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Everything posted by awatson

  1. awatson

    Filling RV Water in Flagstaff?

    Any gas station
  2. awatson

    STOLEN HEADS!! Please look

    That's awesome that you got them back! Did you have to pay for them? I can't imagine he would be legally obligated to hand them over based on a description/story, if he had paid for them.
  3. awatson

    Base Layer?

    The thing with camofire is they mostly have xxl & 3xl and sometimes small. I rarely find something in my size : xl
  4. awatson

    Sold please delete

    If you're down Tucson way in the near future, let me know...I'd jump on this.
  5. awatson

    In search of Civil engineer

    Keep looking and don't get frustrated. Find somebody with the PE stamp, working out of their house with no overhead. I'm in Tucson and probably of no help, but the last one I did, about a year ago...I beat the pavement soliciting proposals and got a huge range of prices. The guy I used was 20% of the cost of the highest bid. In this market, people are just slinging prices to see what sticks.
  6. awatson

    Kaibab CHAMP hunt?

    You can shoot them with a crossbow during archery season
  7. Arrow Surveying done a lot of stuff for me over the years. Some of the most reasonable prices in Tucson 881-2155
  8. awatson

    Youth Application Age - The Unanswerable Question

    This is probably a computer glich. I think you could mail in the app, get a tag, and hunt after her Birthday, but I could be wrong
  9. My brother accepted a 3 year job assignment in Germany and has a gun collection maybe 8-10 nice rifles that he cannot take. My gun safes are already over capacity. Anyone heard of any services, like at a gunsmith that offers long term, climate controlled secure storage for a monthly or annual fee?
  10. awatson

    Lump coal to heat a wall tent

    I wonder how those paper bricks smell when they burn. It looks like a lot of work and my time is limited as-is, so I think I'd rather cut wood every couple days for a half hour while camping.
  11. awatson


  12. awatson

    Filled the YETTI

    Look pretty good sized! What's approx weight on those larger ones?
  13. awatson

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Gimme a break....NoBull350 = 777 It's not his "brother"
  14. awatson

    Bear spray advice

    I always keep a spray-paint sized canister in the door of my truck for this same reason. Less-lethal and waaay better than mace.
  15. awatson


    Where are you located?
  16. awatson

    Home Depot worse service I’ve ever had

    That why you buy something like that from a roofing supply house and not HD. There are multiple companies that sell nothing but roofing...in stock, next day delivery
  17. awatson

    Following Scotts advice.

    LOL, this post is 15 years old
  18. awatson

    Big Lake

    Water is low, but not that low....maybe 5' down. At South Cove launch area the concrete is a couple feet out of the water. Lots of fish, and mostly over 15"
  19. awatson

    Big Lake

    Now that the Memorial Weekend Zoo is over...I'm gettin the heck out of here and heading to Big Lake! I usually go in mid-May, and we alway slay 'em then, but it always slows way down later into July. Anyone up last couple weekends? Any reports, info, advice, and discussion are welcome!
  20. awatson

    Trichinosis In Wild Game - A good read

    That is an outstanding article. Interesting that there were only 80+ people that contracted it in the US during that entire 5 year period, and I guess Steve Rinella was one of them?
  21. awatson

    Looking for Oil Field pipe

    There's always a crapload of it on Craigslist: https://tucson.craigslist.org/mat/d/2-3-8-oil-field-pipe/6560719202.html Get it as soon as you can; it's going up. I'm a fire sprinkler contractor and our new pipe is up almost 30% in the past several months; supposed to be up 50% by year end....directly impacts price of used pipe
  22. awatson

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    And another thing - Game and Fish can't do a dang thing if we aren't hunting or fishing. Game and Fish, right? If I'm geocaching, picture taking, tree hugging, or whatever activity I choose to do...with my camera, they can stick it, right up to the day of the hunt.
  23. awatson

    No cams on water by G&F.....coming soon.

    If the previous commentary is even remotely accurate, then I'm a birdwatcher, photographer, etc.... I'll keep them up all year and simply remove them immediately before the hunt. No cameras during the hunt....it's just photography and birdwatching until day #1 of the hunt. Good luck proving that one. This is stupid crap that cannot be enforced.
  24. awatson

    Boneless trout filet

    I'll need to try this one. I normally brine and smoke them whole. After it's been on the smoker for a while and is half cooked but still holding together, I reach in and snip the spine at the neck and tail with fingernail scissors and pull the spine out whole. Works pretty well.
  25. awatson

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    6b late bull with no bonus points. Put in five family members all on separate apps...hoping for one or two tags out of the five