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About sigfour

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday June 11

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  • Gender
  • Location
    queen creek
  • Interests
    hunting fishing outdoors family

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  1. sigfour

    Black Friday Sales

    Camofire also usually has vortex hats which IMO are just as good, if not better than the Swarovski hats. LOL
  2. sigfour

    Tricer-JC Tripod

    Great seller buy with confidence
  3. sigfour

    Found brown and white husky -Superior

    UPDATE- After 3 days, ended up turning dog into animal control. He was chipped and owner contacted. Apparently was missing for almost a month but never reported. Owner never came to pick him up. After a week in jail, my cousin ended up adopting him and taking him to cold and snowy Idaho. Perfect for the husky who has adapted well and goes to the office everyday.
  4. Found a dog last night on a dirt road coming back to camp near superior. Asked the few camps that are around without luck.
  5. sigfour

    Aluminum camper shell

    Any trades ?
  6. sigfour

    2022 NWTF 31- Day Gun Raffle

    -I'm sure the AZ nwtf raffles are legit. The NWTF wold not want the bad press .There is a web page and contact info up if you look .Az nwtf raffles it has contact info Thanks for the idea. I’ve contacted them several times but as of today there is no response. I also looked up the statewide Arizona NWTF presidents and committee members and I found several familiar names. Apparently they are allowed to put on a raffle, enter the raffle, can and have pulled their own winning ticket. Even if 100% legit I see how anyone could think otherwise
  7. sigfour

    NAZ NWTF 3 Raffle Items

    -I'm going to send you a PM with an offer of reconciliation. I hope you'll consider it. I don’t want anything extra or special just because I was in your raffle. I appreciate your offer but no thank you. Good luck moving forward with your fundraisers. Unfortunately, I don’t feel confident in entering them anymore. happy holidays
  8. sigfour

    NAZ NWTF 3 Raffle Items

    No need to post. I’ve been putting in for these raffle items since January. After the ticket cut down from whatever to 100 and then 50 I’m realizing my purchased tickets probably were for not. I’ve learned a lot about the nwtf and their raffles. According to some other posts I’m not the only one. I for one will no longer enter or inquire about nwtf raffles. Thanks for the lesson and enjoy your spoils. Good luck on your hunt.
  9. sigfour

    NAZ NWTF 3 Raffle Items

    Any update on this ? When will winners be posted/announced ? I purchased tickets for all three items. I am a bit concerned when I checked Tuesday 12/13 (two days before your drawing) -there were still 50 of 50 tickets remaining for the marsupial bird bag. Happy holidays
  10. sigfour

    $25 European Skull Mount Plaque! Local AZ business

    I like them as well and would like both AZ designs. PM inbound
  11. sigfour

    Another AZ Lifetime Combo License

    Thanks for responding. Congratulations to whoever won the lifetime license, I’m sure they are happy. I went back on the website after your response and for the first time there was a limit on the amount of tickets I was able to purchase. In the past I tried to buy 500 to see if possible and determine a limit, but until today there wasn’t one. I’ve purchase several tickets (as have many friends who I encourage to enter) for all of your raffles but there is still 100 available tickets for items I’ve (we’ve)purchased tickets for since early Nov. Was there more than one item per raffle for- bird bags, gift cards, etc? -maybe a question for the raffle coordinator. Are we lost in the new shuffle ? We don’t mind donating but like transparently when it comes to raffles. Good luck to all who support and enter the fundraiser.
  12. sigfour

    Another AZ Lifetime Combo License

    Yeah the lifetime lic had a limit of tickets sold and has been sold out for a while now. The other items apparently don’t have a limit of tickets sold or an end date of the raffle. I was just wondering if a winner had been drawn or announced or when they would be. I couldn’t find anything.
  13. sigfour

    Another AZ Lifetime Combo License

    Just wondering if any winners have been announced on the lifetime lic, marsupial bird bag, Sportsmans warehouse gift cards or the turkey vest.
  14. sigfour

    Scouting Colorado

    Is that Wilson peak (coors logo) ?
  15. sigfour

    AZ 4B rifle antelope success

    Sorry for sideways pics