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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    ABA banquet

    I'll be there, along with my son KidBowHunter. He won his bow there last year. A great time! Mark
  2. bowsniper

    Game and Fish Website Madness!

    YIPEE! I now have 12 bonus points for elk! It may not be a bad idea to keep a print out of your correct point when (if ) this get fixed. Mark
  3. bowsniper


    Happy Birthday Troy! You are a great kid, and I am so proud of you! Dad
  4. Hey guys, Thanks for all your posts. I decided to leave it on the wall. Mark
  5. Sorry for the off coues topic post. I'm going to transfer my turkey tag to my 11 year old son (KidBowHunter) and he will use a shotgun on the hunt. He shoots a 16 ga, but I'd like to get him into a 12 ga. for the hunt. Has anyone tried the choke tubes with the muzzle break? Do they reduce the recoil by much? 12 ga full recoil might be too much for him. Thanks guys, Mark
  6. Thanks for all your comments. I still have a week to decide, and I'm still on the fence. Mark
  7. bowsniper

    What a way to end 2006

    Holy Coues! What a stalk, and with a bare bow! Congratulations on a monster, and welcome to CWT.com. Mark
  8. I was just about to give up this morning and make some tag soup, when I spotted a small heard of pigs. I didn't make the best shot I've ever made, so I watched him bed up, and went to work for a while. (luckily, my boss is a bow hunter and understands these things!) I came back a few hours later and found him pretty fast. Thanks to my buds Mike and Mike for helping me take care of him! Thank you Lord for blessing me with a successful hunt! Mark
  9. I dunno, but it's worth the second pic! Congrats! Mark
  10. bowsniper

    Truly Unbelievable!

    I just amazes me that somebody would want another guys kill. There are some real shallow people out there. Mark
  11. bowsniper

    Not a coues...BUT I'll take it

    Great Buck! Congratulations! Mark
  12. bowsniper

    Last Day Pig Success

    My buds Mike and Mike set me up on the photo. Put the pig on a boulder so you can see his full size, and prop open his mouth with a stick so you can see the evil teeth. The only thing we didn't do was the Chuck Adams wide angle trick. Mark
  13. bowsniper


    Haven't you guys been reading the papers and watching the news? These guys aren't "illegals", they are "immigrants"! Mark
  14. My good buddy Mike (Bowhunter4life) asked me to post these great pictures for him. He's been pretty busy the last few weeks. I'll let him fill in the details of the hunts.
  15. bowsniper

    Whats In A Name

    I picked the name a few years ago when I first started bow hunting. I was hopeful that someday I could shoot a bow as well as I did a rifle. I still have a ways to go. bowhunter4life is the real bowsniper, I saw him drop a ram dead at 85 yards! Mark
  16. bowsniper

    First pig for son of bowsniper

    I am such a proud papa! Troy held tight when that pig walked right up to him, and he let off twice to get a good shot! He's a great hunter! Too bad I'm not going to let him get into a treestand until he's 25! Mark
  17. bowsniper

    Cold weekend

    It was a cold weekend to hang out in treestand. It was soooo cold that my camelback froze by 8AM. The rutting appeared to be over in my area, and I only 13 saw does and 3 small bucks. I never saw the big boy I was waiting for. Later on this coati came by. Sunday it was soooo cold that all the deer stayed bedded, and I only saw 1 doe and 1 spike. I have never seen a coati close up. I was surprized at the sharp teeth and claws. Mark
  18. With the new picture posting tool on the forum, I can't post any pictures. I browse in the path to the picture into the text box and click the UPLOAD button. Then I get the "UPLOADING FILE" message, but the message never goes away (after hours) and the file never gets uploaded. I've tried my work computer, my home computer, netscape, IE, large files, small files and I'm going crazy! Has anyone else seen this or does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks, Mark
  19. Same result with the test pictue. I'm off to my treestand for the weekend to cool off a little. Maybe we can get me fixed next week. Mark
  20. All files have been under 2 MB. Some very small. Mark
  21. Hey Griz, Just so you know, picking up or otherwise messing with desert tortoises is illegal. Tortoises can catch human cold viruses very easily and then die. Also, when you pick them up, they will sometimes urinate their water supply, which can kill them too. You may want to go back and edit your post, because G&F does monitor this forum. Last year they went through bow deer kills trying to figure out if the bowhunter had reported the kill. It amazes me that the fish police has the time and money to spend internet spying. Mark
  22. Merry Christmas everyone! Thank You Lord God for your Son Jesus! Mark
  23. bowsniper

    Treestandman - Accident!

    Mike, Have you or someone else had a chance to examine the stand? Do you know if a bolt come loose, or possibly the stand had another kind of failure? Could the arm just have broken off? Mark
  24. bowsniper

    I,m so exited!

    Why are you waiting until January?