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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman


    This is sold for now, he will pick it up mid next week. I will let you guys know if the deal falls through. Thanks
  2. Pixman

    Shed hunting

    Great trip!
  3. Pixman

    NM Rifle Bull Video

    Great video.
  4. Pixman

    Rescued a few sheds yesterday

    Great finds!
  5. Pixman

    Are you ready for some coues?

    Another great video, thanks for sharing OpticNerd!
  6. Pixman

    Coues Rut 2017

    Great video, looking forward to the next ones!
  7. Pixman

    Recent pics

    Great pics Shelvin!
  8. Pixman

    First shed of 2017

    Well a friend and fellow CWT member Olmos1010 and I went out Saturday and hiked around 7 miles. I was lucky enough to find my first shed of the year and it was a brown! The weather was nice and we had a great day exploring some new country.
  9. Pixman

    2014 Archery Bull Finally Done

    Looks great!
  10. Pixman

    Found Old Plane Crash

    Reminds me of one I saw in 22N
  11. Pixman

    Matched set + MORE

    Sweet set!
  12. Pixman

    Coues sheds form Saturday

    A buddy and I went looking for coues deer and sheds Saturday. The weather was perfect and so was the day, we saw 7 bucks, 15 doe's and picked up 8 coues sheds. I picked up 5 which is the most I have ever found in one day, my buddy found the big one of the day.
  13. Pixman

    Coues sheds form Saturday

    Thanks everyone and Opticnerd yes the bucks were still pushing doe's around.
  14. I was wondering if anyone has used one of the small vortex spotting scopes and if they liked or disliked it? They are very small and lightweight and would be great to backpack with. Sorry if this has already been discussed in a topic and if so can you attach the link. Thanks
  15. Pixman

    2017 Coues Calendar?

    Mog, I will not be doing a 2017 Coues Calendar. My plan is to skip 2017 and start selling 2018 Calendars in October of 2017 or so. I am planning on improving the calendars by adding application due dates and moon phases. I'm hoping this one will be even better than the previous years but of course I need great pics to make it a great Calendar. I am hoping by waiting to do a 2018 it wont be rushed and come out in February as I have done the last two years, plus people will have them ahead of time and it will come out in time for people to purchase these for Christmas gifts etc.. Thanks for your interest and spread the word! Pixman
  16. Pixman

    Happy birthday Pixman

    Thanks guys, I am having a great birthday with family but missing hanging out with my animal friends today lol
  17. Pixman

    My 2016 Mule Deer, Ugly or Awesome?

    Awesome + ugly = unique! Very cool buck, congrats.
  18. Pixman

    Vortex Razor 11-33x50 questions

    OpticNerd I sent you a pm!
  19. Pixman

    Vortex Razor 11-33x50 questions

    Thanks for the responses everyone. OpticNerd = I was planning on using it on backpacking trips and of course since I had it I would use from the road/vehicle at times. I looked through one at Ross Outdoors and it seemed decent to me, I know its not a top of the line spotter but I loved the size and that it weighs about 1.5 lbs.
  20. Where are you located?
  21. Pixman

    Fresh Raw Honey

    My friend is selling raw honey from the Yuma area. He's here in Mesa and may be able to deliver to your house. $20.00 for a quart. Right now he has 3.5 gallons all in glass quart jars, and he can get more if you need. Great for storing. call or text Cris at 928-503-7812
  22. Pixman

    Fresh Raw Honey

    Said he'll let it go for $18.00 a quart. He's motivated to sell it. call or text Cris at 928-503-7812
  23. My friend is selling raw honey from the Yuma area. He's here in Mesa and may be able to deliver to your house. $20.00 for a quart. call or text Cris at 928-503-7812
  24. Pixman

    Bull of a lifetime UPDATED with story

    Congrats on an awesome bull!