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Everything posted by wardsoutfitters

  1. wardsoutfitters

    My Coues Close Ups...

    Great Buck. I think i have trail camera pictures of that buck!!!
  2. wardsoutfitters

    3 point score

    Great Buck !!! Do you have any pictures of the tail of this buck? I was watching a buck in 2005 in unit 31 and I'm sure this is the exact same deer, I was thinking it was a hybrid!! I'm not taking anything away form this deer but am curious to see if it is the same deer?
  3. wardsoutfitters

    Remington Sendero 7MM RUM Barrel, brass, bullets and dies.

    Who Wrapped the 338 barrel
  4. wardsoutfitters


    Please give me a call I am very interested!!520-404-5114
  5. wardsoutfitters

    San Carlos Lake re-opened

    that lake is done !!! going to take 10 years before it ever recovers. that is if they fill it back up.
  6. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 2013 Starting Out Great.

    Mace I guess the fact that archers only harvested 1200 or so deer in 2012 means we are harvesting too many.. The problem here is we have no idea how many deer were killed by gun hunters and we will never know. I have a bunch of really close friends that work for the department, I don’t diss like the department as a whole . I realize the department has done some great things, But how can they manage animals without proper data!!!! I just don’t understand it. Mace I can't even count on one hand hunters that care for the animals year round in the areas they hunt, Minerals, feed when needed, Water, fixing springs, predator control, the list is endless what we do for animals and wildlife while most are at home watching mash 4077. I will continue to work as hard as I can for all my clients. I will have great times with my children hunting and fishing, I will continue to help others that are not as educated in the outdoors. and I will continue to pray that our AZGFD Gets a clue and begins listening to there field biologist. Have a nice evening.
  7. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 2013 Starting Out Great.

    Mace First if you implying that I am breaking the law you are sadly mistaken. I at no time in the 10 years of outfitting have broken one law in my business and despise the fact that you are implying that. You need to understand that baiting deer has never been illegal. And at this point it still isn’t!!! You and a few others keep referring to unit 29 and the lack of deer. The deer numbers are still high you just need to go find them!!!!! If you look at the deer harvest numbers and check the facts from the past two years you would see that Ward's Outfitters in 2011, 2012 only harvested 23 Coues Deer in 29. We hunt 29,30a,30b,31,32,33,35a,34a,36,a,b,c. The hunts didn’t get closed down because of us, the got closed because it's mandatory for archers to report harvests and the department bases their decisions based on that, did you know they don’t separate mule deer harvests from Coues deer harvests in these units for archers?? they will never mandate gun hunters to report because they would then have to shut down gun hunts, if you don’t believe that I feel for you. If deer numbers are down then why does the department keep raising tag allocations????? If they listened to their biologists they would then be managing our herds and not hunters. Mace you cannot tell me you agree with every single decision the department’s makes, Like issuing so many unit 31 December Coues deer tags??? I respect your opinion, and you are in tilted to it . but with that said I would never bash any means of hunting any hunter uses if it is legal…. It’s the lack of togetherness on all hunters part that will ultimately destroy our sport. May god bless you and everyone else on this site and lets hope we all draw our elk and antelope tags.
  8. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 2013 Starting Out Great.

    Wow a guy works his butt off to help his clients be successful and guys don’t like it.. Please keep in mind this is my business and I support my wife and 4 children with it. If we don’t provide great hunts for our clients then we are not doing our jobs.. I refuse to hide how successful our clients are because you don’t like the fact that we have high success rates. I didn’t see any of you complaining that we were 100 % with our rifle hunter’s last year (2012) 14 bucks in three hunts!!! Baiting is a big part of our operation I never said it wasn’t. But with that said AGAIN we only harvested 6 bucks out of 32 on Bait this season. I don’t agree with the logic and non scientific reasoning behind the departments bait ban. I guarantee its only the beginning Trail cameras are next...And think about this if the department was so concerned about congregating animals then why do they bait and supplement animals???
  9. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 2013 Starting Out Great.

