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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman


    Does anyone know HICAP40 aka Johnny? He used to post great pics of bulls but I haven't seen him post anything in a long time and wonder if he is ok.
  2. Pixman

    38& 357 ammo

    How many rounds are in each box?
  3. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    Well just like the title says, is this a Coues or a Muley?
  4. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    creed- Ok I found a few pics that show them running away. Its not the pics I was thinking of but you can see what I'm saying.
  5. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    creed- I have watched them run and they have a muley gait and I never saw them flag like a whitetail does when it runs. I had pics of a hybrid stotting mid-air just like a muley but I cant find it anymore. I thought to myself the hybrids doesn't know how to flag because it has never been taught.
  6. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    Tines- I posted the pic in hopes of learning, sometimes I think I know something and then I talk to other individuals and see a different side or opinion. I enjoy CWT because there is a lot of knowledgeable people and I learn a lot of info. I have learned you have to be thick skinned though you never know what will be thrown at you! AZkiller- The pic I posted with the 4 Muleys is a hybrid not a Coues hanging out with Muleys. I don't know how to confirm it but I watched them for a couple of years and saw 3 different hybrid off-spring from a Coues father. I will attach a couple of pics for you.
  7. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    So obviously this pic is of 4 Muleys and a Coues deer correct?
  8. Pixman

    Coues or Muley

    Azkiller and MT_Sourdough, I know what a muley tail looks like and I know what a Coues tail looks like. This one looks like a little of both to me and it never flagged like a Coues does so I thought I would ask the question to all of you experts!
  9. Pixman

    Face-to-Face with a Mountain Lion

    What a great experience, thanks for sharing Christina!
  10. Pixman

    "Tri-Tower" hitlist coues

    Sweet buck, thanks for sharing.
  11. Great bulls thanks for sharing.
  12. Pixman

    Few Coues Pics

    Nice pics thanks for sharing.
  13. Pixman

    Some of my favorite photos from July

    Great pics naturegirl!
  14. Pixman

    More REZ Bears

    Great pics Dan thank for sharing.
  15. Pixman

    Free Elk Hunting Seminar

    I will be there.
  16. Pixman

    Biting the bullet

    I am thinking about biting the bullet and buying some Swarovski 10x42 slc's. I would like any thoughts or opinions on rather to do it or look at getting something else. I have looked through a few bino's and the Swaro's look the best to me and also the most expensive. Thanks in advance... let the debate begin!
  17. Pixman

    Biting the bullet

    Thanks for all the input, I bought 10x42 Swaro's slc, I tried Leicas. Zeiss and Vortex and I preferred the Swaro's! I can't wait to find some big bulls in the velvet!
  18. Pixman


    Amazing work!
  19. Pixman

    They are growing

    Great pics Kevin, thanks for sharing.
  20. Pixman

    Looking Good in Velvet

    Awesome pics Doug, thanks for sharing.
  21. Pixman

    2015 Elk SHow

    Great pics as usual, hopefully next time will be better for you. That one bull looks like an 8x8 not 8x7 but I cant see his fronts.
  22. Pixman

    Very nice ram!

    Great Ram, thanks for sharing!
  23. Pixman

    sheds :)

    Wow that's not fair.
  24. Pixman

    Bull pic - how much more growth?

    Great question and I have been wondering the same thing. Do bulls continue to grow velvet until they scrape it off or do they just stop growing for a while? I normally don't see bulls scraping velvet until mid August.