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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    I could use some help

    I did a google on "X-Caliber fluted" and got a bunch of hits. Here is one: http://www.customarchery.com/xcaliber.htm If none of these pan out, keep searching ebay. Mark
  2. bowsniper

    Hooked in the lip!!!

    When I was a kid, I did the same thing to my sister, but I hooked her in the eye lid. I can still see the worm dangaling in front of her eye! Mark
  3. bowsniper

    Heads up Jr Turkey hunters - road closures

    I have been trying to scout for my 12 year who has a tag in 6a for three weeks now, and I have really been frustrated by this. All my good spots in 6a are closed and miles away from any open roads. If anyone has any suggestions, especially around Stoneman Lake (which has a few open roads), please drop me a pm. Thanks, Mark
  4. I could use a suggestion for a broadhead. I’m looking for a fixed, 100gr, with a cutting diameter of 1.5” or better. The largest diameter I’ve been able to find is 1.25”. It’s for my 12 year son (Kidbowhunter on the forum). He is planning using his bow to fill his turkey tag. He has a junior tag in 6a. We’ll probably be in a blind behind mesh, so we’ll need fixed. His bow is only shooting 160 fps, so I’m not too concerned about planing with the large cut diameter. Thanks for your suggestions! Mark
  5. bowsniper

    help me focus on which new bows to try

    With a 32" draw, you will get great speed with almost any of the new bows, much higher than the bow's IBO rated speed given the same IBO condtions other than draw length. Becuase of that, I would stay away from the speed bows, and go for the more forgiving bows, brace height more than 7". You will get great speed with the forgiving bow. (I'm 6'4" and shoot a 31" draw, shoot 285 fps with a 425 gr @ 70lbs, with a 7.5" brace, and a 5 year old PSE) You should be able to get at least 300 fps with a medium wieght arrow (420 gr) 70 lbs, and a forgiving bow. The long draw length is a great advanage! Also, with the high speed, you may want to consider mechanicals. Good luck and let us know how you end up, Mark
  6. bowsniper

    Results are out

    Zilch for me. Now I won't be distracted for archery coues!! Mark
  7. An Important Date... Many of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, some 60 years ago, witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside of Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the US Air Force and other federal Agencies and organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born: * Albert A. Gore, Jr. * Hillary Rodham * John F. Kerry * William J. Clinton * Howard Dean * Nancy Pelosi * Dianne Feinstein * Charles E. Schumer * Barbara Boxer See what happens when aliens breed with sheep? I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It did for me.
  8. So I guess you are thinking that all the steaks and hamburgers come off of public lands. Less than 2% of the beef supply comes from public land. I've heard it all before: "If'n it wasn't fer public land ranchers, the whole state would be condos!" "If'n it wasn't fer public land ranchers, we'd be Mexico now!" "If'n it wasn't fer public land ranchers, there'd be no water holes and no critters to hunt!" "If'n it wasn't fer public land ranchers, there'd be no meat to eat!" "If'n it wasn't fer public land ranchers, we'd all be dead!" Well, if it weren't for public land ranchers, 90% of the state's riparian area wouldn't be gone, and we wouldn't need all the water holes. If it weren't for public land ranchers, AZ could support thousands more elk (cows compete with elk for food) and lots more elk tags. I love cows, as long as they are on my plate and not in the forest. Hey, I don't blame the public land ranchers for taking advantage of a good deal. If I could get away with paying $1.30 per month to feed my cows, I'd do it too! Mark
  9. Cattle are the worst invasive/exotic aminal in Arizona! Mark
  10. Hey guys, Going through Carl's Title Company saved me $750! Thanks Carl! Mike was going to cut me a great deal on a whole new ReFi, but the rates spiked back up the next day, out of his control. Anyway, both Mike and Carl are great guys! Be sure to contact one or both of them if you need a mortgage or a refi. It's great to know that you have someone in the CWT family that you can trust. Mark
  11. I'm in the middle of a refi for my home, and the Title company is hosing me. My rate lock is going to expire soon and I need to find a new title company, so if anyone is in the business, please drop me an email quick! Thanks! Mark bowsniper@cox.net
  12. bowsniper

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I agree, thanks. But it's kind of pitiful that we have to be so thankful that G&F follows their own rules. Mark
  13. bowsniper


    I tried that every time. I never could get connected to anyone in the US. I do not think that Dell has ANY customer support in the US! Mark
  14. bowsniper

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Don't thank Cabelas, thank the ARIZONA FISH POLICE COMISSONERS! Mark
  15. 10 minutes after I posted the topic, I was talking to someone who could help me! Thanks couesfan! What a forum! We are Family! Mark
  16. bowsniper


    I know how you feel. Last month I bought a new Dell Computer. I called the sales people several times before ordering, and always IMMDIATLEY reached friendly Americans in the US who could speak English and answer technical questions. When I received the computer it was dead, would not power on. After waiting hours on hold, the only people that I could ever reach were people in Ecuador, Philippines, Malaysia, and India. These "customer support" people could only talk from a script, and it took me weeks to get authorization to ship the computer back. Mark
  17. bowsniper

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Yeah, that sounds just like leonard and the AZ Fish Police! Mark
  18. This really hits it on the head! Especially “Press ‘one’ for English” and "hunt white-tailed deer". http://www.aspentimes.com/article/2008198091324 Mark
  19. kidbowhunter and I will be at the Desert Christian Archers Booth. Stop by and say hello! Mark
  20. bowsniper

    Deer Cain Minerals

    I don't use a rifle, I hunt. I use a bow. I am just not that impressed when I see a field photo with a rifle shot of a few hundred yards, but as you said, "to each his own". Mark
  21. So right and wrong aside, (because what's legal and what's right are not always the same), does anyone know if the removing of an object (treestand or camera) from public land is legally considered theft? Don't get me wrong, I certainly think that it's stealing, but a few of you tough talkin dudes may find yourself in a lot more legal trouble with an assault charge than the guy who is stealing the camera. Mark
  22. bowsniper

    Big Pig

    Here's a picture of last weekends pig. Thanks Mike (bowhunter4life) for your help. Mark
  23. bowsniper


    What can I say? I just like being cruel!! Since I fugred it was a gut shot, it seemed like a good idea to come back in a few hours after Troy finished up the half day of school. As it turned out, that pig dropped dead before he even had time to bed down. I'm sure he was dead 10 minutes before we packed up and headed to school. Thanks for all of your encouraging posts to Troy. There aren't a lot of kid friendly places out on the internet, but you guys are a great bunch and I never worry about Troy when he's surfing here! bowsniper dad
  24. bowsniper


    Way to go Troy!! I couldn't be a prouder papa!! You really worked hard on this hunt, and never complained once! (well maybe once, after the 8th time of me waking you up at 5 in the morning!) This is your second archery pig, and your not even 12 yet!! Keep it up!! bowsniper dad
  25. bowsniper

    The really big one got away!

    I had him in my site on the 31st, but shot my knee instead. I'm going up this weekend to look for him. Do you think that if I explained the situation to G&F, (that I coulda killed him last year, but I shot my knee instead cause I'm not too bright) that they would let me use my 07 tag? Mark