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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman

    Found one

    That is good stuff, Love the pic of her sleeping with it in her lap.
  2. Pixman

    early archery video

    Great video thanks for sharing. As soon as I heard "Creepin" on the radio I knew it would make a good song for someones video they would put together and you did a good job of it!
  3. Pixman

    Motion Pics, Per Requests!!!

    Wow, what a nice looking buck!
  4. Pixman

    24b Mule deer

    I had 2 buddies that hunted the whole hunt and never saw a spike, only doe's!
  5. Pixman

    Opening Day in 23N

    Is this the same bear?
  6. Pixman

    Coues Video on Cabelas Out West

    Great video, He was almost more excited about finding the shed than shooting his buck!
  7. Pixman


    Congrats buddy that is a nice looking buck and your family was there to share the experience!
  8. Pixman

    CouesWhitetail.com Hats are in!

    I ordered mine and cant wait to wear it, hopefuly it brings me good luck!
  9. Pixman

    Whitetail or muley....or...?

    It is a mule deer. I have seen and taken pics of Hybrids and posted them on here if you are curious.
  10. Pixman

    Bendall Boys Bonanza!

    Congrats Bryson and good job on the write up!
  11. Pixman

    Find the buck!

    Can you find the buck in this photo? Wait a few days and let others get a chance to find it please!
  12. Pixman

    Who's Trailcam is this?

    I went up hoping to hear a few more bugels this morning and found this Cam on a water hole in unit 22. If this is yours or you know who's it is pm me I would like to chat with you. I did hear a few bugels but the rut is dying down for sure.
  13. Pixman

    8x9x10Yards! - video

    Wow, what a unique bull!
  14. Pixman

    First Hunts Highlights Video

    Great job thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see more!
  15. Pixman

    Few more bulls and bucks, but no bears

    Nice pics, thanks for sharing!
  16. Pixman

    Sheds from this year!

    I decided to put all the sheds I have found from this year and take some pics. I know I dont have anything that great but it is my best year so far and I hope next year will be even better!
  17. Congrats on a nice buck but it's difficult to look at the buck with a profile pic like yours right next to it, lol
  18. Pixman

    Can you find them (added pic)

    2 in top and 1 in bottom pic like the others.
  19. Pixman

    Sheds from this year!

    Thanks Amanda! Thanks nboni, I just wish I could shed hunt were you do so I could find the big sheds not little dinks!
  20. Awesome bulls, congrats and thanks for sharing the pics with us!
  21. Pixman

    Big Bull Pics

    That is a great looking bull, can't wait to see the video!
  22. Thanks for posting this I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one!
  23. Pixman


    Good job, it's nice to know there are still some sheds to be found!
  24. Pixman

    Havent posted in a while

    I want to find a nice elk shed like that, I found some small sheds this year but I want one big brown shed next year!