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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman

    Fire near Young!

    Thanks for the update, much appreciated!
  2. Pixman

    Fire near Young!

    I would be interested in knowing if it is open, thanks!
  3. Pixman

    area closures in the tonto

    We were planning on going camping on the rim this weekend but I guess not now. I can't tell if everywhere is closed or just certain parts. Can anyone understand the link?
  4. Pixman

    Velvet bulls!!

    I saw that Lance posted some pics of bulls he got on June 14th and realized I got some on the same day, so here are mine! Not trying to compete with Lance just adding more velvet to look at!
  5. Pixman

    a variety of critters

    You said it correctly, nice variety! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Pixman

    Bonecollector - Happy Birthday

    +1 on what he said even though we have met!
  7. Pixman

    First Lion on cam and few bears

    nice pics thanks for sharing. I ran into a group of bears a few weeks ago 2 being cubs and it makes a guy real jumpy!
  8. Pixman

    what do i do wrong?

    I am sure someone can answer better than me but here goes. You need to find where the animal is when it sheds its antlers, elevation/area at that time of year. You have to hike your butt off and then hike a little more. And you have to go where someone else hasn't already gone and picked them up. There are a lot of people in the hills who shed hunt or just hunt so its tough to go where you aren't following someone. I have found a few so by no means am I an expert just my opinion! Hope this helps a little.
  9. Pixman

    Broken Dreams Bull - Video

    Great video thanks for sharing it. September can't get here soon enough!
  10. Pixman

    7 WEST BULL PHOTOS updated monthly

    Nice looking bull!
  11. Pixman

    Finally put my cam up.

    Well I finally made up north to put my cam up in Elk country. As I was walking in about half way I came over a rise and 2 bears were sitting there about 20 feet away. I don't know who was more surprised but they ran off in different directions. As I am gathering myself I look to where the one bear would end up if it came out of the draw and I see another Bear sitting there on the next hillside. I take off my heavy pack(full of salt/cam) and I grab my small camera hoping to get a few pics before they move off. I am trying to take some pics and thinking to myself I can't believe I just saw 3 Bears. Then I hear a noise and I look up at a tree about 20 yards away and I see 2 Bear cubs. So now I get really nervous but I am still tryting to take pics of the cubs and I see a bear coming back towards me and the cubs so I start moving back thinking mama Bear is coming to protect her cubs. When I move back it scares her and she runs off again so she isn't too agressive. Well the cubs climb down and run off into the draw below me and mama Bear joins them so I feel better and continue to my spot to put up the cam. I placed the cam and dumped the salt and then headed back to the vehicle. I was planning on shed hunting a bit but didn't bring my pistol and didn't want another encounter with the bears, one was enough! As I am walking out I get to the spot where I could see the other hillside and there is a bear just sitting there. It had been at least 20 minutes since I was there so I was surprised it would still be hanging around. I took a few more pics but was angry I didn't have my big camera to get some great pics of bears. I will have my pistol and my big camera when I go back and check my cam!! What a morning!
  12. Pixman

    Finally put my cam up.

    Thanks for all the compliments and I will keep you updated when I check my cam.
  13. Pixman

    Few critters from April and May

    I like the bull pic he is going to be awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Pixman

    my little collection

    That is an awesome collection for the last 6 weeks. I have 7 elk sheds from the last 6 weeks so I am jealous!
  15. Well I saw where a guy had used mud and old english oil on his white sheds so I decided to give it a try. I know they aren't perfect but I am happy with the results. I think it looks better than then when they were mostly white. Let me know what you guys think! Before pics mud on them finished
  16. Pixman

    My first attempt at darkening sheds.

    I bought some at Home Depot for $5.00
  17. Pixman

    My first attempt at darkening sheds.

    I didn't want to mention the other site but it was Monster Muleys, lol
  18. Pixman

    My first attempt at darkening sheds.

    What I did was make a mud hole in my backyard, cover the antlers in mud like the pic shows. Let them dry for a day or two. They weren't dark enough so I covered them in mud 3 different times and let them dry each time. Brushed off the mud with a stiff brush. Wiped down the antlers with a cloth and then rubbed Old English lemon oil on them. They have different Old English oils but I decided to try this one instead of a darker oil. It is fairly simple but it was almost a week long process letting them dry several times. Good luck!
  19. Pixman

    how do you display your sheds

    Thanks Amanda! I have had the coues sheds up for a while and I just added the elk sheds back behind a few days ago to see how it looks!
  20. Pixman

    Panasonic AG-DVC30 3CCD Video Camera

    I have been wanting to up-grade my video camera I wish I had $700 to offer you!
  21. Pixman

    Another small one...

    Well I went back to where I have had some luck shed hunting the last few weeks and hiked for almost 5 hours. I only found this small 4 point but it is the other side to the one I found 2 weeks ago. When I picked it up I thought it was but when I got home I could definetly see that it was. They were close to a mile apart. I did look around when I found the first side but would have never looked that far from it. It was another great day to be out in the woods! ATL pic a few more pics
  22. Pixman

    Big Elk Set

    Well since I shed hunted today in the rain,hail and mud and found nothing I must say I hate you! Just kidding of course, congrats on some great finds!
  23. Pixman

    Sheds so far from this year

    The shed hunting forum seems slow so I put all my sheds from this year together and took a pic. Nothing huge or awesome but this is the best year I have had in a long time!
  24. Pixman

    I found a small shed...

    It is not in unit #27
  25. Pixman

    I found a small shed...

    Well I went up Thursday morning and only had a few hours to shed hunt. I did about a 3-4 mlie loop and found this small 4 point. I keep hoping to find some bigger sheds but at least I am finding something and not coming home empty handed. I did find a spring that is coming up through the dirt that is covered with Elk tracks. I will have to check it out again and maybe see if the Elk rut in that area.