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Everything posted by jmall

  1. jmall

    Tough Decision - Thoughts

    +1 I had horrible allergies I started taking shots about a year ago and I am much better now .
  2. jmall

    40 years of chasing my big Muley

    That deer would have me pretty excited also . BEAUTIFUL DEER !!!
  3. jmall

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    Beautiful nice job
  4. jmall

    Unit 7 Goat

    Beautiful !!!
  5. jmall

    First 15 min of season.

    What took you so long. Lol great job
  6. jmall

    Don't Drink and Drive - Confession video

    Wow , If that won't make you think twice what will ?
  7. jmall

    Seeking Youth Shotgun Advice

    I bought my son a youth model 870 and it was so light it seemed to kick harder than a full size shotgun. If I had it to do all over again I think I would have gone with the full size . They seem to grow so fast at that age it will be no time before the full size gun will fit just right.
  8. jmall


    pm sent
  9. I never had a desire to go to Africa until i read this post . Awesome
  10. jmall

    123" Velvet Buck

    Awesome buck congrats !!! Many people will hunt their lifetime and not kill a buck like that.
  11. jmall

    Looking to trade

    bump for edited post
  12. jmall

    Looking to trade

    Winchester 9422XTR S-L-LR Beautiful condition !!! 99% I am located in Peoria . 0] I am looking to trade for a nice pair of 10 power binoculars may be willing to add cash to the right deal. pm me with offers.
  13. jmall

    And then there were ....157....

    How many sheep hunters had max points before this years draw ?
  14. jmall

    Leupold vs vortex

    I recently bought a Vortex Viper while sighting it in at the range the windage turret came loose . I began to inspect the scope closely with a flashlight i noticed grinder marks inside the scope tube . They attempted to cover the marks with a magic marker (not sure that is what they used but that is what it looked like) . I also noticed a small grainy substance in side the scope . I called vortex and they told me that they would replace it no problem . After wasting $140.00 worth of ammo, sighting in, I was kinda hoping that they would do something more than just replace the scope . I took the scope back to the shop where I bought it and told them what happened they suggested that i try another vortex. After looking at the Vortex scopes they had in stock closely with a flashlight ,I found that they all had what looked like dust particles inside them. I don't know if the scopes functionality would be compromised by these particles but the fact that they were there kinda makes me nervous . I looked closely at the Leupold scopes with a flashlight and they all seemed perfect inside and out. Leupold was a little bit more expensive but i think their quality control is way above Vortex.
  15. jmall

    Looking For Part Time Employment

    My son worked for ups filling in for the holiday rush . It worked out great for something to do between semesters.
  16. jmall

    Courtney shooting 500 meters

    Looks like them deer are in trouble.
  17. jmall

    Fall Tags Mailed Out?

    I think your on to something.
  18. jmall

    Fall Tags Mailed Out?

    Still waiting for my deer sheep and turkey tag . I don't remember it taking so long in past years.
  19. jmall

    300ultra first groups

    My 300 ultra loves the 210 bergers.
  20. jmall

    Should I buy a bow press?

    Be careful I found out the hard way that it is easy to crack a limb if you don't have a press that fits your bow correctly.
  21. jmall

    camera senerio what would you do

    Leave a note and don't assume doesn't sound like such bad advice now.
  22. jmall

    Looking to trade

    Bump for lower price
  23. jmall

    looking for Bear mount idea's

    I am having one done similar to this one
  24. jmall

    camera senerio what would you do

    You can't make assumptions it may be a third party that took your camera. Try leaving a note to see what kind of a response you get. I hate thieves !!!
  25. jmall

    Scope Mounting Question

    Sounds like the wrong rings to me but I am no expert.