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Poppa Cap

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Everything posted by Poppa Cap

  1. Poppa Cap

    Results available

    results up by phone now
  2. Poppa Cap

    Magazines or books to read

    I was sitting here thumbing through my stacks of well read books and magazines, and I gotta find something new. What hunting magazines do you consider must read material? OR anything not worth buying?
  3. Poppa Cap

    Few bears from June

    Pulled my cards today. Got a couple nice bears and a cool picture I thought you guys would enjoy. Dates are wrong- gotta love it when the kid says " yeah, i fixed the date dad." Anyway, here they are. Also, notice the rope on the chocolate's foot.
  4. Poppa Cap

    Few bears from June

    I don't believe it is a snare. I have one hanging on the wall from a bear I took a few years ago that escaped from Game and Fish. It looks like a rope found in camping supply stores when zoomed in real close. Kind of a purple and green color.
  5. Poppa Cap

    Few bears from June

    Technical difficulty. Sorry. Here is a closeup of the rope.
  6. Poppa Cap

    cant shoot strait

    This is just a guess, are you looking at your pins or at the target? Make sure that your focus is on the target. It makes a big difference for me after a long layoff from shooting. I just try to look thru my pin and concentrate on the spot I want to hit. If I catch myself looking at the pins, my accuracy suffers.
  7. Poppa Cap

    Help needed! to move a shed....

    Call Woodlands in Springerville. They have a forklift that they use to unload the 12x8 sheds that they sell. They might do it.
  8. Poppa Cap

    Dead On Taxidermy????????????

    I don't want to speak for Kevin, but I would just assume he is re-doing it or upgrading it. Kevin is a great guy. No worries. Just a quik edit. Juust got off of the phone with him. He shut it down for personal reasons. As far as not getting ahold of him, here is his info: Kevin Whitmore deadontaxidermy@yahoo.com 9285513531 Hope this helps. As someone who has been screwed by one two many "taxidermist" I understand your concerns, and didn't mean to downplay your concerns. I know him and respect him very much. Just defending a friend
  9. Poppa Cap

    Fire restrictions on the Reservations?

    Might want to go somewhere else. There is a fire on the San Carlos right now. Yesterday at Grays peak it was very smoky and today the smoke is in Eagar. Barlow Fire is what they are calling it.
  10. Poppa Cap

    Black River and Escudilla Wilderness to Open

    Don't bother bringing any trailers if you go up to Escudilla. There are about 15-20 new water bars in the main road now, most are about 3-4 feet high!! Totally rediculous.
  11. Poppa Cap

    2010 rifle bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Excellent! Congrats.
  12. Poppa Cap

    Finally got my first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awesome!! Way to hang in there. Good read and good pics. And TENDER meat.
  13. Poppa Cap

    2010 6x8 Bull Elk

    Nice one. Gonna put it on the wall?
  14. Poppa Cap

    Tags in the Mail

    Received mine yesterday.
  15. Poppa Cap

    Just Got This Coues Back

    One thing that I'm noticing in these last few taxidermy discussions, is that as hunters- we're becoming art collectors. WE have realized that quality varies and our expectations have been raised over the old "hardware store" deer. I'm no expert, but have mounted about 50 deer. I think what everyone has said about summer coats and rut-enlarged necks is true. However, I think what Coach is seeing here is the brand of form that was used. I remember from my taxidermy days, some forms looked like long skinny tubes, some were square and some were oval. In other words, a 15" neck can be round, oval or somewhere in between. There was some brands that I refused to use. I think as specimen collectors, we have gotten more picky. Which is a good thing. We need to spend some time and educate ourselves on taxidermy suppliers and such also. For example- Coach's deer is what I call a oval neck. The bowhunter4life deer on the bottom pic, is a square neck. They both might measure the same. But, the forms are sculpted differently. As a taxidermist, I would only use a round neck form on a doe. The square neck form makes a buck look real to me. These are just my opinions, I could be wrong.
  16. Poppa Cap

    A few new ones

    Nice spot you got there!
  17. OK, I'll bite. What are you talking about?
  18. Poppa Cap

    All Time Record Broken!

