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About QCChevy

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/24/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Queen Creek
  • Interests
    Hunting,Fishing,Family, Chevy Trucks

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  1. QCChevy

    WTB - Antelope Cape

    PM sent. It was sent to the wrong Taxy so when he shipped it to right one, he sent it Ground and the cape spoiled.
  2. QCChevy

    WTB - Antelope Cape

    Anyone have an Antelope cape for sale? Taxidermist ruined my brother's cape so we need a replacement asap. Text or call if you do. 602-317-876zero
  3. QCChevy


    PM sent
  4. QCChevy


    TTT...price drop to $1100 OBO
  5. QCChevy


  6. QCChevy

    George Strait Tickets!!!!! Updated pricing

    TTT....for updated pricing. $450 each now.
  7. QCChevy

    George Strait Tickets!!!!! Updated pricing

    Updated pricing.
  8. I have 3 tickets for the King of Country on 5/6!! Chris Stapleton and Lady A are the opening acts so it'll be a helluva show!!!! Avoid all the fees and buy direct. Section 115 Row6 Seats 4 - 6, $450each OBO DM or text me at 602-317-876zero
  9. QCChevy

    Leupold vx6 4-24x52 CDS-TZL3 for sale.

    Still available?
  10. QCChevy

    Leupold vx6hd 4-24x52 cds zl2 illum tmoa

    PM Sent. I'll take it if still available
  11. Old County Inn in Pine!
  12. QCChevy

    Looking for tree removal company

    Jesse - 928-978-7127. Good dude and has competitive pricing.
  13. QCChevy

    SOLD Guns for sale SOLD

    PM sent for the Smith & Wesson M&P Pro Series .40 with night sight and Milt Sparks VM2 holster $500
  14. QCChevy

    Got offered goulds tag again from game and fish

    Do it. I see them every year in the same general area down there. They're not very afraid of vehicles and people. Message me if you need some locations.