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Everything posted by mbiewer

  1. mbiewer

    Wild Game Processing does it again!

    WHat did you do for your javelin, and how much did it cost?
  2. mbiewer

    20B Advice

    any luck for you? did you get back out there?
  3. mbiewer

    West of San tan mtn

    just head out the other end, and go by Florence, safer. Unless you can carry a signed "permission slip" of sorts by legal rights... they can confiscate anything you have on you, once "trespassing" past the right-of-ways of established roadways
  4. mbiewer

    Sausage makers in phx?

    share your recipes in the cooking section? optimistic about javelina. Miller's southwest is good too, a bit of a stretch for you though. My buddy took his first ever javelina there. They made chorizo and breakfast sausage... But this year, if were lucky, we were gonna try to do it ourselves
  5. mbiewer

    Pass on the Hunting Heritage.....

    went to the elk one a while back.... if it's half as good, it will be awesome!
  6. mbiewer

    Pass on the Hunting Heritage.....

    if I had a clue as to what I knew I was doing, and maybe a success to go with it, id try to help. I'm pretty good at doing dishes?!?!
  7. mbiewer

    20C Youth Javalina Hunt

    where do you plan on hunting? We were in 20c for deer. Seen lots of sign by Hillside. We wound up camping by Peeples valley in the end. One of the guys seen javelin close to camp. But it might be colder there for them
  8. mbiewer


    My girlfriend got the movie from a coworker in their gift exchange once. She added it to the gift that she got her brother one year for Christmas. -he is not "that way", she just was trying to be funny. And last Christmas, in the "welcome to the family moment"... He wrapped it up and gave it to me to open in front of everyone on my first Christmas with her family. (he did tape a bass pro card to the back of it. Now however.... When ever I see him, I try to ask him "when are we going to hang out and watch that western you got me?"
  9. mbiewer

    Feral Goats?

    im willing to tag along....
  10. mbiewer

    20B Advice

    welp... let us HAM'ers and Rifle'ers know where theyre at. ha ha
  11. mbiewer

    20B Advice

    we pulled a pig out of there just before the western end of the hot springs loop. We got the one, but couldn't find them again.
  12. mbiewer

    Help in 37b can't find any pigs...

    where have you been? Stick close to he gila
  13. were you by pleasant? I got javelina tags over that way!!!! (20B)
  14. mbiewer

    No bark Collar recommendations?

    Does it mainly smell like elephants and monkeys...or is it got a hint of bearded lady? ha ha ha Jk. Anybody know how to slip the bark collar onto my neighbors dog? My english pointer doesn't seem to bark in the middle of the night, but the neighbors pit mix seems to have great vocal stamina all night long. (I can usually tell when the phoenix sway neighbor I have comes home and decides to take his trash out at 2 am. That's the only real time hank looses his mind.)
  15. mbiewer

    Shout out to TJhunt2...

    From advice to dogs, to recipes, to sharing his seasoned wisdom... TJ is what we should try to be as far as outdoors-"people"....I know from getting to talk to him on and outta the forums, he's always got some way to encourage and advise. I know there's plenty of other people here, that have been graced with his presence on hunts and whatnot. Heck In the past issue of AZ elk society's Tracker mag, he can be spotted in the water project pictures. Hope retirement is all that he has hoped for. Matty
  16. mbiewer

    Unit 23!

