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Santana Outdoors

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Everything posted by Santana Outdoors

  1. Santana Outdoors

    Audit of Ajo Unified School District

    Agree. Either obey the rules or change the rules. Thats my opinion.
  2. Santana Outdoors

    Lion hunt after work

    Awesome, Congrats! thanks
  3. Santana Outdoors

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    This whole thing is a joke. Our police force should of had the ability to ask for documentation of legal status years ago. Illegal is Illegal. Lets go hunting!
  4. There is a lot of stuff on the market , what do you find to work the best for attacting Coues deer to a specific spot? Mineral Licks Scents ? And what specific brand ? Thanks.
  5. Santana Outdoors

    Scents, Licks & Minerals

    CactusJack, Where do you hunt? I want to make sure I stay out of your area
  6. Santana Outdoors

    Scents, Licks & Minerals

    Lots of good input. What kind is what I am looking for, has anyone, or have you heard of anyone using any types of scents, minerals or licks with any success with coues? If so what kind? Thanks.
  7. Santana Outdoors

    Badlands Backpack Photo Contest

    Thanks for submitting Dennis Slade
  8. Santana Outdoors

    Happy Mothers Day

    Mother Day is coming up on Sunday and my Mom passed away 3 years ago on last Sunday. I wanted to wish her a Happy Mothers Day and tell her I love her and Thanks for all the great memories. Didn't have a father growing up but Mom made sure someone took me to Hunter and Safety when I was 10. Then she made sure close family friends took me hunting every year. Mom also took me to my motorcycle races and always loved me no matter how much trouble I got into. She supported and raised 5 boys and 1 girl, I should say she tried to raise 5 boys, in Lake Havasu, good luck! But again she loved all of us. Jesus, I ask that you tell my Mom we love her and miss her for me and to have a Happy Mothers Day not just this Sunday but every Sunday. Love ya Mom! If you have a great memory of your Mom you would like to share lets hear it.
  9. Santana Outdoors

    My Grandpa (Father Figure)

    We pray for your grandfather and for your whole family too. My God bring you all the peace that passes all understanding.
  10. Santana Outdoors

    help on finding sheds

    Cody, I also like to look in areas that help them drop, bottom canyons when the jump accross, Fence lines are great.
  11. Santana Outdoors

    lookin for a used badland pack

    You can clink on the link above and it is the exact same pack but in Max-1
  12. Santana Outdoors

    lookin for a used badland pack

    Cody, Its Max-1 call me if you want to see it 928-978-1999
  13. Santana Outdoors

    Cody's 2009 deer hunt

    Great job Cody, congrats to everyone for making memories!
  14. Santana Outdoors

    Dual bighorn sheep ram poaching

    Get a Rope!
  15. Santana Outdoors

    lookin for a used badland pack

    I have a Diablo for sale, Max-1, I pulled off the shelf used only once scouting. Love it but too small for my overnight trips. Same size as the Superday but lighter, and has the Hypervent system which works great in warmer weather. $100 http://www.paysonoutfitters.com/servlet/th...ing-Back/Detail
  16. Santana Outdoors

    first deer

    Awesome Cowboy Hunter, welcome and Congratulations on your deer. brings back some great memories of my first deer, Thank!
  17. Santana Outdoors

    Very Quiet Lately!!!!

    Ok, doesn't Gino come back on Thursday? Can't wait to see the photos and video footage.
  18. Santana Outdoors

    Prayer request for my Bro Inlaw's Wife

    Praying for her.
  19. Santana Outdoors

    3 long days left!!!

    How Sweet, Good luck, waiting for photos
  20. Santana Outdoors

    The Claw

    Very nice bull. thanks for sharing. We'll be needing one of these. Yeah the bull and the Claw!
  21. Santana Outdoors

    You "Be The Decoy" Antelope

    Here is the new Be the Decoy Antelope, lets hear what you think Coues WT fans! http://www.paysonoutfitters.com/servlet/th...Antelope/Detail
  22. Santana Outdoors

    New Family Member Arrived!

    Congratulations , awesome family.
  23. Santana Outdoors

    Chasing a Dream

    I have been in this place and they are doing it up right. We are excited to finally have a "Real Shop" in town. Jeremy, I know the grand opening is on the 8th but when will you be open for business? what are your hours going to be? Eric
  24. Santana Outdoors

    Tell us about your favorite movies

    I'd have to say The Outlaw Josey Wales - here is the best clips
  25. Santana Outdoors

    Looking for HELP!!!

    Check out Don Smith 474-9609 if you don't have it done yet. Great welder