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Everything posted by jmall

  1. jmall

    Elk and response to human scent?

    I just spent 13 days elk hunting , killing a nice bull on the next to the last day of the hunt. I spent a good amount of time washing my clothes in scent free detergent, using scent free soap, taking a shower every morning. I also used every kind of scent killer known to man . I hung my clothes out in the fresh air a good ways from camp. Even with doing all of this there were several times I was busted after a shift in the wind. There is no question that elk have a great sense of smell. That being said, there are times when you can work with the wind if it happens to be blowing parallel to the animal you are after. If you are lucky it will blow by without them detecting you. More often than not you are wasting your time hunting with the wind at your back.
  2. jmall

    Check out this MONSTER buck!

    my guess is 128
  3. jmall


    Back in the early eighties about six of made our annual trip to linx lake to hunt deer. On Holloween night we were all sitting around a table playing cribbage when one of the guys decided to slip off and put on an axe murderer mask. His plan was to come in from the darkness screaming ,and scare the !@$% out of us. His plan would have worked if the eye holes in his mask were big enough to see out of. The only reaction he got from us was a little help pulling him up when he tripped and fell into the camp fire. Being the sympathetic guys we were we decided he needed a little pay back. After he went to bed that night we took his tube of camo paint and squeezed mustard into it. You cannot imaging the laugh we had the next morning when he began to apply a liberal amount of mustard all over his face.
  4. jmall

    Game Cam

    I use wildview cams because they are inexpensive. They also have a place on the back that you feed a strap through .I take the strap out and replace it with a simpson strong tie , wich you can get at any hardware store, then I buy some torx screws and screw it to an inconspicuous tree or branch. I try to find a solid dead tree or branch to avoid screwing into a live tree. Most people dont have a torx bit with them when they are out in the wild so six or eight of these screws will make it really dificult to remove. I also pad lock the case to keep people from erasing the memory card . I know if someone wants it its theirs but at least it keeps the honest people honest.
  5. jmall

    Guess the Score Contest!

    116 6/8