    No the Bait ban will not hurt us next year , our clients harvested 31 Coues bucks and one mule deer buck this season. 6 of those Coues deer bucks were harvested on Bait. The others were harvested on scrapes and natural travel routes. As for leaving some for next year keep in mind we hunt all of southern Arizona. We have two base camps and clients and guides might travel 20minutes to their blinds or tree stands and others at times will travel over 1.5 hours to other areas every day. I find it funny that someone would come onto this site to post about baiting and it’s their first post. The same happened on bowsite, but the cowards never use their real name and hide behind their key boards. On another note I have designed a salt based product that Coues deer can't resist even in the winter months. I have it for sale and its legal according to the new proposed rule because it's salt based and it's also available to the cattle guys!!!
  10. wardsoutfitters

    Thompson Center Encore 223 Pistol

    Call me I have an offer for you. 520-404-5114
  11. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    So it has begun again. The Arizona game and fish department is going to be taking public comment on the subject of attracting animals for the purpose of harvesting them. I was on the phone for quite some time trying to get answers. For the most part you can hunt over salt but it must have been placed for the sole purpose of agricultural operations, YOU CANNOT USE ANY SALT BASED PRODUCT THAT WAS DESIGNED TO ATTRACT WILDLIFE! I couldn’t get an answer if food plots were legal I was told they would get back to me. Please read through the entire packet of what rules are proposed to change. I was told they want to make The use of edible or ingestible substances to aid in taking big game unlawful Because they want to keep from spreading disease due to the animals congregating, The fact here is that animals in Az naturally congregate and if the spread of disease was the issue then salt would also be made illegal. The fact of the matter is they think bow hunters are to successful, I was told this in 2008 and it was mentioned while speaking to an official on Friday. We must stand up and fight this matter . Even if you don’t hunt over attractants, this is taking away a tool used by hunters and they will pick at these types of tools if we allow this to happen. In response to this matter please send a e-mail to Celeste Cook [CCook@azgfd.gov] WE ONLY HAVE 30 DAYS FROM FRIDAY TO MAKE COMMENTS, PLEASE LETS STAND TOGETHER AS HUNTERS TO KEEP THIS FROM PASSING. D The use of edible or ingestible substances to aid in taking big game is unlawful when: 1. An individual places edible or ingestible substances for the purpose of attracting or taking big game. 2. An individual knowingly takes big game with the aid of edible or ingestible substances placed for the purpose of attracting wildlife to a specific location. 3. This subsection does not limit Department employees or Department agents in the performance of their official duties. 4. For the purposes of this subsection, edible or ingestible substances does not include: a. Water, b. Salt or salt-based materials produced and manufactured for the livestock industry, or c. Nutritional supplements produced and manufactured for the livestock industry and placed during the course of livestock or agricultural operations. 3. Any lure, attractant, or cover scent containing any cervid urine.
  12. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    The only way you are going to even get close to this is by going to a draw. What is your opinion on going to a strict draw for all archery hunts? Also, what is your opinion on one deer a calender year archery or draw tag? Sorry what I meant to say was you can hunt Archery OTC and still hunt Rifle Draw but you are only allowed 1 deer a year... In NM, we don't have OTC tags so you need to choose your weapon and season.. you can't hunt with different weapons until you kill... I bet this really contributes to the overall harvest... Of course it contributes, but it would be pretty hard to figure out exactly how much the impact is. Plain common sense tells you, that the more time you spend in the field with a tag and weapon allowing you take game the greater your individual odds of success will be . It is still no guarantee but neither is using BAIT ... but Bait does improve odds at quantity of game, quality of game, and quality of shots, if it did not then far fewer people including guides and outfitters would not be so vocal... I do not think Steve really thinks this is the beginning of the end of hunting ( easy to plant the seeds of fear in those who may not agree with the practice) , but he does realize it can have an impact on his business and he has a right to be vocal about his opposition to it... I respect his stand regardless if I support it or not. Ok to answer the questions 1. I do not think the department should go to a draw for archery deer, mainly because it would be a waste of time, they would issue so many tags that there would be left over’s anyways. 2 I don’t believe the department would ever make it a pick your weapon state because they would lose too much money, lots of hunters get over the counter tags and also apply for hunts. 3. I really don’t care if you all know how we harvest deer, I can tell you it is by legal means. If it's legal we do it!! 4 I agree with mandatory success reports, not only for outfitters but all hunters in the state. 