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Poppa Cap

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Everything posted by Poppa Cap

  1. Poppa Cap


    Got your pm, sent a reply. If you did not get my reply, 928-551-1039. Thanks I can't tell if the reply went through or not??
  2. Poppa Cap

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    Amen. That is exactly the same thing. Free seats, free snacks, free merchandise for all illegals. Great business decision! Reckon Mr. Sarver could support those not supporting him and his team. I'm sure Mr. Nash could even play for free. It amazes me how celebrities and rich folks want socialism as long as THEY aren't the ones sacrificing for it.
  3. Poppa Cap

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    The way I read the news, it wasn't just Sarver. Nash said the team wanted to do it. No more Suns for me.
  4. Poppa Cap


    Yessir, Eagar to be exact. A little road trip would do me good. I haven't got to that part of the state yet. Call me I might be able to pick it up through a friend in San Manuel before then. I'll know when I get to work this morning. I don't have his number here. Thanks. PS, it looks like a sweet little rifle.
  5. Poppa Cap


    For starters, I'd say thank goodness nobody was hurt. Second, congratulations on some fine calling. Third, regrettably that is public land turkey hunting anymore. As for ethics, anymore it seems most folks are run-n-gun type hunters. The old way of sit and wait turkey hunting is not shown on the popular videos, so that is not what most turkey hunters see. Ethics is a big can of worms that most folks disagree on. Kind of like religion and women- ain't no simple, one size fits all kind of thing. I feel your pain, had it happen every year back east. Don't get discouraged, those guys may have thought that you were just another hen. Have patience and appreciate the fact that you called in two turkeys that you did not have to pack out or clean and keep huntin. Enjoy the chase and be patient, you'll get your bird. You already proved you can call em in
  6. Poppa Cap


    I'll take it. Pay you cash on Friday , if you can wait that long. I work the next two days- no way I can get off. 333-5685 cell 551-0139. thanks, Scott
  7. Poppa Cap

    Check this out!

    I don't know about now, but last fall she was in Auger canyon with a bunch of girlfriends.
  8. Poppa Cap

    Check this out!

    Great! I'm glad to see that she made it thru hunting season. We saw her last fall, very neat.
  9. Poppa Cap

    1956 Chinese SKS for sell

    Where are you, might want to take a look?
  10. Poppa Cap

    bucks in front yard

    Sweeet! Nice deer.