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Everything posted by Millhouse

  1. Millhouse

    Juniors Unit 10 hunt

    Well, normally I don't like to make posts asking for help. However, it looks like I will be the one taking my nephew on his youth deer hunt in Unit 10 this year and I would love to be able to get him on a deer. I have spent time in the unit, but typically looking for elk and don't really know where the deer are. Just wondering if anyone has hunted this unit during the youth hunt. Only 100 tags, so I don't expect it to be too crowded. Are there places to avoid due to hunting pressure? He doesn't mind hiking and gets around pretty good in the woods. Plus he isn't picky and just hopeful he gets to see a buck during the season.
  2. Millhouse

    Great Time of Year...

    Wow! High tops is majorly impressive! Wow!
  3. Millhouse

    Juniors Unit 10 hunt

    Awesome! Thanks everyone for the input. Hopefully I'll have a good story to post in a few weeks.
  4. Millhouse

    My archery bull

    Congrats! No doubt a memory that will last a lifetime!
  5. Millhouse

    Another birthday bull

    Very nice! Love that left side.
  6. Millhouse

    My First Lion

    Thanks for sharing such a great part of your life.
  7. Millhouse

    Archery 101

    Just switched to the SlickTricks this year and love them. They really impressed me on my antelope. Plus, I just put the Range Snap on the Christmas list!
  8. Millhouse

    Big Antelope from Unit 10!

    What a great buck! Congrats!
  9. Millhouse

    Unit 8 Archery

    Sure wish we drew that tag this year! We just got back from a quick trip. We were able to get on some turkey's but could seal the deal. Did not hear a single bugle until this morning. They were going crazy where we were. Lots of bugles in the morning until around 9:00am. Snuck in on a nice 6pt while he was raking. Saw a few other nice bulls. Good luck, you should have a blast. On a side note, we only saw one blind set up on a tank (although we didn't stop at a lot of tanks) we usually we see more than that.
  10. Millhouse

    In the mail

    Our checks all cleared this past week...
  11. Millhouse

    2 Mathews bows for sale

    I would be really be interested in that Switchback if it was in Phoenix and not Payson...too busy to head over that way and try it out...bummer
  12. Millhouse

    2 Mathews bows for sale

    I didn't see it in any of the posts...does the switchback have 70lb limbs?
  13. Millhouse


    Talk about frustrating! Kinda know what you feel like. Last weekend, I was working a bird on the roost early in the morning for my nephew, only to have a couple other hunters bump him off the roost as they walked right to us...didn't say anything as they turned and walked away. For me, part of it would be their reaction afterwards. Did they see you before they shot? Apologize or acknowledge you afterwards? Glad you didn't get hurt. I seem to worry about other hunters more during turkey season and other seasons. Either way, sounds like you know what you are doing. Guess all you can do know is chalk it up to getting more time and experience in the field...
  14. Millhouse

    My First Turkey!!!

    Congratulations! Hopefully this is the first of many for you! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
  15. Millhouse

    Anyone hunt unit 10 elk last year?

    My cousin and I drew archery bull tags in there last Sept. Our hunt was everything I could have imagined. Although I was unable to fill my tag, I was consitantly on bulls every day. Some of that county is just so thick its hard to make it happen. My cousin did get a nice bull that measured just over 360, but I don't have any pics. If you do your homework and scout, then you should have a GREAT hunt in there. Congrats to your wife on drawing a great tag!
  16. Millhouse

    AZ Draw Results are up!

    18B Archery Antelope for me!
  17. Millhouse

    Turkey Hunting

    Didn't draw a tag this year, but will still be up in Unit 8 taking the nephews out. Such a good way to get kids hooked. Went through the turkey vest this weekend, starting to get everything ready. It will be here before we know it!
  18. Millhouse


    Wasn't able to make it this weekend, but went to the last one and it was a real eye opener. Meet a lot of great people down there. For all that made it this weekend, thanks!