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Everything posted by olmos1010

  1. olmos1010

    FoxPro cs24c e-caller

    Family first, everything else can be replaced.
  2. olmos1010

    Diamond Black Ice

    I love this bow and have never felt the need to upgrade.
  3. olmos1010

    Swarovski 15x56, Tripod adapter,Ect.

    Don't know exactly how old they are. I bought them used and with the condition they were in I didn't even ask. Frank
  4. olmos1010

    FoxPro cs24c e-caller

  5. olmos1010

    FoxPro cs24c e-caller

  6. olmos1010

    kuiu icon 5000** SOLD!

    Nothing. A family emergency has forced me to sell all of my hunting gear.
  7. olmos1010

    Leupold TBR DNA 1000/ Sold.

    Bump, pics added
  8. olmos1010

    Swarovski 15x56, Tripod adapter,Ect.

    Bump, pics added.
  9. olmos1010

    WTB Spot Hogg 7 Deadly Pins sight wrapped (Closed)

    I've got a used one that will need a new wrap I'll let go for $100.
  10. olmos1010

    Brand new Kuiu Icon 5000 SOLD

    Does the pack come with the frame too or is it just the pack. Also what size is the pack/belt? I'm 5'10" 230 lbs and want to know if it will fit me. Very interested please text pics to 480 234 9404. Frank,
  11. olmos1010

    First bobcat with the wife

    Don't see any fur damage, what grain and type of bullet were you using? Congrats on a nice cat.
  12. olmos1010

    Foxpro Spitfire

    I just ordered the cs24c and I can't wait to get out and let it scream. Good luck with your sale. Bump.
  13. olmos1010

    Who's Ready?

    I'm ready if Dan needs someone to help him pack out all that bone.
  14. olmos1010

    New Years Day Buck

    Went to bed early New Years Eve so I could get up opening day and hit the hills. Not a monster but couldn't be happier to put my tag on him. I'm truly blessed. Good luck to all,
  15. olmos1010

    2014 Archery Coues

    Arrow worthy any day, congrats!
  16. olmos1010

    New Years Day Buck

    Surprisingly no, he went about a half mile from where he was shot. Nasty blood trail the whole way. My fault though, bumped him once.
  17. olmos1010

    New Years Day Buck

    Thanks to all for the congrats.
  18. olmos1010

    tree stands

  19. olmos1010

    tree stands

    I've got 8 brand new never used tree stands for sale. $50 a piece. Same as one in pic. Frank 480-234-9404 Ftf only, can meet up any time after 12/7/13 (still elk hunting)
  20. olmos1010


    I bought mine in 07 and have never felt the need to upgrade. Great bow.
  21. olmos1010

    tree stands

    2 tree stands left.
  22. olmos1010

    sold out - swarovski 15x56's - $900

    So how do I go about getting a pair/ who do I contact? I'll take one.