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Everything posted by robertramsey61

  1. robertramsey61

    Santana Outdoors $200 "Winners Posted!"

    I reviewed 3 things!
  2. robertramsey61

    hound pups

  3. robertramsey61

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 26 at 11:15 am
  4. robertramsey61

    Elk Mount Question

    I would say to make the bull look good, you need a 12 foot cieling, but a 10 foot would work but 12 is better.
  5. robertramsey61

    Rifle 10

    I have 19 points and still waiting for that unit 10 tag, every year I get a little closer...
  6. robertramsey61

    Smith and Wesson 66

    Great gun!
  7. robertramsey61

    Lab Pups

    Any pictures?
  8. robertramsey61

    vortex viper 15x50

    Are these the HD Glass, if not, I think they are brand new on Camera land for 390?
  9. robertramsey61

    A sad loss

    WOW, that is not cool at all.... Sure hope they catch them, I now an alarm will not deter a professional but at least it would of made them be quick about there break in, that is why I had one installed. Post pics of your stuff for us to watch out for.
  10. robertramsey61

    5B antelope?

    That is a great unit for a solid buck, two years ago a 92 inch buck was taken. My dad has a 84 and change buck from there, it has great genetics but they need to not give out so many tags.
  11. robertramsey61

    Utah draw

    nothing on my card?
  12. robertramsey61

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    I am going with 110 5/8
  13. I am in the market to get a new scope for a Tikka 300 Win Mag, I have looked at a few different scopes but just cant make the call. What are some of your opinions on best scope for your money for this gun (I am not a millionaire so I will not be getting a Swarovski, Leica, or Zeiss), looking at the Vortex, Nikon, and Minox (I also was going to look into the brand they had at the Elk Banquet but cant remember the name they are located here in the Valley. Criteria: What I am really looking is a scope with up to 15 power, I would like to have a good reticle so you can have the hold over set, I dont want to spend more they 500 bucks Looking at the new Vortex Viper HS, The Nikon Monarch, the Minox, and any other brands you can recommend!! HELP!
  14. robertramsey61

    Bull Basin Archery

    Great Staff, only bow shop I take my bow to, and I live in Phoenix!
  15. robertramsey61

    18A muzzleloader Antelope tag

    We were in there last year and saw 2 bucks that would go 85+ one was always wide out in the open, problem he was close to houses and could only be taken with a bow. I have seen a lot of goats in that unit, and seen a lot of good ones, just have to hunt hard they are there, but the private property is a pain in the butt.
  16. robertramsey61

    Handguns for sale

    Thanks Brian, I plan on taking the Blackhawk out this weekend to test her out!
  17. Sounds very familiar, I have a lab, he is now 6 years old and he still does those things once in a while when I have not played with him enough. One good thing to do, take him on a long run or bike ride, this will get there energy leave down and more willing to just relax. I do agree, you need to make the kennel a fun place, our dogs hatted it. I have a large kennel as well and they would do everything to not go in it, go sit in it and hang out once in a while (sounds dumb but works). My dogs will know go in when I say the word kennel. Shock collars work to, helps them get the head back on straight.
  18. robertramsey61

    Camp Navajo Antelope?

    My father in law works out there on the base and says he has seen some monster bucks out there and see's antelope on a regulare basis. I would say you got a good draw
  19. robertramsey61

    HOYT (LazerTec) only shot twice!!

    What is the draw and poundage
  20. robertramsey61

    Dog training?

    GSP's are great dogs, but they are very high energy. I have one, she is a hand full but is a great dog. I would get a few books on training of the GSP, they will help you out a ton, and get a shock collar (trust me they work great), the problem with the GSP, they get so involved that it is hard to break there consintration, so the shock collar gives a jolt to get them focused on you and your commands. Once they get used to it, you will not even have to charge the collar any longer, just put it on and they will give you there attention when you want it. Ours has turned more into a house pet due to my wife, she loves her and spoils the crap out of her, but she listens very well and is very smart (almost to smart).
  21. robertramsey61

    North of the River Muley's

    Here is my 12B buck from a few years ago, its my biggest buck to date.
  22. robertramsey61

    Archery Elk Tag 11M

    Wait and you can get a used bow at a great price, as far as the calls, if you are hunting 11M I would stay away from calling. I have hunted that unit many times and the elk don't respond to calls as they do in other units, mainly do to the porximity of the city. If you are new at it and want to get calls, get both a mouth call and a single reed cow call like the primos Hyper lip, dont get the da maken the bulls crazy or the cow girl call, they just dont produce like the Hyper lip. Practice with them, the mouth call as it is hard to master. From experience in that unit, the bulls will move further away if you start to call, I think they just have been called to much by hunters and dont respond anymore. To get a bull in that unit you need to find great glassing areas and find the bulls before the season, once the season is going they will get pushed around a lot. I have had good luck in that unit but to get a good bull you need to get into areas away from people and the other hunters, scout a lot and scout a lot of diffrent areas, you will think you have a great spot but once the season starts you might be hunting with 20 other guys in one area, hit the northwest, east, and south parts of the units. Good luck
  23. robertramsey61

    CZ 550 FS .243

    Gun as been SOLD!
  24. robertramsey61

    CZ 550 FS .243

    I have a brand new CZ 550 FS .243 for sale, gun has never been fired. It has a single set trigger that is adjustable, factory setting I believe is set at 3 pounds 4 oz (for normal pull) and when it is set (just push the trigger forward to set the trigger) it is around 8 oz, but both stages are easily adjusted heavier or lighter depending on your comfort level. These guns are very accurate, I have another .243 that I have had for over 20 years and has more meaning to me so I decided to sell this one, I am open to comparable trades (looking for a new scope for a 300 win mag), I have looked at the web to get more pricing and this is what I found: MSRP is $840.00 On line stores I found 3 have the following pricing, 1) $780.00 with no tax but cost of shipping was $22, to get a total of $802.00 2) $803.00 with not tax and free shipping 3) $757.00 with free shipping but tax was $68.51 for a total of $825.51 With this information the cheapest I could find the gun was $802.00, I am asking $750.00 OBO for the gun, I will consider all comparable offers with trades and cash. Send me a PM, or Text me at 602-320-8121
  25. robertramsey61

    shed hunters on quads

    Happend to me a few times, once I confronted them, they made up a story that it was not them? I told them we had them on camera and I had called it into the Game and Fish, they kept saying it was not them...... I said ok, well I am on my way to meet the officer, by the time I got to the main road they were moving out fast. I did not have a camera with me (just made it up), and if it was not for my dad (who had to calm me down) I would of gotten into a fight. We were miles from any road, pissed me off big time. I now just tell them the same thing, that I have them on camera and if they dont want a ticket to leave and not come back.