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Tucson John

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Everything posted by Tucson John

  1. Tucson John


    Lot's of us don't do Facebook. NSA.....you know?
  2. Tucson John

    Prayers for Ernesto

    That's really good to hear Ernesto! Hang in there buddy!
  3. Tucson John

    Minn Kota trolling motor!

    I'm in Tempe BTW. Tucson John.............well.....it's a long story.
  4. Tucson John


    That's a good deal right there fellers! You can't be a Sportsman 500 for reliability and comfort! I have two! Somebody jump
  5. Tucson John

    Minn Kota trolling motor!

    Thanks Freaky!
  6. Tucson John

    Chrystie and Laurie's elk hunt video

    That was cool! Thanks!
  7. Tucson John

    Merry Christmas

    Man oh man TJ! .........you guys go for it huh!? Looks awesome! Merry Christmas to you guys!
  8. Tucson John

    Prayers for Ernesto

    Hang in there Ernesto.......you have always been a class act! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  9. Tucson John

    Happy Birthday Will K

    the "other" TJ
  10. Tucson John

    Happy Birthday Will K

    WHEEL! (Will), TJ beat me to it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! JOHN
  11. Tucson John

    Rut came early!

    Happy Holidays!
  12. Tucson John

    Rut came early!

    Hi Amanda!
  13. Tucson John

    Rut came early!

    What! I thought you guys would like this? H
  14. Tucson John

    Rut came early!

    LOL! I know what you are saying!
  15. Tucson John

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Nice job! Congrats!
  16. Tucson John

    Where are the Anti-Hunters?

    Cool video! Thanks.
  17. Tucson John

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    I see a Chupacabra and a Sashquash playing checkers! What!?
  18. Tucson John

    Looking for ideas

    see if this link gives you any ideas....... https://www.google.com/search?q=euro+mount+whitetail&biw=1207&bih=532&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1etoVOSxBMaCigKapoHQBw&ved=0CEUQsAQ
  19. Tucson John

    "My Turn", video and pics…Finally!

    Totally Awesome Jim! I love the comment about having to live "vicariously" through others hunts! I can relate. You SO deserve this! Congratulations and may the draw gods be good to you in the future!
  20. Tucson John

    Need a PM

    yep...me too!
  21. Tucson John

    WTB...Suzuki Samurai

    Wow G I G ! That thing is nice!
  22. Tucson John

    Happy Birthday naturegirl

    I'll second that emotion! Happy Birthday!
  23. Tucson John

    Water Treatment Job Openings

    Ahhh come on man............I could sleep right between you and Pam,,,,,,kinda like Sadie does with me and Laura! I have a grade 2 water and grade 3 waste water license! Plus I can sweep floors and empty trash!
  24. Tucson John

    Water Treatment Job Openings

    can I move in with you Will?
  25. Tucson John

    Lost and found

    Yep! Really cool! There ARE good folks still!