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Everything posted by Pixman

  1. Pixman

    What is this???

    Nice one! Well I can see black and white stripes on the birds head but the bottom critter is too blurry so that was my .02!
  2. Pixman

    Big Moe, A bear story

    Great pic and story thanks for sharing.
  3. Pixman

    100" Coues Buck

    Great looking buck.
  4. Pixman

    Turkey Photos

    Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
  5. Pixman

    Unit 1 bull

    Wow what a bull!
  6. Pixman

    What is this???

    The bird on top is a white crowned sparrow, can't tell if it is another bird underneath or something else.
  7. Pixman

    Love messing with coyotes

    Nice pics and welcome to the site!
  8. Congrats on a great looking bear.
  9. Congrats on your awesome bucks, I really enjoyed the video of twister and the young buck trying to spar with him!
  10. I did ask for a pic of the tail but it wasn't out of jealousy, I said congrats and I am happy for him. I was just curious because I have seen and taken pics of Hybrids and the tails seem to look different than a wt. that was my reason. I am in no way an expert so I am trying to learn and this site has so much knowledge and willingness to help each other out and learn from each other. It is an awesome buck that looks a little different so sorry if we asked questions or made assumptions, it was not meant to be harmful in anyway. If it is a Hybrid he should be proud of that as well in my opinion, to kill a rare species is amazing. Pixman
  11. In those last 2 pics of the buck he isn't flagging like a wt should when it takes off. I took some pics of 2 hybrid doe's this morning that I will post up soon, they didn't flag when they took off running they were stotting like a muley not like a wt does
  12. Congrats on an awesome buck, When I first saw it I thought Hybrid as well. How about a pic of the tail!
  13. This was the strangest looking bull I called in this year, well maybe ever! He was bugling at 4:30 in the afternoon so I knew he was looking for love so I cow called a few times and he came in. When I first caught a glimpse through the trees I thought he was busted off but then I saw he was just a strange looking bull.
  14. Pixman

    One of the bulls I called in this year

    That sure looks like him and where I got pics of him wasn't too far away.
  15. Pixman

    NM Antelope 2013

    Congrats on a great buck Shelvin!
  16. Pixman

    Keep em a comin'!

    Great pics, I like the wt buck with the muley doe. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Pixman

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Amanda, thanks for the best website out there!
  18. Pixman

    Red Tailed Hawk Vs Snake

    That was amazing, can't believe the hawk just let it go!
  19. Pixman

    My First Blonde

    True. Nothing beats the beauty of our wives in our own eyes!! I guess you could take it either way and I won't argue about wives being beautiful in our own eyes but I was referring to the blonde bear I got on cam a few years ago, remember?
  20. Pixman

    My First Blonde

    Nice looking blonde Keith but my blonde is prettier! haha