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About Az_Outdoors

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  • Birthday 11/04/1975

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  1. Az_Outdoors

    Wild horses in unit 8

    The herd that hangs around Sunflower flats is owned by a local rancher that let's them free range.
  2. Az_Outdoors

    Rafael fire

    Back burns tonight.
  3. Az_Outdoors

    Rafael fire

    No we are in the north section.
  4. Az_Outdoors

    Rafael fire

    At night we can see the glow coming from the canyon
  5. Az_Outdoors

    Rafael fire

    Picture of Rafael fire from our porch on Garland Prairie
  6. Az_Outdoors

    Wts cva Optum

    Pm sent
  7. Az_Outdoors

    first whitetail hunt in unit 8

    The fire is by JD dam
  8. Az_Outdoors

    Rifle for my wife

    I'm looking to purchase a rifle for my wife. She like's the Tikka lite in 7-08. Just wondering what everyone's thought on the rifle are and if anyone was considering selling one. Thanks
  9. Az_Outdoors

    Found 2 way radio in unit 8

    I found a 2 way radio in unit 8 today. If you lost one post or pm the area and a description of the radio.
  10. Az_Outdoors

    Watch those replaceable blades knives

    Recently I wanted to I do a euro mount for my wife and all I had was a used outdoor edge knife that was pretty dull. I tried running it over a steele and was really surprised how well it sharpened back up and lasted.
  11. Az_Outdoors

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    Pm sent
  12. Az_Outdoors

    Road Closures

    This used to be true, now we are finding quad tracks in places you think how in the @#$ did you get in here. Follow them back and then see. Anyone else notice how incredibly disgusting people are becoming? I am just blown away at the amount a trash and crap left behind in camp from "fellow hunters". It amazes me. We put out a camp fire yesterday that was left in a camp with flames still burning. It was a breezy day to top it off.
  13. Az_Outdoors

    Traditions .50 cal

    If sale falls through I will take it.
  14. Az_Outdoors

    7W Fire

    I'm pretty sure the Government fire is out. There was a good amount of rain in the area last Saturday and Sunday.
  15. Az_Outdoors

    Found dog

    Btw She Is Crate Trained, She Knows Sit And Shake, And Has Been Great Off The Leash. Sorry I Don't Know Why My Phone Is Putting Every Word In Caps.....