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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    jareds 2nd buck

    Great buck Jared, and that is one heck of shot that you made! 450 yards, that's awesome! Keep it up, you have a fantastic teacher! Way to go Geno, you sure take care of your friends! Mark
  2. I want to take my 8 year old Squirrel hunting, but other than walking through the woods looking for Squirrels, I am clueless how to go about it. We walked around the forest for several days last year, saw two or three, and never got close enough for a shot. Any of you use a locater call? Any other suggestions would be helpful. Thanks! Mark
  3. That is unbelievable!! Well, on the other hand, why should I be surprised? Mark
  4. bowsniper

    Junior hunt success!!!

    Awesome!! Great buck and one heck of a shot!! Keep it up, youth hunters!! Mark
  5. bowsniper

    Photo Radar

    I have heard that you are not liable to pay the speeding photo radar ticket until you are formally served in person with the ticket. Most people just pay it when it comes in the mail, so they don't bother spending the money to serve people with the ticket in person. Can anyone confirm this? Mark
  6. bowsniper

    SOLD: Coues Cam Trail Camera

    I have 4 of these same cams that I bought from Scott. These cams are awesome, they leave all the others in the dust! They are fast and reliable. The battery for the IF, a 9 volt, will last at least a year. The 2 AA lithium batteries used for the camera will last over 2000 pictures. Mark
  7. bowsniper

    Arizona trees and shrubs??

    Here is a pretty good site for tree id: http://www.naturesongs.com/vvplants/trees1.html Mark
  8. Thanks for all the replies and tips. Can't wait to try them out! Mark
  9. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Mr. Smith, I quoted the scripture to counter your statement "I don't believe he ever made any claim to divinity." If you need to base truth on things that you can only see and touch, then you won't believe much. Can you see gravity? You can't, but you can see the effects of it. No, I can't see Christ with my eyes, but I can certainly see what He does. Granted, to your kind of person, scripture proves nothing. That is why it is called FAITH. I am an engineer, a real analytic, and I need proof for almost everything. Faith is a growing process, not an instant experience, and it is different for everyone. I base my faith, (my proof) in part on scripture, miracles I have seen, and the difference that Christ has made in my life, my families life, and other Christian's lives. Mark
  10. bowsniper

    Deer & Cattle

    Scottboy! Where were you last month when these welfare rancher lovers were ripping me apart on this thread??!! Mark
  11. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Mr. Smith, I am sorry that you are so hostile towards Christ. I will say a prayer for you. Mark
  12. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    I don't believe he ever made any claim to divinity. It was his followers who were looking for more than a teacher that diefied him. Other than the bible; what records of his life exist? If a guy was going around claiming to be God there surely would have been more written during his life rather than years after his death. The Romans crucified lots of people for lots of things. I believe Jesus' followers immortalized him as a martyr and he "became" God after his death. Mr. Smith, you should spend some time in the bible. You are wrong. Jesus claimed (and is!) to be the Son of God. Matthew 16:13 13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”[c] 14 “Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.” 15 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah,[d] the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John,[e] because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. 18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’),[f] and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of heck[g] will not conquer it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid[h] on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” 20 Then he sternly warned the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah. Mark
  13. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Well said. Mark
  14. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Sure, just turn the channel. Simple. But wait, it's on every channel. So, fine, turn off the TV. But it's all over the media and mainstream movies. So fine, put your kids in a plastic bubble. Most people, if they see anything enough, no matter how shocking, it starts to seem normal. This is how homosexuality is being normalized into our society. Homosexual marriage is just the last step. Mark
  15. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Many diseases are genetically determined. Heart disease, some cancers, depression, the list goes on and on. So, if homosexuality is indeed genetically determined, why don't homosexuals seek medical/physiological treatment? If you are sick, medically or physiologically, you go to the doctor and attempt to be cured. Why not homosexuals? Why is it "politically incorrect" for me to suggest that? You can bet that if homosexuality had any physical medical consequences, homosexuals would be lining up for treatment of homosexuality. I have to wonder if evolution of AIDS did not prompt many homosexual men to seek a cure for homosexuality. What people do in their own home is their own business. But when hollywood and the media keep ramming homosexuality down my throat and try to desensitize and convince my kids that it is normal and acceptable behavior, I gotta draw the line. A few years ago, Nickelodeon ran a show during prime time for kids called "My family is different". It was a show about a kid who had two homosexuals for parents. Hollywood is attacking our kids! Mark
  16. bowsniper

    Same Sex Marriage

    Mike, You are right, and it is even sneaker than you think. You, and most everyone else, refer to homosexuals as "gay". The homosexual agenda has hijacked the word "gay" to mean homosexual. But what does gay really mean? Happy, jolly, merry. That's what they want you to think about homosexuality: happy, jolly, merry, good things. Don't buy into or promote the homosexual agenda by calling them "gay". Call a homosexual a homosexual. Mark
  17. bowsniper


    What about Obama? He would be the heart beat of the president, and his only experience in the Senate (3.5 years) is running for president. At least Palin has two years as an actual working Governor, and she would be a heart beat away, not the heart beat of. And I am convinced that with a democratic congress, Obama would severely damage our gun rights. Look at Klinton, and his "crime" bill. SilentButDeadly, I admire your courage for posting your views (misguided as they are ) Makes me think about when I post my anti-public lands cattle grazing view against the welfare ranchers. I get endless crap for that! Guys, be gentle with him. Give him some credit for coming out of the closet. Mark
  18. The attitude of this forum has certainly changed since I joined it. Back then, flaming did not exist, and most everyone went out of their way to be polite. Now, with so many members, there are a lot more different opinions and some people who cruise the forums to flame. In that respect, the forum maybe is a victim of it's own success. I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT THERE ARE KIDS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM! Hunter Girl, Little Miss Huntn Coues, Kidbowhunter, just to name a few. For their sake, please leave the bad language out. Think about setting a good example for them when you post. Think about if you would want YOUR kids to read your post. Mark
  19. bowsniper

    Camping Trip

    Ditto on this! Lots of nice camping up there! Mark
  20. There was a “difficult” illegal alien thread that was eventually deleted, and Ernesto left the forum over it. Mark
  21. What a great state we live in! Where else can you live in a major city, take the kids out hunting before school, kill 12 birds, and still get them to school on time? Way to go guys, especially Daniel, 8, making all those hits with that little .410! Mark
  22. bowsniper

    Lets See Them Kids

    Kidbowhunter's (12) and his brother Daniel's (8) first dove hunt last week.
  23. bowsniper

    Changing Seasons

    Hey! If we're going to start shooting invasive animals, let's start with cattle!!! Mark
  24. bowsniper

    Advice on archery turkey?

    I have killed three turkeys with my bow. Every time time I used the expandable turkey tomahawk, 3 blades with a 3.5" cutting diameter. They fly like a field point, and make a devastating wound. The best broadhead you can use for a turkey: http://www.redmondoutdoors.com/RocketbrSle...-P1180C405.aspx Mark
  25. bowsniper

    Robbins Butte Youth Dove Hunt

    Thanks guys for all the info! Mark