5 The fact is no one knows how many animals are harvested over bait; it really doesn’t matter if the animals are harvested legally. 6. The checks and balances are when a unit gets shut for the December hunt, because archers harvested over 20% 7. I really don’t feel this is the beginning of the end to hunting, but I will say that if they outlaw hunting over bait our success rate will be maintained as it is. We know where to hunt; we are in the field all the time and know the animals better than most. Heck we will just sit water and whack every buck that comes in there, I will say we will be unable to spread out the harvested animals, for example at any one of our bait sites and depending on the site and how many different bucks are hitting that site, we set a quota for each area, some might be 1 buck and others 3. when that quota is meet then we no longer hunt that area. this is why we are so successful , we never over harvest any one given area.
  13. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    The azgfd already has checks and balances in place for archers; there is no need for the draw!!! I am suggesting they require all hunters that purchase or draw any tag to report their harvest! They need to go to a computerized system and before any hunter can purchase a tag they will have to reported. I don’t understand what you are referring; we can only harvest one deer per calendar year
  14. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    The only way you are going to even get close to this is by going to a draw. What is your opinion on going to a strict draw for all archery hunts? Also, what is your opinion on one deer a calender year archery or draw tag? The azgfd already has checks and balances in place for archers; there is no need for the draw!!! I am suggesting they require all hunters that purchase or draw any tag to report their harvest! They need to go to a computerized system and before any hunter can purchase a tag they will have to reported. I don’t understand what you are referring; we can only harvest one deer per calendar year
  15. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    We Need Facts Period... How can the game branch make adjustments to the number of tags if they have no idea how many animals are being harvested. How can the department make rule changes If they have no factual data to support that decision!!! Show us the facts AZGFD.
  16. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    I sent this to AZGFD and I had to fill out a public records request form inorder to get this information. I do not want to see any changes to the current laws pertaining to R12-4-303. I would like to ask for data pertaining to the fact that the department feels that hunters utilizing the method of hunting has affected the deer numbers and the harvest rates. Please answer the few questions I have pertaining to this issue. Please provide scientific data gathered in Arizona showing the transmission of disease at water sources, Bait sites, Mineral sites, Licking Branches, Scrapes, Natural food sources. Please provide the number of Archery deer tags sold over the past 10 years. Year by year. Please provide factual data pertaining to the number of deer harvested by the archers over the past 10 years, year by year. Please provide the number of rifle deer tags sold over the past 10 years. Year by year. Please provide factual data pertaining to the number of deer harvested by gun hunters over the past 10 years. Year by Year. Please provide factual data showing with what method archers have utilized to harvested their animal for the past 10 years, “Example” Spot and Stalk, Water Holes, Salt based Products, Bait sites, Scent Products, Tree stands, Ground Blinds, Calling. Please provide factual data during deer surveys for the past 10 years, Answer the question as to why deer survey numbers are down but the rifle hunter success is still high. Please answer the question as to why Archers are the only hunters that have to report deer harvests. Please answer the question. Do you not think if all Arizona hunters were required to report their harvest the Arizona Game and Fish Department would have better data to manage the game? Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter, I look forward to your response
  17. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Could the fact that 23-24 getting more coues deer hunters be due to more archery hunters in the feild and closer to big cities and how about the fact that there are some giant coues in these units? and he states this answer to Phils question. Have any studies been carried out in Arizona that back up the reasoning behind this proposal or is the department strictly basing it’s reasoning behind studies performed in other states? Disease transmission studies, specifically on the diseases of CWD, brucellosis, and tuberculosis, have not been conducted in Arizona, primarily because those diseases do not occur here.
  18. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Has anyone noticed if the PROPOSAL OF RULE CHANGES was sent out to all the hunters in the state asking for public comment? I have noticed that it hasn’t been posted on the azgfd area of coueswhitetail.com.
