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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman

    2015 Elk SHow

    HICAP40 I sent you a pm!
  2. Pixman

    2015 Elk SHow

    Great pics as usual Johnny, keep em coming!
  3. Pixman

    Spotting scope $20

    For sale: Simmons 20-60x60 spotting scope with hard case. It is an older model and I have only used it a few times so its in great shape, I originally paid around $100 for it new. $20.00 OBO we are moving and would like to get rid of it. I live in east Mesa.
  4. Pixman

    Spotting scope $20

    Deserttreker I sent you a pm!
  5. Pixman

    Some recent trail cam pulls

    Great pics Kevin, thanks for sharing.
  6. Nice finds thanks for sharing.
  7. Pixman

    Species Identification ?

    My guess is a lion.
  8. Pixman

    Latest card pull

    Nice pics thanks for sharing!
  9. Pixman

    Ruger Single Six 22 Long Rifle $250 OBO

    I have the exact same style of pistol along with the mag cylinder. It was my dad's but he is no longer with us, brings back great memories of target practice with him and the family.
  10. Pixman

    Mother's Day on the Lake

    Looks like a great time!
  11. Pixman

    Elk palmation racks, lets see them!

    This one wasn't taken that I know of but it qualifies I think.
  12. Pixman

    Tom here is exciting the wrong crowd

    Great pic thanks for sharing.
  13. Pixman

    Sweet Antelope buck

    I went up north to put a couple of cams in elk country. I was able to shed hunt for a couple of hours and only found an old busted but heavy shed. It was rainy and it even snowed so I wasn't able to go out as much as I wanted but we had a great time. I haven't taken a lot of pics of antelope but I thought this buck was awesome! The elk and deer were pretty shaggy but it was nice to see some animals and get outdoors for the weekend. Here are a few pics from the trip.
  14. Pixman

    Shed Antlerfest 2015!! May 22-24

    I'm hoping to make it this year.
  15. Pixman

    Sweet Antelope buck

    Not in unit 10 kimberx2 but confirmed its the same buck, or area anyway.
  16. Pixman

    new use for sheds

    Nice looking saddle stand.
  17. Pixman

    How old and what does he score

    Or a ram this size would do.
  18. Pixman

    You know your wife is good when.....

    Wow that is awesome, now find the other side Holly!
  19. Pixman

    Highlights from this year

    Nice finds, that one is really unique!
  20. Pixman

    Free Trailcams

    I have a Moultrie D40 and a Moultrie D50 if I remember correctly that I want to give to someone possibly a young hunter. They both work fine I just have other cams that take AA batteries and don't want to buy the D batteries that these Older Moultrie's require. They take six D batteries to operate. I live in east Mesa, let me know if anyone is interested.
  21. Pixman

    Free Trailcams

    FYI, outdooraz picked up the cams, sorry to those that were hoping he wouldn't, lol. Nice to meet you outdooraz no pressure but we want to see some trail-cam pics!
  22. Naturegirl, I hope you find a solution and it all works out for you. We just want you to be safe and enjoy your hunt, sorry I don't have an opinion or idea for you but I think you have received enough of those.
  23. Pixman

    Free Trailcams

    Ok outdooraz not trying to be pushy but let me know if you still want these, I haven't heard back from you and there are others wanting them if you don't.