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Everything posted by mbiewer

  1. mbiewer

    Taxidermist recommendation??

    Well,... there was plenty of "little things" to mkae this past seaseon difficult. But Last saturday at 8 am my stepson got his first deer, 20A any antlered... and let me just say, its a good thing it was "ANY" antlered. lol. a single spike... no, not multiple deer to make it a spike... a 1x (by midwestern point counting). Anyways, it was his 3rd big game hunt, 2nd deer attmept and first deer. The boy being 16 is super stoked, (as am i for getting to help him with it). He's had a bit of a sh!t year. He wants to get it mounted. The "finance department" (his mother) has agreed to get it done. But now i am looking for leads on who to use. WE know its expenive, (maybe finance doesn't know exactly how much, ha ha). I'm pretty clueless, other than the horror stories ive heard. (preferred east valley, but can make the trek if needed) thanks for the in put.
  2. mbiewer

    Crown King Fire

    They closed a good part of 20a yesterday. Waited 3 yrs for a deer tag, gotta rethink the whole enchiladas now
  3. Kone not traveling is crap.... I just had Kone on my facility and the tech talked about traveling to the apache reservation (one day) and tucson the next. We used to use this guy, and might be more affordable compared to big corporates: Quality Crane Services Directions Save Crane service in Glendale, Arizona Address: 7227 W Monte Cristo Ave, Peoria, AZ 85382 Phone: (623) 773-2500
  4. mbiewer

    Ammo collection for sale

    Wait.... Where do you work, and why do you keep "pocket ammo" on the ready??????
  5. mbiewer

    got my deer permit today

    I got the surprise tag.... Was trying to pay down one card, so the wife was using hers. She decided to let me show some transactions on mine (we have seperate from before marriage)... Apparently something happened in the process... no usage or transacation limit alerts that i had set. I just assumed i never got charged, so i gave up hope. Tuesday my step son got his tag in the mail, so i checked the history... 20A
  6. mbiewer

    Ramblin ram near Tucson

    Azgfd has/used to have an open house at the mesa extension. Was a class about sheep then a ride on the boat at canyon... They told us about one ram being relocated from Clifton, to (canyon lake I believe)... With the collar... They basically watched him walk back to Clifton
  7. mbiewer

    New truck considerations

    no matter what you want/buy... look into the costco auto program. We bought the wifes cherokee through them, then later my cummins 2500. super easy, super painless. now my vote, the wife wanted a bigger trailer, which got me a bigger truck. Got the 3/4ton ram with a diesel. probably never go back to gas. that truck is amazing. And im cheap (not the numbers guy either) ... the low end tradesman (which had more features than my 2005 1500) was just a little bit more than what most of the used diesels were going for with about 100K
  8. mbiewer

    RV Batteries

    i built a new box and got a deal on two agm batteries for my trailer. I added a disconnect switch for when its in storage. On my trailer, theres no way to shut off the co2 detector so it kills the battery
  9. mbiewer

    Large capacity fuel tank 2006 f150

    check cliff's welding in mesa
  10. mbiewer

    2006 Starcraft 13RT - $4900 - Sold!

    Where is the unit located at?
  11. mbiewer

    Where Am I?

    I remember that place as a kid. It was always a highlight for the origninal ostrich fest (and the rest of them) when they would roll a tank out front for us kids to climb on
  12. mbiewer

    2020-2021 Fall Regulations are Up

    bout time... i need to find out where im getting disappointed at this year. (insert the charlie brown with a football gif here -in terms of tag optimism)
  13. mbiewer

    Does the Mogollon rim get crowded?

    We go up there a few times across the summer. Just like anywhere else, holiday weekends suck. We were "priviliged" to listen to a wedding once by bear canyon lake...at about 10pm... man those people wouldnt shut up. ha ha anyway went up to help my buddy on his cow hunt in 4a this past october. We camped off of the 300 closer to woods canyon (his choice, not mine) and found lots of people in the vista camp grounds. Worked into the unit betwwne the 300 fork and north into the flats. a fair amount of people still out just camping. Think i found more poeple camping when we were swtiching spots for the das than we found hunters
  14. mbiewer

    Ram 2500 lift parts $80 Fits 2014-2020

    just bought the leveling kit for mine... what are these for again?
  15. mbiewer

    Need a map

    contact rugged maps. they can center the map on anything you want, and set it to a certain scale. ie your cabin, with how far out you want it
  16. i was all fine with all this stupid corona stuff... until they cancelled the AZGFD expo.... now its personal... ha ha And to top it all off, my wife only likes corona, i reach for miller lite!
  17. mbiewer

    Black Mountain Herd Management Area-Burro

    burro burritos! just kidding
  18. mbiewer

    Update your credit cards

    Actually don't... the more of you guys that sit on your hands...the better the chances are for the rest of us. ha ha
  19. We stumbled upon this , in plain sight if you’re out n about. Of close it stuck out from the landscape like a sore thumb. Our curiosity got the better of us. taking a long shot to see if anyone here might be able to shed a little light onto the mindset of what the heck the plan was lol IMG_0198.MOV
  20. mbiewer

    Any ideas?

    You don't have to officially answer.... Must be some good hearty deer in there after all the predator track we found. Seems like everything under the sun (predator wise) was hitting that big tank the rancher was rehabbing just below where the you found the weather balloon. And the amount of coyotes we seen was insane.
  21. mbiewer

    Where am I, and what was this???

    See, i knew someone here would know the "paul harvey" version. Thanks Azhunter
  22. mbiewer

    Any ideas?

    wish i would of seen your post while we were out there. we got skunked
  23. mbiewer

    Where am I, and what was this???

    Yup... you win... But since you had a 37a tag also, think thats technically cheating. ha ha just kidding. On the eastern slopes of the picacho range. Was out scouting and from Pecan/Deep well ranch...it sticks out quite a bit. We were trying to work our way around to new ground to see if a different strategy would help for HAM... The road we chose took us right to it. Was more posting, becuase it looked like they dumped alot of money into it. 6' chain link around the outside of the parcel. A steel building. 10' berm around what seemed to be a yucca plot. And then additional "fields".... on Onyx it just comes up as "robert walker dynasty trust"... Looks like they spent a lot of money on it, and a lot of effort... Up until you get to the living quarters. An old 27' travel trailer, built into a concrete "adobe" type walled structure. Like they literraly parked the trailer, and then built the rest of the building around it.
  24. mbiewer

    Where am I?

    Behind the CAP canal in 37 a, on the west slopes of the Picacho mountains No water, nothing else around. Virtually inaccessible except from one direction. Walled up by the Piacaho range on one side, and comes to a pinch with the CAP fenceline.