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Everything posted by mbiewer

  1. mbiewer

    Wtb half a beef

    state fair is in October, but the Maricopa county fair (as well as other county fairs) are around the spring time.
  2. mbiewer

    Border Units

    So, the original group of guys that introduced me to javelin have more or less disbanded (health, age, lack of interest, lots of reasons). For old time sake, on this past ham hunt. My brother and I went to the ol' unit and tried our hardest. Lots of mountain lion track, and a n old timer who had hunted the area for about 50 years that said "they're aint none left on this side". My curiosity has started to take over and the camp conversation was "where to next year?" (not that we weren't optimistic in the pursuit, just talking about going someplace new). We brought up the border units. With the influx of migrants and illegal activities, there seems to be a lack of interest in that area. I already have a plan on where to camp, and be secure. I also know there's been threads about hunting deer down south with, but I haven't ever heard anyone talk about Javelina down that way much. I know theres always leftover tags for that region. Does anyone have any thoughts about it? I was down to Bisbee right before the HAM hunt this year and that's what planted the seed about venturing out. I'd like to try the new area for us, plus leftover tags in my mind means there may not the all that much pressure to begin with. *not asking for honey holes, draw numbers, or anything specific. Just curious to what actual people have put eyeballs on as compared to stale data on the G&F hunt unit page
  3. mbiewer

    Border Units

    It's my own fault. I have a unit 23 turkey tag for April. I was going back and forth between the forums and random browsing of different things. I had started the thread on here (mainly to keep myself occupied and start gathering information for javelin). I later came across the "camouflage" statement at game and fish's page which made me laugh. (I mean, I was actually planning something more in the business casual attire for that trip, ha ha) then cited that as my example for the confusion about "stale information" . The post was and is to try and get more info about the southern units. We put in for the HAM hunt. Was just looking at trying to do a bit more exploring on the hunts and of the units before next October when the draw comes around again
  4. mbiewer

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    yeah, I think the broad audience that the Outdoor Hub addresses they had to be more technical. Ive read articles about the history behind az's buffalo. By technicality, they are beefalo.... but they are probably as close to true buffalo az has ever had G&F list them as buffalo
  5. mbiewer

    Border Units

    No... this was a javelin thread. I referenced the general information that game and fish puts into their units about animals. Sorry for the confusion. -Like for example, when looking up information on turkey in unit 23...it suggests wearing camouflage. Anyways, the original inquiry I put up was to find better information about the border units. I was just curious about what real people (members here on CWT) had experienced.
  6. mbiewer

    Border Units

    Trphyhntr, sorry gotta apologize. Maybe "stale" wasn't the correct terminology, maybe "broad generalization" is a better term, like in this posting about turkey in unit 23 (for example): During the spring hunt turkeys can be located by imitating the call of a hen turkey. The males respond to these calls with a distinctive "gobble". Hunters should be dressed in camouflage to blend in with the area they are hunting. Successful hunters tend to stay put when a turkey "gobbles" and let the turkey come to them. It is very difficult to stalk a turkey, whose keen eyesight is better than human eyesight. It can also be dangerous to stalk a turkey. Other hunters are in the woods dressed in camouflage as you are and they may be the "turkey" you are stalking. So it is better to stay where you are when you hear the "gobble’ and find a good place that will act as a blind. I was merely trying to find out any more information about luck, success, or pros and cons of going down. Didn't mean to sound like it was a bash on game and fish. I actually support and agree with what they have to do as far as management practices. They're not perfect, but they're doing a decent job with the resources available.
  7. mbiewer

    Few Resources to Current Rain Water Conditions

    I use rainlog.org
  8. mbiewer

    Storm Totals

    need it to rain around Young to fatten up my spring turkey!
  9. mbiewer

    Newest Hunting Fad

    There's that sinking feeling in your gut when you see the sport diminished and eroded from what it used to be from the inside out.... Just wait till Game and Fish sees this... Not to mention the fact that it put up by a hunter.... as if it wasn't hard enough to get drawn already.... archery, muzzle, rifle, and now coming soon "monkey season". then the whole scope of debating: long range monkeying, what caliber of monkey to use, how monkey season is better than rifle or anything else. sheesh. Screw it im out. ----- ha haha ha, good video though
  10. mbiewer

    Hunting Accident caught on camera

    well of course its fake, would you rather have them intentionally shoot someone? ha ha. That's not the point. The point is firearm/hunter safety.
  11. mbiewer

    Storm Totals

    zero..... the big storm that was supposed to start Friday hasn't come through yet
  12. mbiewer

    clothing for sale

    i'll take them. do you deliver? jk. try to meet up with you soon to pick them up.
  13. mbiewer

    address change

    ^^^^^ that's funny right there^^^^^
  14. mbiewer

    clothing for sale

    still got the chaps?
  15. mbiewer

    The D Bag Pool

    I honestly don't expect anything until around the end of next month. seems to normally go hand in hand with the outdoor expo.
  16. mbiewer

