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Santana Outdoors

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Everything posted by Santana Outdoors

  1. When I first moved to Payson I heard you can call in bears. I grabbed a predator call and climbed up in a tree and started calling. After calling for about 15 mins, 2 does come running in . I said to myself "Wow, if that is all I can call in, I'm going home." I climbed out of the tree and went home. Patience was not one of my strong points!
  2. Santana Outdoors

    Gage's 124 7/8 gross AZ Coues

    Arizona Coues Whitetail 124 7/8 gross, net score is 119 2/8. Arizona in 2007 . Family friend Chris Conway's son Gage took this buck his age was 16. Just thought you would like to see. Funny part is he took it on the same mountain I glassed the whole day before, go figure. Congratulations Gage!
  3. Santana Outdoors

    Badlands Sacrifice Pack

    Give me a buzz when we get close.
  4. Santana Outdoors

    Badlands Sacrifice Pack

    As of this date this is what we are offering $269.95 http://www.paysonoutfitters.com/servlet/th...backpack/Detail Eric
  5. Santana Outdoors

    3 Weeks In Coues Heaven.......

    Sweet! Thanks for sharing. Great story and photos, you only left out one thing, ME!
  6. Santana Outdoors

    Thank you for praying for me

    We are praying for you. We ask God to give the surgeons wisdom and to protect you and heal you quickly. Amen.
  7. Santana Outdoors

    Cellular trail cam

    Thanks for the info Ben. If you are interested in a Moultrie system please check them out. http://www.paysonoutfitters.com/servlet/th...trie/Categories Thanks, Eric
  8. Santana Outdoors

    Does Size Matter?

    Do Big Antlered Coues have a larger hoof? Never studied it myself. But was curious. If we knew for sure it could add to our hunting experience. Or is this already common knowledge with you more seasoned Coues hunters? I asked a few people and no one had an answer. My feeling is there is a difference, if there is a difference, how much is it? Lets do a study. How about submitting your Coues Deer hoof size for this next year along with the Antler score (or estimated score) and lets see if the size of the hoof matters? Even if it is a small one, submit it so we can gather as much data as possible. Lets have some fun with this and make it a contest. Give me your input. Amanda, Can you get us a standard for measuring up a hoof?
  9. Santana Outdoors

    global warming

    OH!!!! I thought Climate change was just ordinary in AZ you know 50 at night and 120 during the day , now that is climate change. Who was around 1,000 years ago to get this stuff right today? No one but God and he isn't telling us yet. As far as I'm concerned it should have been called "The Climate Cycle" because that is what it is.
  10. Santana Outdoors

    CouesWhitetail.com sticker in Iraq!

    I need one of those where I go hunting!!!!!! Awesome photo! Jeff Thanks! May God bless you and your family and the troops! We appreciate you all very very much.
  11. Santana Outdoors

    Cellular trail cam

    Here is the game management system plans for the Moultrie Cameras. http://www.moultriegamemanagement.com/Plans.aspx We have a package discount on this system if you are interested in both the camera and Game Spy modem. Just PM me. Eric
  12. Santana Outdoors

    Any info on Video camera rentals?

    Gino, It should be here on Thursday. Eric
  13. Santana Outdoors

    global warming

    I think that big snow we just had here in AZ is caused by global warming!
  14. Santana Outdoors

    Cellular trail cam

    Moultrie Game spy system is the one we have found to work the best and for the price you cant beat it. Great job Ben at explaining, just saved me an hour of typing! Eric
  15. Santana Outdoors

    Does Size Matter?

    Jim, Thanks, lots of great info. Anyway to get the data on the "few hundred hooves (length and width) and have mainbeam length, spread, base circumference for all those deer." you have? We might be able to get someone that can put this info into a spreadsheet for us. Thanks and appreciate your input. Eric
  16. Santana Outdoors

    What triggered camera?

    Try setting up burst mode on your camera where it will take multiple photos. I don't think that would have helped on these photos but sometimes an animal has triggered it moving around and since most cameras are set to take photos 1 minute or more apart, you miss some. Good Luck.
  17. Santana Outdoors

    Shed Hunting Pack

    You might want to look at the Eberlestock J34, great for what you want plus a great hunting pack. Has a built in frame for the big loads. Eric
  18. Santana Outdoors

    Any info on Video camera rentals?

    Gino we just picked up a Canon XHA1S HD camera, what exactly are you looking for? Whats your exact dates you will be gone?
  19. Santana Outdoors

    Payson Outfitters

    Amanda, Members have already started to use this discount. Thanks.
  20. Santana Outdoors

    Congratulations Jeff

    Congratulations Jeff. Thanks for your service and dedication in protecting your community
  21. Santana Outdoors

    My son Zach Ulmer's first deer hunt

    Congratulations on an awesome buck! Nice story thanks for sharing. Wow, my dad gave me a 243 when I was 10 (40 years ago) and I gave it to my son. keep it up.
  22. Santana Outdoors

    Monster Coues Buck video

    Nice buck, Thanks for sharing.
  23. Santana Outdoors

    Game Camera Batteries

    Good idea Desertbull, I took that one step further and added a little 12V Moultrie Solar Panel to one I am testing in the field, it is only on one SLA battery and has worked for 1 over a year now. I am going to do a post on solar power later but great idea and economical.
  24. Santana Outdoors

    Excellent Coues In Mexico

    Sweet bucks, Congratulations! Thats whats life all aobut, Thanks for sharing.
  25. Santana Outdoors

    a family needs prayers

    We will pray for them. There is a great book out by Steve Carr "Married and how to stay that way". Most of us have a preconceived way that marriage is suppose to be, like me. Wow, I was wrong. God has a plan and most of us have no idea or how to treat one another, especially our spouses. Steve Carr does a great break down of God's word for anyone wanting to have a right relationship with their spouse. First , you have to want to do it Gods way! Not your way. If you think you can get this book in their hands and then ask them "if they are ready to try Gods way", I will send you one for them, if you think they are ready. God Bless, Eric