  19. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Come on guys lets keep the personal attacks caged up , Lets work on the issue at hand!! Here is a responce to the matter at hand from AZGFD Please note the response below regarding the proposed rulemaking for baiting. Again this is a proposal, the commission has started the process; the final rulemaking will be done in January with an opportunity to provide comment up ‘till then. I’ve plagiarized heavily from Mr. Wakeling our Game Branch Chief. The Department has relied on published research conducted by wildlife disease experts to formulate the recommendations on baiting. A great resource on this topic is the Southeastern Wildlife Disease Cooperative. Baiting concentrates wildlife which can increase spread of communicable diseases, often contains toxins (like aflatoxin) because wildlife feed is not regulated as livestock feed, and can result in death for individuals that are not acclimated to high protein diets. While salt may concentrate some wildlife, it does not create the other two problems noted. Also, because salt is so common on the landscape currently, additional salt will not create greater concentrations of wildlife than is currently the case. This is the rationale for the Department’s proposal. The proposed rulemaking is attached.
  20. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Well said
  21. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Not sure who you are talking to when referring to the statement above... But, can you please supply us official statements or documents with individuals that support your above statement and what gives you the ability to know what others believe when it comes to intent. oh and answer a simple question ? If baiting deer did not improve you chance at all for quality and quantity ... would you do it ? I for one would love to have access back to some large areas of Public land ( that Arizona hunters once had open access too) that has been land locked by private land owners and ranchers whom shut off access to a majority but allow access to a select small few of their friends and such (guides and outfitters who worked out deals) in some good areas of some good units, units where hunters are denied access to public lands " by a small group or an individual stating it is about land owners rights" ... I am pretty sure you are familiar with such areas, and do you not feel that this is even a smaller group (some even fellow hunters, guides, and outfitters) infringing the rights of access to public hunting lands? Talk to any game biologist in southern AZ and they will tell you that deer numbers are down and every year they ask for tag reductions. It rarely happens. As for your question. The answer is yes I would continue supplementing the animals. As for access in southern AZ it is a major issue!!! In some cases I agree with the land owner and in others I don’t. Please supply us with the findings of these few Biologist that disprove the numerous other findings and actual published researched by numerous Biologist through out the country that , baiting can spread disease ( though, I too think this is being over sold as the primary issue, but one that could be a factor in the future), baiting leads to changes in migration patterns and range, Baiting increases nocturnal feeding and limits both foraging range and daytime foraging activity... As for you spending $$$$ on feeding and supplementing I do not believe you are being honest, but it is my right to believe so and I base it off the fact that it is an intricate part of your Business model in helping you maximize your success rates to maintain clients and gain new ... I also do not completely believe you about the land locked public land since it is something that you personally benefit from as well in UNIT 32 which you highly promote for hunters ... I will share from your own site the information that I base my decision to not believe off of. On success and quality and opportunity.... "Our firearms success rate On Coues Deer is 100% with most animals scoring 95 inches or better. Hunters can expect to see four to eight Coues bucks a day." "We specialize in archery hunting and have very high success rates. • 99% archery and 100% rifle mule deer • 100% archery elk and 99% rifle elk • 100% opportunity on archery Coues and 99% rifle coues" quotes courtesy of http://www.wardsoutfitters.com Now to actually be 99% success that would mean first it would have to be on over 100 hunts , now if you round up then maybe you have gone 67 out of 68 which would get just over that 98.5 needed to round up either way if you are going to claim that using private plus land locked Public lands plus bait to achieve such numbers I and probably the majority of other hunters who have hunted this state for any time will call BS on it ... On land locked public lands "This year was different. We had no problem obtaining Oct. tags for Unit 32 and made our way down to AZ again in search of those little gray ghosts of the desert mountains. Through Ward's Outfitters (Steven Ward) We managed to gain access to several sections of landlocked forest service land via a private ranch with extremely limited access....sorry, I can't give any more details on location...sworn to secrecy. " Quote courtesy of http://www.wardsoutf...ng-stories.html This shows you utilize the benefits of using Public lands as a guide that we all should have equal access to , but do not ... I understand you are defending your business model but you have no place talking about taking away hunters rights when you benefit from Use of lands our rights have been taken from by a smaller number of people who are restricting where on OUR public lands we can hunt by restricting access that was open to all when I was a young kid, teen and young adult. You are saying pay me the $$$$ and I will get you the access