrating it is to have to sit out the season. Mark
  4. bowsniper

    Bow Season opens Friday

    I can only hunt with my cams until the 1st. You boys have a blast out there! Mark
  5. I just heard from a friend that Randy Ulmer had a hunting accident a few days ago and broke his legs. Does anyone have any more info on this? Thanks, Mark
  6. bowsniper

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Six years ago John McClendon personally told me about how he scouted with a paraplane. I really didn't think much of it at the time. Does this make John McClendon any less of a great hunter and guide? Some people are always going to think that the new steps in technology are unfair or unethical. Camed bows with 80% let off, laser rangefinders, rifles that shoot accurately to over 1000 yards, quads, PF Flyers, the list goes on and on. As long as they are legal, they eventually become accepted. I personally hate quads. I will say that, as a private pilot, that using a paraplane over remote mountainous terrain is way too risky for me. Anyway, to me, this certainly does not diminish Randy Ulmer, he's just using the next legal gadget in a long line. Most of you are just a step or two behind him. At least Randy gets out there and finds his own animals, unlike some pro hunters who hire a dozen guys to find the trophy, and then just show up for the kill. Mark
  7. I have been told that this cam eats batterys like crazy. Do any of you use this model and if so, about how many pics can you squeeze out of one 6 volt battery? Thanks, Mark
  8. Wow, I guess my perspective is off a little. My couescam from Scott, coues7, can get 2000 to 3000 pics (depending on flash usage) from a 9 volt and 4 c cell batterys. Mark
  9. Alright you experts, what do you think? Thanks, Mark
  10. I have run into this situation a lot. A rancher leases the grazing allotment, and then thinks he can post no trespassing signs or even lock gates on public land. All you can do is get all the map information you can and verify what is public land. A public lands rancher cannot legally close or block off public land. In the past I have been tempted to use bolt cutters on illegally locked gates, but haven't done it yet. Mark
  11. bowsniper

    The statement of a lifetime

    Deer and elk do not really compete for food sources. The biggest food competitior to the elk is the public land COW! Think how many more elk Arizona could sustain if we got rid of the cattle on public land! Mark
  12. bowsniper

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    At least Randy scouts for himself, unlike Chuck Adams who just hires people to scout for him. Mark
  13. I was cleaning out my game cam pics from September and came across these two having a little spar. Mark
  14. bowsniper

    Metatarsal gland

    So far, my experience is that, at least where I hunt, you don't need to bother with rubber boots. There have been several times when I have been out with my kid and dog setting up a camera. We are just wearing our old smelly hiking boots. (except for the dog!) Then, somtimes as fast a 60 minutes later, I get a picture of a doe or buck, not caring about our scent on the ground. Mark
  15. bowsniper

    Terrain Preferences

    I like thick dark forest that is not glassable. It keeps the pesky rifle hunters out! Mark
  16. bowsniper

    A Fulfilling Success

    Congrats Scott on your buck! I know that you worked so hard for this buck with endless weekends of scouting. You deserve him! I am a little selfishly disappointed that I don't need to come up next weekend to help you glass! Mark
  17. I took my 10 year old son out to Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF) this morning before school for one last practice session before his first hunt on Friday. This is the same Ben Avery Shooting Facility that advertises "Family Safe", "Family Fun", "Family Based", etc. There was a guy shooting that was wearing a shirt with "F***ING" in large letters printed on it. When I complained to the Range Manager about the shirt, stating that it really did not promote their "Family Theme", he said that the guy was protected by the first amendment, and that the range would do nothing. The only problem with the range manager hiding behind the 1st Amendment for the guy's obscene T-shirt, is that G&F has a range policy prohibiting the use of targets with "facial features". So if you want to go to the range and shoot at a picture of a bad guy holding a hostage at gun point, that's not allowed. I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that if I want to shoot at a picture of a bad guy, that would fall under the 1st Amendment. But if you want to wear a t-shirt with obscene wording, in a "Family" promoted atmosphere , that's OK, that's protected by the first amendment. It seems to me that G&F uses the 1st Amendment for whatever it pleases. Mark
  18. I did, they are "looking into the policy, and will get back to me". Mark
  19. bowsniper

    Deer of the Southwest

    Hi Jim, I bought your book from you about a month ago, and it is a fantastic book! Congrats on a great accomplishment! Welcome to the forum! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Mark
  20. bowsniper

    Bones' Buck

    That is a beautiful buck!
  21. bowsniper

    Deer's eyesight

    Coues see objects in motion extremely well, but cannot interpret still objects very well. I have had a lot of coues look right at me from 20 yards away (without face camo) while sitting in stand. They seemed a little suspicious, but not enough to be bothered, as long as I didn't blink. Any movement, and they were gone. Mark
  22. bowsniper

    Kaibab Success.........

    I'm headed up there next Thursday with my 10 year old son for the youth doe hunt. This is his first hunt and he is pumped! Would you guys say that the does have hit the winter range yet? I have never hunted up there, so any suggestions you might have would be much appreciated. Thanks, Mark
  23. bowsniper

    Deer's eyesight

    I have Jim Heffelfinger's new book, and it is excellent! I highly reccomend it! Mark
  24. bowsniper

    Air rest

    I've been looking at these ads for a while. Somebody please try one out and report back soon! Mark
  25. bowsniper


    I have never killed a coues with a rifle, but once I killed a small mulie at 565 yards. I had my 300WM balistically mapped out to 800 yards, so once I ranged him I just dialed in my scope in and the trajectory was right on. There was a slight cross wind that I didn't account for, so I hit him about 12" back, but he went right down anyway. If I hadn't had a spotter to tell me that I hit him and to guide me across the canyon by radio to him, I never would have found him. Mark