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Everything posted by jmall

  1. jmall

    Codyhuntsaz aka Cody Smith has passed away

    Very sad. So sorry for his family.
  2. jmall


    Pm sent
  3. Just checking to see if anyone has an Outdoorsman tripod adapter they would sell? I have a 12B west Muley hunt coming up and I seem to have lost mine. I live in Peoria, hoping to find one relatively close.
  4. jmall


    Thanks for sharing. That is a beautiful bull good job.
  5. jmall

    Gunsmith needed

    You won't go wrong with Jesse (Best Shot) he does great work. Very nice guy.
  6. jmall

    NV 2024

    Very nice, congratulations. How many years did it take you to draw that tag?
  7. jmall

    Catching Up

    Amazing!!!! Love the composition!!!
  8. jmall

    New Nightforce SHV c557

    Pm sent
  9. jmall

    WTB RCBS Charge Master

    I don’t get out there very often, I’m in Peoria. I will give them a call to see if they can ship. Thank you for the tip.
  10. jmall

    WTB RCBS Charge Master

    Checking to see if anyone has a Charge Master or Charge Master Supreme for sale.
  11. jmall

    Wtb alfalfa gates and fittings

    Call Sedona West Co. in Phoenix. They are a good source for irrigation pipe, valves, and fittings.
  12. jmall

    Cool Mule Deer Dead Head

    I would take that over a stinky pig any day. Nice find!!!
  13. jmall

    Greyboe r700 LA stock and bottom metal

    Thanks for your time and good luck with the sale.
  14. jmall

    Can you enter draw at 9?

    If I am not mistaken, she will need to complete the hunters safety course after she turns 10. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  15. Carter Honey 4 finger release. $100.00 OBO
  16. jmall

    WTS Carter archery release

    price drop
  17. jmall

    WTS Carter archery release

  18. jmall

    WTB 15 x 56 Swarovski SLC

    It looks like I found a pair. Thank you for the PM s