    Chef, How many users today?
  19. Poppa Cap

    Attack of the Killer Buzzes

    I have pondered on writing this tale, for a couple days. I think you'll get a kick out of my ignorance. Now you have to know, that I am an old redneck from Mississippi. All I ever knew about killer bees was, that they lived out west and would attack in the thousands. On Monday night of this week, my number 2 son Brandt, my Chessipeak named Mogi, and me went down from Eager towards Hannigan Meadow for some drive-by deer scouting. As much for his pleasure as any real scouting. Anyhow, when we got to Hannagin, we decided to go on down the Trail till dark. We got to 4 Bar Mesa a little before dark and decided to pitch a tent, spend the night and watch the storms roll in. If you never been there before, 4 bar mesa is pretty bare of trees and mostly grass and burnt up trees from years ago. Kinda empty looking place. We found three cedars still alive and in a good place to be wind break for us. About a half mile from the road above a water tank. We saw a few deer going in, does I think. Well, as the sun went down- Brandt fixed us up some hotdogs while I set the tent. I threw the bedrolls in the tent, and he said supper was done. We sat down to eat and he was feeding Mogi every other bite it seemed and having a good ol' time, when all of a sudden it sounded like a diesel truck pulled in on the other side of the 3 ceder bushes. I didn't see any headlights, so I got up to look and all that I could see was that the ceder bushes looked alive with movement- and couldn't see no truck! Then it hit me-- KILLER BEES!! If there was 1 there had to been 10,000 of em. Twenty feet away. BUZZING EVERYWHERE! I hollered for Brandt to get in the truck and I jumped in. Then the critters started to attack the truck, when we realized we had left the dog outside. So, I bravely opened the door to retrieve my retreiver and whistled as loud as I could -- and in he came covered in the danged buzzing demons. Well it was plenty dark by now, and we killed all of them we could that came inside the truck. We sat there for a minute scared out of our lives and I thought if I could just get signal I could call my wife and tell her bye. Brandt said that I should crank the truck and look at them in the headlights. I did just that. There was flying insects everywhere in the headlights. Slowly, I put the truck in gear and eased up beside the ceder bushes and took a flash light and shined through my window and got the truck about a foot away from the tree limbs. In the dim light I could barely make out what- YES- a thousand tiny flying buzzing brown beetles. You know the kind that hang out under lights at night and crunch when you step on 'em. Yep, that kind. Beetles. I can't explain the relief. Then Brandt giggled. Then I giggled. Then we started to hoot and holler. WE were victorious. WE had fought the great beasts and lived to fight another day. Our legacy was assured and we - were the scared lil sheep who done it! Well needless to say, we let the beetles have the camping spot, and drove home. I realized it must have been the mating season, according to the 3somes and 4somes I saw all tangled up together. Why they all landed on the only 3 living trees in 4 bar mesa- I don't know- but I ain't going back ever!! Thanks for reading my story. I get a kick out of telling it.
  20. Poppa Cap

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Oct 27 for me!!
  21. Poppa Cap

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    Well, speaking from experience, the wolf biologists and the wolfs are NOT being honest with each other. This spring my buddy and I were coyote hunting between Eagar and Vernon. WE saw a BLACK wolf. I tried to do the responsible thing and called the biologist in Alpine. She told me there was no such thing as a BLACK Mexican wolf. Either she didn't know what she was talking about or the wolf knows something she didn't. I will not call anymore sightings in. Far as I am concerned, I seen a black wolf . Seems to me the wolf biologists are not being truthful with what they know. I know this is the case in my situation. It may not have been a MEXICAN wolf, but it was a wolf. He was alone and no collar. She was not even willing to think about what I thought I saw. This has really made me rethink my opinion of the wolf program. I think that there are more wolves than we are being told about.
  22. Poppa Cap

    Magazines or books to read

    Thanks guys! Amazon loves me right now. You've been lots of help.
  23. Poppa Cap

    Magazines or books to read

    Thanks! I forgot about Western Hunter, and will check out Quimby's book too. Thanks for the heads up on the book forum. I thought I looked for it, but I overlooked it. Thanks again.