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Everything posted by bowsniper

  1. bowsniper

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    I agree, 100%! He has a plan and His will will be done. That doesn't mean that road to his will will be easy or even seem desirable. It also doesn't mean that we should sit back and do nothing. If we are in Christ, our actions will lead us to His will. Mark
  2. bowsniper

    Bend over, here it comes

    I did all my panic buying in October. Now people are buying anything they can get at inflated prices. Mark
  3. bowsniper

    Sarah's First Buck!

    Way to go Sarah! That's a monster. I'll bet your pappy is so proud of you, he could melt! Keep up the fine huntin! Mark
  4. bowsniper

    Supreme Court

    Don't worry! I'm sure they are printing one up right now! Mark
  5. You got that right! But many feel that the greatest threat to hunting is the environmentalists. Most (not all) environmentalists are neutral about hunting. Bunny huggers and enviros are usually not the same people. I think enviros are good for hunting because they usually focus on habitat preservation. That is what we as hunters should be worried about, habitat preservation. The less habitat, the less animals to hunt. I have been hiking and canyoneering in Utah for the last 30 years. It's is truly God's country, there is nothing like it on earth. I'm sad to see Bush take a lame duck parting shot at it. Maybe President Hussein will do one thing right and reverse King George. Mark
  6. Has anybody considered what might happen if McCain does win? There are going to be a whole lot of angry people out there (LA riots). For that matter, what if osama wins? There have been a lot situations (sporting events, etc.) where celebrations get violent. (Detroit, etc) Something to think about for November 5th. Mark
  7. bowsniper

    Son's first deer!!

    CONGRATS Braden!! Way to go! Mark
  8. bowsniper

    Remington .300 Ultra Mag

    My barrel is shot out on my rem 700 .300 win mag and I was considering re-chambering it for the 300 um. You guys with rem 700 .300 um, do you know if your rifle has the standard rem long action? Thanks, Mark
  9. I'm trying to give someone an accurate appraisal of an FN-FAL barrel that I'm trying to sell over the internet. The guy wants me to describe any throat erosion. So my dumb question: Where does throat erosion occur? Is it right where the lands meet the chamber? What does a little throat erosion look like compared to a lot of erosion? Thanks for your help. Mark
  10. bowsniper

    Dumb riflesmithing question

    Moved to the Rifles, Reloading and Gunsmithing forum.
  11. I'm trying to give someone an accurate appraisal of an FN-FAL barrel that I'm trying to sell over the internet. The guy wants me to describe any throat erosion. So my dumb question: Where does throat erosion occur? Is it right where the lands meet the chamber? What does a little throat erosion look like compared to a lot of erosion? Thanks for your help. Mark
  12. bowsniper

    Is Prop 202 a fraud

    Every thing that I have read on 202 indicates that it will have the effect of weakening the current anti-illegal immigration laws. The names and advertisements to several of the propositions are mis-leading or just lies. The best thing to do would be to ignore the advertisements and read the proposition for yourself. Here is a link to all the props: http://www.azsos.gov/election/2008/Info/Pu...ish/Prop202.htm Mark
  13. bowsniper

    A favor to ask...

    Scott, I am so sorry for your family's losses. Things like this never make sense. I will pray for you and your family, especially Jacob's wife and baby girl. Mark
  14. bowsniper

    So what happens if......

    Great plan! BUG OUT! Lark, I sure hope you're right. Mark
  15. bowsniper

    Garrett's first buck!

    EXCELLENT Garret!! Great buck, great shot, great birthday! I just love seeing kids hunt! Keep it up! Mark
  16. bowsniper

    Son's Deer

    EXCELLENT Tyler! Very fine buck you took! Cherish this time with your dad. Mark
  17. bowsniper

    Archery Boot Help...

    I know guys back East use them, but I never bother with them. I have seen hundreds of coues walk over my trail and not seem to care. I have even had does bend down and smell a blunt that shot and not care. But if they catch any wind off me, good bye. I use scent lock booties to cover my normal hunting boots, but there is debate about scent lock. With rubber boots I would be worried that my feet would sweat, and the scent would vent out the top. Mark
  18. bowsniper

    Dan Cooper Supports Obama

    This is getting scary. I am amazed how people (sheeple) are lining up like lambs going to slaughter. Mark
  19. bowsniper


    Great idea! The picture really helps. Thanks! Mark
  20. Anyone out there have an SBR tax stamp? If you don't mind, pm me. I have a few general questions about getting one. Thanks
  21. Back in 93 when they were talking crime bill 1, I ran around to all the Smitties stores in PHX and bought all the 30 round 10/22 mags I could find for $5 each. I sold most of them, maybe 3 dozen on ebay for $40 - 50 each, at least until ebay started prohibiting the sale of evil things. Mark
  22. Have a look at "crime bill 2": http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1022.IH: It's been brewing in congress for a few years now, although if osama gets in, they may have enough clout to get it passed. Basically, it brings back "crime bill 1", the "assault" weapons ban, but with more bad stuff. Of course, it bans hi-cap mags, but it also defines an "assault" weapon as any semi-auto as having only one evil feature (detachable mag, pistol grip, bayo lug, a folding or telescoping stock, etc) and adds a barrel shroud or hand guard. This definition fits almost all semi-autos made! It bans the manufacture of "assault" weapons, but also the new manufacture of the evil features. So, if you want a new hand guard for your AR, you'll have to buy one used somewhere, for big $$. The only good news is that existing "assault" weapons are grandfathered, but if you want to buy or sell one, it has to go through an FFL. Mark
  23. bowsniper

    ND Whitetail...Not a coues, sorry.

    Hey Votebuster, Very nice buck! Welcome to the site, and welcome to the neighborhood. I work about 200 yards away from Midwestern University, at the Honeywell facility. Small world. Mark
  24. I've been spending a mint stocking up for "crime bill 2". Ammo, mags, receivers, powder, primers, etc. Am I the only nut case doing this?