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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    trail cam

    As of this afternoon (Friday) walmart at 79th and Peoria had 14 of them. No other store in the NW valley that I called had any. I stood in the customer service line to return a different cam that did not work. At least 10 out of the 15 people in line in front of me were buying money orders or wiring money (to mexico?) They ALL paid with cash. I'm no economic genius, but shipping US dollars (that could be spent here) to another country can't be good for our economy, can it? Mark
  2. bowsniper

    Deer & Cattle

    I have abandoned two archery deer (coues) stands because of the addition of cattle near my stand. The does didn't seem to mind, but anything greater than a spike would not tolerate the cows, they were spooked away. I would think that carp bucks would be more tolerant, but I have no experience in that area. While cattle do not directly compete with deer for food, cattle do directly compete with elk for food. G&F keeps the AZ elk numbers down so the National Forest can also support forage for cattle. I have often wondered how big our elk heard in AZ could be if we did not have to support public lands cattle grazing. But with most of the commission being ranchers, I guess that we'll never know. Mark
  3. bowsniper


    20 feet high at 30 yards will make a big difference. I take my target out to my treestand before the season starts and practice at various distances. I did a lot of guessing with my old range finder. A few moths ago I bought a new range finder with the angle compensation. I haven't even used it to hunt with yet, but I can't live without it! Good luck and keep us posted! Mark
  4. bowsniper


    I usually go 20 to 25 feet, but as jnobleinaz said, be careful of the terrain around you. It the deer come in from a spot that is the same level or higher than you, they will scent you out. Don't forget to use a harness! Mark
  5. bowsniper

    Treestand Help

    Always check to see if your stand or harness has been recalled before you use it the next time. http://www.tmastands.com/recalls.php Mark
  6. I'm trying very hard to avoid a conflict over a road near an archery coues hunting spot. I don't want to aggravate the situation by posting details here, but if anyone knows how I can contact someone in the Dupree family, a coues hunting family from Apache Junction, please PM me. Thanks, Mark
  7. bowsniper

    Rage Broadheads

    I used a three blade rage on a pig in January. The damage to the pig was incredible! I could see a large cloud of blood spray out from the far side of the pig, and he dropped in 10 yards. The exit wound was the size of my fist. I plan to use a two blade rage on coues in August. Mark
  8. bowsniper

    Ground Blind help

    I had the same questions last Spring. I decided that a 60"x60" foot print was too small to shoot a bow a have a second person in the blind. I went with a Ameristep big house with a 72" x 72" foot print and that worked well for two people archery hunting. Mark
  9. Whoops! I accidentally on purposely ripped up my Spring Turkey survey cards! But, NO WORRIES! They are VOLUNTARY! So, when they are not returned, G&F has a magic crystal ball to figure out the harvest data without my input. ( well, that’s no surprise! G&F does everything else without listening to hunter input, so why should harvest data be any different??!!) With this magic G&F crystal ball, they can make up their own harvest data and set the next years hunt permits anyway they want to. Why bother with these silly survey cards, unless of course you are an archery deer hunter. The magic crystal ball seems to be broke for deer harvested with an arrow, but only for some units. Maybe it’s a lead detecting crystal ball, that can only detect arrows in certain units? Seriously, many AZ hunters and AZ Hunting organizations have pleaded with G&F to make harvest reports mandatory, reasoning that with accurate harvest data, G&F could have better data to set future hunts and manage the wildlife more accurately. But G&F has repeatedly ignored hunter suggestions to make harvest survey data mandatory. Why wouldn’t G&F want better harvest data to make better management decisions? Leonard says that it’s because they don’t want to make more obstacles for hunters, unless you are an archery hunter in a certain unit. I guess those guys are different, not minding the additional obstacle, like the guys who hunt sheep, bear, lion, buffalo. (required harvest report) My suggestion is to rip up your survey card. Since hunter input has failed (again), possibly some passive aggressive direct action could move G&F. If the harvest survey return rate were so low, maybe G&F would re-think their position. Mark
  10. bowsniper


    Tony, I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but I have to admit that, because you post so much, even answering your own posts before someone else even has a chance to respond, because you know it all, and always have to have the last word, I just scroll past your posts in the thread. I just don't have time to read all of your "knowledge". Mark
  11. bowsniper


    Why bad karma? Remember, it is VOLUNTARY! As far as lobbying goes, haven't we repeatedly tried and failed? It is getting a little old and discouraging to be continually ignored, not only on this issue, but several others. Actually, that effort was really unsuccessful. G&F brought back the same crap last Fall and rammed it down our throats. Because bowhunter4life had a better idea, I retract my suggestion to tear up your cards. The better idea is to not answer the questions, but write on the card something like "When G&F make harvest reporting mandatory for all hunts, I'll be happy to share the information." Mark
  12. bowsniper