    Well, now I have to officially hate the guy up the thread that his group got 9 tags, no wonder I don't get to go this year. ha ha JUST KIDDING. I had this unit last year, for my first spring tag. If, you've never hunted turkey in the spring before, its going to be amazing. I had the early hunt last spring. the season is set up like this Jr week early week late week open until mid may So we went up, and I kept my streak alive... 3 hunting seasons in a row (deer, javelin, turkey) where I doubted my existence and was sicker than all get out. I should have stayed home on each one,... but. It rained off and on. In between patching a leaky camper and trying to stay dry... we pulled two from camp. Of course, neither one was mine. I went back up to the "open season" and much to my surprise they gobbled, and they were still vocal late into the morning. Calling turkeys can be frustrating. As we had multiple toms, respond back... come to just beyond shooting range/visual range and turn and walk away.... while still answering to the calls. Like others have mentioned, member Ammon AKA Little clear creek calls, usually hosts 2 open workshops (for free). GO! Valuable tips on calls, which types of sounds, a chance to use them, and plus door prizes. ha ha. Carry different calls. Its like being at the bar on a Friday night... one "pick up line" might work for one turkey, but the next tom over might not have any interest in that sound at all. Each call (mouth, box, push button, and the variety of slates) all have different sounds and benefits. Don't go back to camp... we heard turkeys at camp, (even tried to get on them), and seen them all hours of the day. On my second ditch attempt, I had turkeys walk right past me (in tandem, so no clear shot) around noon. We had one coerced and pinned down and answering to each call we had... until he slipped past our non gunner, and went up the hill. We found that one around 2pm. Still really vocal. One technique is if you have non tag holders in camp... let them work the call. They might come from every and any direction. A floating caller, can be behind you15+ yards... so as when the bird gets leary of getting all the way up close to the caller, it is already within range of the shooter. --- I'm jealous already. I wish I could have a tag for spring bird. its like nothing other.
  17. So I missed the opportunity to go out on the day after thanksgiving. (We held dinner for our family/group and it took me the rest of my freetime to clean up ha ha). Buddy went out just east of ironwood but never heard his report. Finally caught up to him and chatted. Siad he spent all morning out and only got two doves. I'm fortunate enough to have Fridays off. Woke up, and was loading the kids backpacks into the car and killing time before I was left unwatched for the day. Seen droves of dove around the neighborhood. That was enough to push me over the edge. She took the kids to school, and went to work... I grabbed the 870, vest, and couple boxes of shells. Awesome morning for a walk. Only found one covey of quail. Apparently all the dove have began residing into the neighborhoods though. Would like to go out again, but I have never tried for the late season dove. Is it worth it? what are thoughts and opinions? Going to actually plan a trip and try for Friday, and make the most of it.
  18. where exactly is your property? ha ha...I can help you out. jk
  19. Benelli and Stoeger are made by the same company. it is gmc/Chevrolet (In my understanding of it). Guy from work bought a real nice Stoeger autoloader for about 4-450 (cant remember). I have two nice remingtons myself. Bought one brand new. Then my brother found me one with a cracked butt stock. Don't recommend the synthetic thumb through stocks for birds... especially if you aim and shoot like I do. ha ha. An afternoon of missing leads to a sore hand
  20. Audsley, That is exactly the case, well for both. When me and the girlfriend went for "icy cold refreshments"... (ok, she didn't want to pee behind a bush, so I said if we could grab a beer, she could pee with a flusher... im a gentleman after all) The owner of the Kirkland steakhouse is about 73, and ranches on the side. He was a tough old bird. The steakhouse was up for sale and he was anxious to sell the bar/restaurant/motel so he could go back to ranching full time. But in talking to him, he explained how previous hunters had trashed the ranches, and vicinity. About the trash bags and the ill effects on cattle. and that none of the ranchers would even consider allowing access through their property. On the other hand... the "richer than Scrooge McDuck" scenario is true. It is one outfit, Maughan Ranches llc (http://www.maughanranches.com/index.html). The website says they own rights to 512,00 acres in central az. With 8 of the 15 ranches located inside unit 20c. They don't have any interests in outside funding or additional resources to help wildlife enthusiasts.
  21. Need to print this and take it back up to 20c. There's a land locked section of state trust. On one trip up, me and the girlfriend stopped into the Kirkland steakhouse. Old timer/owner of the place was friendly as can be, until I asked who I should talk to about going through properties to gain access.... Basically told me to pound salt. On the eve of the deer hunt, we were set up in camp, and had a fellow hunter stop by. Said he used to live in Yarnell, and had the fortune of staying in town on this hunt. (Don't blame him, weather report was about 20 degrees colder than predicted). Said he stopped into the ranch office (there's one outfit, that pretty much owns most of the grazing/ranch land that surrounds the area). The fellow hunter said the cordial request wasn't met with a warm reception. When he tried to explain that he didn't have any interest in disturbing the ranch/cattle/peace was just hoping to gain access to the state trust behind it...the ranch rep "that was his family's private hunting area, and if he didn't like it, buy the ranch and do what he wanted with it after that".
  22. ....I think I know her!..... just kidding
  23. mbiewer

    Spring results on portal!

    We got 20b again. Buddy pulled one out two years ago from there. Gotta go find the rest of them again. No turkey tag. :-(, or no jr turkey for the boy. Really had my fingers crossed for those.
  24. mbiewer

    Christmas Tree Tags

    we went up behind the rim lakes last season.