to low pressure high quality Coues wilderness Also using the " slippery slope" and fear tactics about changing a regulation as being the catalyst of ending all hunting is absurd at the best and also unsupported by any proof from the states that have had banning restrictions and laws for many many years ... Amanda is a wildlife biologist , maybe she has the data to refute or at least openly voice whether or not all the others are wrong that baiting can spread disease , baiting leads to changes in migration patterns and range, Baiting increases nocturnal feeding and limits both foraging range and daytime foraging activity... Ok Let’s talk about private land, the area we hunt is not restricted to anyone, anyone can walk into the areas we hunt but they would be restricted from hunting the 28 sections of deeded land that most of the Coues deer hunting is conducted on in unit 32!! And for your information we have only had access to this area for one year now. As for success if you must know our archers have harvested 187 Coues deer in the past 9 years, we utilize all legal hunting methods to include, Rattling, calling, spot and stalk, spot and ambush, tree stands, ground blinds, water holes, mineral sites, feed sites, hunting scrapes, hunting bedding areas, hunting rub lines, to many tactics to include all of them. Because we do less rifle hunts our clients have only harvested 82 Coues deer. Please keep in mind this is what I do for a living I’m in the field more than most and know the animals better in the areas we hunt. We take this very serious and I support 4 children with my career choice. Leasing property really has no bearing on this matter, unless you’re just trying to make me look like the bad guy.
  22. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Not sure who you are talking to when referring to the statement above... But, can you please supply us official statements or documents with individuals that support your above statement and what gives you the ability to know what others believe when it comes to intent. oh and answer a simple question ? If baiting deer did not improve you chance at all for quality and quantity ... would you do it ? I for one would love to have access back to some large areas of Public land ( that Arizona hunters once had open access too) that has been land locked by private land owners and ranchers whom shut off access to a majority but allow access to a select small few of their friends and such (guides and outfitters who worked out deals) in some good areas of some good units, units where hunters are denied access to public lands " by a small group or an individual stating it is about land owners rights" ... I am pretty sure you are familiar with such areas, and do you not feel that this is even a smaller group (some even fellow hunters, guides, and outfitters) infringing the rights of access to public hunting lands? Talk to any game biologist in southern AZ and they will tell you that deer numbers are down and every year they ask for tag reductions. It rarely happens. As for your question. The answer is yes I would continue supplementing the animals. As for access in southern AZ it is a major issue!!! In some cases I agree with the land owner and in others I don’t.
  23. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    Just noticed the wounded warrior link on your page... Just helped a soldier last year on one of our hunts, He sat a ground blind over feed because he was missing one leg. No way could he have chased bucks all over the hills.
  24. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    So pertaining to your statment above. The Commission believes that R12-4-303 exists to prohibit devices and methods that either compromise the spirit of fair chase or adversely impact hunter success rates. The recent increase in the use of baiting has resulted in disproportionally high harvest rates among those using this method of hunting. Consequently, the Commission is offering fewer hunting opportunities, which negatively impacts hunter recruitment and retention. The don’t mention the higher success rates due to Rangefinders, turreted scopes, long range shooting. And those stating they are offering fewer tags because of Baiting are also not correct. Again as Arizona hunters we can only harvest one deer a year. They say "Methods the either compromise the spirit of fair chase" If you think Game and fish should tell you how to hunt then, I feel for you. I think they need to look into the fact that deer numbers are going down but harvest percentages for rifle hunters keep climbing if they are truly concerned with managing game then they need to figure that out. We all know the answer but because they are afraid to loose revenue they will never reduce rifle tags, and if they reduce them in one unit they raise them in another Sorry for getting upset on the previous posts.
  25. wardsoutfitters

    AZGFD Rule Changes

    what's stopping anyone from doing that with the current rules? 50 piles of corn per square mile of public land and a blind or treestand at every pile! where the heck do you see this? I sure as heck don't see any corn piles in the units I hunt. Take a walk around unit 23 in august. Like Stephen said above, that's BS. And if it is true they don't know what they're doing. Deer in August will rarely come to feed when given the natural food that's around. I'd like to see pictures of this so called 50 corn piles per square mile. He cant support his comment with pictures because he is just RUNNING HIS NECK.