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Everything posted by jmall

  1. jmall

    Dad's Lion

    Congrats!!! Beautiful lion and great family memories. Love the pics thanks for posting.
  2. jmall

    My Mother

    Thoughts and prayers.
  3. jmall

    Heat's 7W Archery Bull Elk Hunt

    Great write up!!! Congratulations!!! I love 7W in September. I hope I get that tag again before I am to old.
  4. saw three opening morning here are some pics for you.
  5. I glassed up 2 last weekend and one this weekend. All three were in the pears.
  6. jmall

    Cape Royal

  7. jmall

    Air Compressor Piping a New Garage

    Do not use pvc!!! It is dangerous. Every pvc manufacturer's literature says NOT To BE USED With COMPRESSED AIR. When pvc pipe is used with compressed air it is a bomb waiting to go off. There is a product line made by Ipex that is made of ABS that is safe for compressed air up to 185 psi. Copper is also a good choice.
  8. jmall

    sheep mount

    Very nice!!! Chris is an artist he did a beautiful job.
  9. jmall

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    . I was never told where I had to hunt I was given suggestions. There were always options discussed at the group meeting. This hunt is not for everyone I will admit. It is unique in that it does require cooperation of the group. I promise you if everyone went up there and hunted wherever they wanted with no organization the hunt success would drop like a rock. This hunt is not easy I walked 50+ miles sat over 100 hours in a blind and loved every minute of it. Bottom line it is what you make it and your options in Arizona are pretty limited.
  10. jmall

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I hunted this hunt as a DIY a couple years back. My experience with Russ was a 180 from what many of you are describing. I went in with a good attitude tried to be helpful. I woke up early helped check the meadow. I walked with Russ's brother to help check trail cams. I helped out around camp moving water and gas cans etc. Russ provided radios ground blinds salt blocks even rides to and from blinds. There were gut piles on one of the blindes he put me on so I know it was active. He had three clients on the hunt and he definitely put them first. If I were a paying client I would expect to be at the head of the line. With that being said he also helped the non paying hunters. He had his brother take me along with one of his clients to check trail cams one morning. We came across a herd of bison. I expected to be second shooter but to my surprise we were both told to shoot at the same time. My powder was wet and my muzzleloader misfired so the hunt continued. On day 11 of the hunt we got up early and checked the meadow and found a big herd. We went back to camp and got ALL OF THE HUNTERS and brought them back to wait for legal shooting light. Three of us killed that morning. One client and 2 non clients. Russ and his family were awesome. He took professional quality photos and shared them with us at no charge. Russ is walking a line where he will never make everyone happy. The bottom line is he works his a$$ off to get as many bison killed as possible. Without him the people griping about his tactics would be griping about the game and fish selling tags for bison that only exist in the national park.
  11. jmall

    Bowtech Patriot For Sale

    I am posting this for my nephew. WTS Bowtech Patriot has maybe 100 shots on new limbs and winners choice string. Trophy Ridge 6 pin sight / Trophy Ridge Revolution arrow rest. Bow is tuned and shoots great $300 OBO call Logan @ six 02 390 8236
  12. jmall

    Huge sportsman sale

    Giving the little boy the 410 was very cool !!! He will remember this day forever!!! Great sale thanks
  13. jmall

    My Bear Rug

    Beautiful I love the color also. I hope to shoot one that color someday.
  14. jmall

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    Both they each have their strong points. I like the havlon for the more delicate work and the outdoor edge for the times when you need something a bit stronger.
  15. jmall


    Persistence pays off. Congratulations
  16. jmall

    Opening weekend bear

    Looks like she has her winter coat already.
  17. jmall

    UTV Reminder

    Years ago on a turkey hunt my son was in a bad atv accident. He was 14 years old at the time. Thankfully he made a full recovery. I can't imagine how hard it would have been had he not. Your post brought back bad memories. I can't stress enough how important safety is with these machines. Thank you for your post!!! Hopefully it will make someone be a little more careful when they ride. I am sorry for your loss.
  18. jmall

    Help Wanted stolen mule deer mount!!

    Heartbreaking !!! I hope they catch the POS.
  19. jmall

    My daughter coues is done

    Awesome mount beautiful!!!
  20. jmall

    Roof tiles

    Roofing wholesale 19th and Grant
  21. jmall


    Those xx75s bring back fond memories. I must have straightened a thousand of them.
  22. jmall

    Damned coons

    Saw this one just outside of Prescott yesterday.