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Santana Outdoors

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Everything posted by Santana Outdoors

  1. Santana Outdoors

    8x42 or 10x50

    I prefer a larger pair. I done like carrying any extra weight. There is times I wish I had the smaller ones but not as many as I am glad I had the larger one.
  2. Santana Outdoors

    Image viewer

    +1, I do the same.
  3. Santana Outdoors

    Hunting Coues on Horseback

    Welcome to the site? That sounds like a lot of fun. Always wanted to hunt the back country of AZ on mules. Sent you a PM.
  4. Santana Outdoors

    Pope and Young Awards Banquet

    Congratulations Nate. Awesome buck.
  5. Santana Outdoors

    Nov 2009 22S BULL

    Awesome bull for that hunt. My daughter in law just drew that tag. Congratulations to you and your son.
  6. Santana Outdoors

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

  7. Santana Outdoors

    MSA 17th Annual Banquet

    Hope to see you there. Here is some more info http://www.msapayson.org/msa_website_002.htm
  8. Lets get a CouesWT table going! Just wanted to see who was going to the MSA (Mogollon Sporting Associaton) Banquet on May 7th? Awesome organization that raises funds for their mission statement and they do a great job. Mission Statement: To enhance wildlife, environment, education and our economy in the Mogollon Rim Country by supporting youth, local quality game management and our local businesses. This is a great opportunity to get together, win some awesome prize and support central Az's wildlife. http://www.msapayson.org/ Come on up and join us.
  9. Santana Outdoors

    Santana Outdoors NEW website and

    Thank you. We do sell guns, what are you looking for? Please send me and email at sales@SantanaOutdoors.com with your info. Thanks, Eric
  10. Santana Outdoors

    Santana Outdoors NEW website and

    Hi CouesWT fans, I just wanted to welcome everyone to our NEW website Santana Outdoors and the Grand Opening of our new local location at 513 W Main Street on April 29-30 during the Annual Car show in Payson. At the store on W Main ST, we will have lots of products on sale from everything that is on our website plus Guns, Ammunition, custom gun works and more. Our goal is to have the best service for "Premium Hunting Gear" in the world! Come and see us in Payson or visit us online at www.SantanaOutdoors.com
  11. Santana Outdoors


    Great picture!
  12. Santana Outdoors

    Archery Elk Hunt

    Rage 2 blade. Killed an elk with it a few years ago, looked like a crime scene! Good luck.
  13. Santana Outdoors

    Badlands bino case

    I tried my 15X56 and they will not fit, so probably about anything smaller.
  14. Santana Outdoors

    Mystery Mule Deer

  15. Santana Outdoors

    Black Hummer heading North through Taylor

    That would be me
  16. Santana Outdoors

    Eberlestock Packs

    I use the J34 becuase it is like a large daypack but can also carry more than most men can when you need to pack meat out. The X2 is a great little pack but it doesn't have the good harness like the J series. Another reason I like the J34 is it has enough room inside to carry my clothing as I shed layers. Hope this helps.
  17. Santana Outdoors

    Found A few and a dead head

    Wow, nice finds.
  18. Santana Outdoors

    New Hunting Gear for 2011

    What hunting gear are you wanting to add this year? I want to add, 1) Sold my PSE X-Force SS so I want to try a Matthews Z7 2) Some nice backpack-able lightweight clothing, either Sitka Stormfront or something like it? Do you have any recommendations i hate to spend that kind of money. What are you hoping to get this year?
  19. Santana Outdoors

    Blinds and or Decoys.

    I personally like the Montana decoy but I am going to try the Be the decoy next time I get drawn. I think the Ghost blind is an awesome product, and we are going to try it this year on our elk hunt. But had the Montana decoy work on us getting multiple antelopes, using it is all about looking for the right opportunity. Good luck.
  20. Santana Outdoors

    New Hunting Gear for 2011

    Now that is something I'd like to have.
  21. Santana Outdoors

    Swarovkis 8.5 X 42 EL's

    Have a customer that needs to get rid of these, excellent condition. $1,275 Swarovski's 8.5X42 EL's Thanks, Eric
  22. Santana Outdoors

    What was your favorite hunt?

    What was one of your favorite hunt or best time you had while out hunting? Tell us about it and slap on a photo or 2 if you like. Its a tuff call for me with so many hunts to be appreciated. Mine was just last year, I got to spend a lot of time in the field with my now grown son on his second archery Elk hunt. It amazed me of how much he didn't remember of his first time out when he was just about 11 years old. Although we came home empty handed this last year we had a blast hunting and every night around the camp fire. Teaching him about elk habits and then building upon each days misfortunes. He found out real quick that target practicing just doesn't quit connect to the true life experience we get in the field. Sadly for him it has been 10 years since his last tag. But next time I do not think the elk will be that lucky. He has since redeemed himself on the January Coues hunt with a nice little Coues. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity I just wish it could be everyday! Eric
  23. Santana Outdoors

    Moultrie D55IR Game Cameras

    All gone. Thanks for checking it out.
  24. Santana Outdoors

    Moultrie D55IR Game Cameras

    All Sold Already, THanks! Thought I would see if some CouesWT fans wanted these before I listed on eBay. 3 Moultrie D55-IR cameras for sale. I fired them up and they worked perfectly. A customer decided he didn't want these, so I can't sell them as new, plus they got a little beat up (scratched) when he shipped them back to me. They work great only a month old. I will give a full 1 year warranty. They are missing the straps. Cameras only. $55 each shipped to your door, take 1 or all, they sell new for $119. http://www.santanaoutdoors.com/servlet/the-388/Moultrie-Game-Spy-D55/Detail Here is the manual as they are gone too. http://images.ebsco.com/pob/moultrie/catalog/game-camera-d55ir-user-instructions.pdf
  25. Santana Outdoors

    Moultrie D55IR Game Cameras

    2 gone! One left.