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Everything posted by jmall

  1. jmall

    My camera was taken

    Some of the cameras I use have a slot to put a strap through on the back of them . What I do is put a stack of two or three galvanized steel straps (simpson strong tie)through the slot,then I use my cordless drill to scerw it to a tree , I usually try to find a tree that is dead but still pretty solid . I also use an assortment of different screw heads (torx ,star,etc.). This makes it less likley that someone will be carrying the right tool to steal it with them . I know if they want it they will get it but this makes it a little more work for them.
  2. jmall

    Got my Lion Back

    One of the nicer lion mounts ive seen.
  3. I picked one up and installed it on my ruger 7mm . I was also very impressed with how they treated me when I picked it up. Very informative and very nice guys.
  4. jmall

    wtb test broadheads

    I am finally going to try something besides my old thunder heads. I would like to buy some shuttle t locks or some slick tricks to test to see which one works best for me. If you have some that are in good shape at a good price pm me. Thanks
  5. jmall

    wtb test broadheads

    Thanks for the info. I am looking forward to trying both of them out.
  6. jmall


  7. First Osama ,and now the Lakers what a great week!!!
  8. jmall

    A few videos from April 2011

    I never get tired of seeing nice bucks. Thanks!
  9. Missed 3 shots at the same 170-180 class mule deer. It happend years ago when I first started archery hunting. He was occupied with his does and walked twenty yards broadside right infront of me. I was so shook up I probably couldnt have hit an elephant. Still haunts me !!!
  10. jmall

    The Challenge

    Boy september seems like a long ways away!!!!!
  11. jmall

    Archery Elk Hunt

    I shot a bull last year with a 100gr thunder head. I hit him right in the sweet spot with a bowtech liberty set at 70lbs. I was suprised to find the broadhead stopped just short of a complete pass through. I am considering switching to the shuttle ts for this years hunt . I was wondering if any one has had any luck with complete pass throughs using shuttle ts.
  12. jmall

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    2nd 7w archery in a row.
  13. jmall

    Draw Results

    Does anyone remember what day the elk/antelope results were posted last year ? Thanks
  14. jmall

    Veteran's Day Coues Buck - 122 inches

    That is the kind of day I dream about !!!
  15. jmall

    Is it Elk Season Yet???

    Got me pumped!!! Now all I need is a tag.
  16. Can you post a pic of the hogue stock ?
  17. jmall

    Ruger 77 MII - 7MM mag

    pm sent
  18. jmall

    Guess the Lion weight!

    168 is my guess