Anyone going to the range tommorow?Unfotunatly I have to.I Was out a couple of weeks ago, and was having problems with my extractor.Took it to the smith, and he ordered one ,and installed.I asked him '' if it would affect the accuracy.''He said,''it should'nt.(should'nt). That is'nt good enough for me. It probally wont matter but that could eat a guy up not to mention mabe wounding a
deer.So I have to go do the deed besides good time to foul the barrel, and one last confidence check with (meat in the pot #2),anyways will be there early to get in line . I will be shooting a sendero with a benchmaster rest ,and making alot of noise.Stop by, and say hi.You guys seem pretty cool and ethical my kind of guys.
See ya down the road.............