    Parker Canyon Lake

    So in an attempt to barter for time... I took the girlfriend down to Bisbee for our anniversary. One weekend for her, then the next weekend was HAM Javelina with the fellas (see where the barter part came in?). Anyways, we had the simple overnight trip planned out. Hit some of the wineries (her thing, although I can't say I didn't have a blast too) of Sonoita, take the scenic way to Bisbee, walk around and come back the next day. Well, i'm not one for details. Like highway 82 takes you to Siera Vista (then connects to the road that goes to Bisbee).... or that highway 83 (right next to 82, and parallel for a brief moment) does not. ha ha. Our scenic drive got a lot more scenic. No, she wasn't pissed. lol. We both had a lot of fun checking out area either of us hadn't been to before. Highway 83 does in fact take you somewhere, to parker canyon lake. Has anyone ever been here? their Facebook page shows some humungous catfish and bass being pulled out of there. G&F fish stocks it in the winter and it sits about 5,000 feet. Was thinking about "getting lost" again down there. Looks like a nice place to get the kayaks wet and maybe catch a fish or two. Was wondering what some people had for luck there, or anything to say about the lake. (kinda trust the community here on cwt than the reviews of "it didn't even have a resturaunt" I read online lol) Thanks, Matty
  17. mbiewer

    Parker Canyon Lake

    Wow, see... squeaky wheel gets the grease. glad I asked. Thanks for all the information. the Parker canyon lake website has camping spots for 10/night. (45 for the group site). They had 3 state records pulled from there (two versions of catfish, and a sunfish record). But their fb site for the marina raises more questions. They have pictures of some lunkers! 30" 17# channel cats. and some big bass. (maybe it's photo shopped since "there aint no fish here" lol).... but the captions on the facebook photos said they released the fish back in the water. I know Patagonia lake has issues being close to the mine and if memory serves me right, youre not allowed to eat the fish from Patagonia lake. Is it the same for Parker? Also, what are the summer temps there? The girlfriend said she has an upcoming 3 day weekend.... and wants to take a trip. My first thought was "camping, kayaks, fishing poles.... load up!"... but then she mentioned some place called las vegas? do they have fishing there?!?! jk. A nice long weekend, don't really wanna go out of my way to spend it around even more people. thanks for the info everyone
  18. mbiewer


    I ventured into the realm of testing for law enforcement a few years ago. I got to see the LPR car that one agency had. The officer I had to do my ride along with told me its more trouble than its worth. While it had the technology to read, detect,and alert for a plate with any negative history.... it couldn't differentiate between states. so if you came from alabam with a banjo on your knee (for example) for a driving tour of az and your alpha numeric matched a 'zoner wanted by "the man" it would alert the officer in the car with the plate reader.
  19. mbiewer

    A few of the lions caught last year

    I would love to hear more about it too, for a couple of different reasons. the main reason, is javelina. We had 32 HAM tags and around Mammoth it seemed to be over run with cat sign. Kinda made a bummer of a trip (no, didn't see any cat either). A few of us had mtn lion tags, but never came across them. the second reason is Javelina, well different reason for javelina. the group was talking about venturing out towards the border untis for Javelina next ham hunt to see what its like down there. is that where you go for your cat hunting?
  20. mbiewer


    I have 3 sit ins (this one is a sit ON).... either way there's no other experience in the world like kayaking. need to budget for a hummingbird fish finder to mount on the side :-) They have a battery operated one. Good luck on the sale
  21. mbiewer

    2015 Ham hunt

    KCCO! ha ha. What unit is that? we wanna try down south sometime
  22. mbiewer

    pig in 22

    we had good luck (no tag, but lots of sign) west of rye. good luck. also heard the back side of mt ord by pumpkin center
  23. mbiewer

    HAM Hunt in Unit 32 Can I Give you my Javelina?

    we will be over on the mammoth side/area for the same hunt. good luck on the HAM. A very generous offer to give up your harvest. I know what any of my group plans on doing if they get theirs.... makes dang good sausage and chorizo!
  24. mbiewer

    Mouth calls?

    This is my first spring draw in a few years. Most of my hunting skills have been learned through "osmosis". (which explains my lack of success, lol). My family has never really hunted, so I was never exposed to it as a kid. In my younger years, I got to go along on a few hunts with others that actually knew what they were doing. Ive spent most of my time trying to glean information and trial by error..... a lot of error. ha ha Anyways, I think ive gotten pretty good with the box calls. But for the spring turkey, I would like to learn more about the diaphragm calls. Standing at sportsmans this past Friday staring at the section I gave up. Nothing seemed to beckon to me. I realize that these aren't for "beginners" and they take serious practice. Luckily with a 30 minute commute (alone) I have no one else to annoy except for myself in the truck. Still got my trusty box call (or two actually now) and a couple of slates. Any advice on #1 how to "maintain" the surface on the slate calls and mouth calls and or techniques for them? Gotta change the luck somehow
  25. mbiewer

    Help or thoughts?

    forecast calls for 90% rain Friday and 70% Saturday