    Kiabab Shutdown

    I also have heard this from a few independent sources. The FS can't keep the quad users from making new roads every weekend, so their strategy is to close down most of the forest to everyone. But don't worry, they plan to have plenty of designated "group camping areas" for the public. Not only the Kiabab, but all the forests are doing it. Like our buddies at G&F, the FS will go through their bogus public input sessions, and then do exactly what they want, pick their "preferred alternative". I have seen it myself, a new quad trail that wasn't there the week before, and now they are all riding on it. Thanks a lot irresponsible quad riders, (probably 90% of all quad riders) you screwed it up for all of us! Mark
  13. bowsniper


    It would be worth a try. They never listen when you try to talk to them as an adult, let alone as a concerned hunter. Mark
  14. bowsniper


    Excellent idea Mike! That way G&F will get the idea! Mark
  15. Here is a picture of the turkey piled up after my son (kidbowhunter) whacked it a few weeks ago. You can see the arrow still in the bird and the string from the string tracker. I love the sheen of the colors. Mark
  16. bowsniper

    Archery Turkey!

    Troy, I am so proud of you! Not only for whacking that bird, but for your perseverance on this long and difficult hunt. You just would not give up! Keep up the hard work in school (straight A's) and I'll keep taking you hunting on an occasional school day. bowsniper-dad
  17. bowsniper


    Maybe the guys who aren't capable of connecting at 500 yards are the lazy ones??!! Too lazy to go to the range to practice to improve their skills. I've killed as far out as 565 yards to as close a 20 yards (with my bow.) It's all about what your limitations are, and the way you like to hunt. I long range practiced for years, and spent many hours ballistically mapping my rifle. I could have stalked closer, but connecting that far out on the first shot was an accomplishment that I worked hard for. And what about the lazy guys who sit salt? Just because someone doesn't hump 10 miles on their feet or sit and glass, they are lazy. Let me tell you, no lazy guy is going to sit in a tree for 13 hours. And there is nothing like the thrill of watching a buck at 20 yards. Mark
  18. bowsniper

    Poor Illegals

    I THINK THAT I AM GOING TO PUKE AFTER READING THAT! Sheriff Joe was going to start a fund raiser because Mr. Napalitano cut his funding for illegal immigration enforcement. I want to send him $50, but there is nothing on the mcso web page about this. Does anyone have any info on this? Thanks, Mark
  19. bowsniper

    arrow fobs

    Anyone ever compare FOBs to Turbo Nocks? Hey fobshooter, is it possible to get a sample of 1 or 2 instead of laying out $20 for a dozen just to give them a try? Thanks, Mark
  20. bowsniper

    Ross Outdoors?

    How are the bow techs there? I have really been frustrated by the poor quality at corner archery, and I'm looking for a good shop to get my bow worked on. I hear that the techs at achery headquarters are good, but it's to far away from me. Mark
  21. bowsniper

    Turkey Hunting

    Off to 22 in a few hours. It's with a bow or nothing. Good luck to everyone! Mark
  22. Lee, don't feel too bad about missing out on the August 2007 meeting. It wouldn't have made any difference. There were almost 100 hunters at the August 2007 meeting in Flagstaff. Most were bowhunters from Phoenix, organized by David Myrick, to voice their opposition to the "proposed" bowhunting restrictions. One of the commissioners, frustrated by all the hunters who wanted to speak, whined "I'm tired! I've been here two days and I want to go home!" Another commissioner told Dick King to "sit down and shut up!" The process is a fraud. The commission is a dictatorship. It's all about power, personal agendas, and $$$. Mark
  23. ABA president Dick King is the most diplomatic, friendly person I know. To hear that he was verbally abused by the commission doesn't surprise me, because they did it to him last year too. The commissioners are bellicose. It does surprise me that there hasn't been more posts upset about archery deer permits. Either I missed the thread, or everybody has just given up like I have. To you fish cops spying on the forum, your process is corrupt and your "public input" forums are bogus. Your Game Chief, Mr. Ordway, is a pompous, arrogant idiot. Why don't you just save your time and our money, skip the bogus "public input", and just do whatever you want. The end result will be the same. Mark
  24. bowsniper

    Junior Hunter's First Turkey

    Congrats to your boy! He will remember this forever. I spent 3 days out with my 12 year old (kidbowhunter), but he is determined to use his bow, and that isn't making it easy. Mark
  25. I was out on my son's youth turkey hunt. SO WHAT HAPPENED??? Mark