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Everything posted by wardsoutfitters

  1. wardsoutfitters

    .243 mossberg Great Starter Gun

  2. wardsoutfitters

    .243 mossberg Great Starter Gun

    The gun is the exact same gun as in the link!!
  3. wardsoutfitters

    .243 mossberg Great Starter Gun

    Sorry no trades just looking to get rid of a few guns We dont use
  4. Ward's Outfitters began hunting like everyone else the first day of January 2013. We 38 clients scheduled to archery hunt with throughout the month. Just like in the past bucks began hitting the ground fast and I was proud of our clients for making great shots and being patient after a few were hit bad. As of this day we have harvested 29 bucks and still have 5 clients in camp that have until the 31st to get it done. Iwill post more pictures soon.
  5. wardsoutfitters

    Topic about corrupt AZGFD is pinned at the top of the page

    CRAZY ))
  6. They can make exceptions based on field observations. i.e. If an animal is wounded, and tracked into the night, some game managers will give you permission to finish the animal off even though it is illegal to take said game at night. That's a bunch of crap, that's the issue a law is a law and should be followed to a T.
  7. Here are a few things I pulled right out of the reg's Possess Unlawfully Taken Wildlife (A.R.S. 17-309 A 16) Page 111 Any wildlife that is unlawfully taken, may not be legally possessed. So even though you may not have been involved in the illegal taking of wildlife, you cannot legally possess unlawfully taken wildlife or parts thereof. Improper Tagging of Big Game (R12-4-302) Page 124 All big game taken shall be immediately tagged in accordance with the instructions on the back of the permit-tag and pursuant to Commission Rule, R12-4-302. License Revocation (A.R.S. 17-340) Page 112 You can have your license privileges revoked by the Commission for up to five years for a conviction of: • unlawful taking, selling, bartering or possession of wildlife A.R.S. 17-309 Violations; classification 16. Possess or transport any wildlife or parts of the wildlife that was unlawfully taken. 17. Possess or transport the carcass of big game without a valid tag being attached B. Unless a different or other penalty or punishment is specifically prescribed a person who violates any provision of this title, or who violates or fails to comply with a lawful order or rule of the commission, is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. E. A peace officer who knowingly fails to enforce a lawful rule of the commission or this title is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. A.R.S. 17-314 Civil liability for illegally taking or wounding wildlife; recovery of damages A. The commission or any officer charged with enforcement of the laws relating to game and fish, if so directed by the commission, may bring a civil action in the name of the state against any person unlawfully taking, wounding or killing, or unlawfully in possession of, any of the following wildlife, or part thereof, and seek to recover the following minimum sums as damage: 3. For each elk or eagle, other than trophy or endangered species $2,500.00 A.R.S. 17-340 Revocation, suspension and denial of privilege of taking wildlife; notice; violation; classification 5. Knowingly allowing another person to use the person’s big game tag, except as provided by section 17 332, subsection D. A.R.S. 17-332 Form and contents of license; duplicate licenses; period of validity D. No license or permit is transferable, nor shall such license or permit be used by anyone except the person to whom such license or permit was issued, except that: R12-4-302 Use of Tags E. Except as permitted under R12-4-217, an individual shall not: 1. Allow their tag to be attached to wildlife killed by another individual, 2. Allow their tag to be possessed by another individual who is in a hunt area, 3. Attach their tag to wildlife killed by another individual, 4. Attach a tag issued to another individual to wildlife, or 5. Possess a tag issued to another individual while in a hunt area.
  8. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    I am not suggesting that anyone other than the azgfd manage our game but they need to do a better job at it. I asked why they don’t implement a mandatory reporting process and they said they don’t want to burden the hunters with it, I think it's because they will find out we are over harvesting game in az!!! They in turn would have to reduce tags, and that would mean loose of revenue I hear a few years back that the ada did some studies on the Kaibab and found the department was off on numbers. Amanda can you help out with this about the studies done
  9. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    Really, every deer I have ever harvested with a bow I called a number and told a gal what unit the deer was harversted in, how many points it had, how many days hunted ,type of bow,ect. so I'm pretty sure there was no guess work at all there so it seems to me that data they get from all the mandatory archery report isn't guessing it is right from the hunter who harvested, I have also filled out a great deal of survey cards from the GF and have always filled them out honestly, pretty sure the survey cards ask unit harvested, weapon type spike, buck or doe and if any deer couldn't be recovered ect. It seems to me that data also isn't guess work. I would love to see mandatory harvesting, I have filled out alot of those surveys on line it is fast and simple. !!!!Again I will state... The department does not use the information from the manditory reporting of archers to get there numbers as to how many animals were harvested!!!!!!!! and keep in mind only 20%of the survey cards sent to hunters get returned... IT IS A GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its all crap data
  10. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    Yes very cool book to bad the numbers you are looking as to what is being harvested is a GUESS!!!!
  11. THe Department is way Fuc??? up. I am so tired of them!!!!!!! EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!! We are trusting these yahoos with our game animals????
  12. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    I have to agree 100% with you on your above post. I’ll be honest, I’m not worried about the baiting ban, but I am upset with the fact that the department doesn’t listen to a word the public says. Did you know that the department isn’t smart enough to utilize the mandatory reports called in by archers to come up with the numbers of deer harvested in each unit? I was told in the meeting I referred to that they send out sample surveys and utilize them to make a estimated GUESS. I in my hunting lifetime have never received a survey card for an over the counter permit!!! Did you know that in anyone rifle hunt if HUNTERS harvest over 30% then they can justify raising permits, But if archers harvest over 20% they will lower opportunity.. I asked why this was and I was told because if hunter success is above 30% then we must have a over abundance of animals. I pointed out the fact that hunters are more efficient these days with long range guns, high power scopes, range finders, and big glass ,they disagreed????? What really pisses me off is the department takes away opportunity across the board with crap data. What I’m saying is our state is being managed by guessing as to how many animals are being harvested.. And We as hunters are losing opportunity because of it..
  13. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    Well i'm tired of fighting them on my own, It's sad that our OWN ARIZONA BOWHUNTERS ASSOCIATION DOESN'T GET INVOLVED. I'M thinking because it doesn't effect the places they hunt. Just like when the ARIZONA BOWHUNTERS ASSOCIATION supported the Baiting ban, what a joke. heck Randy of Archery headquarters was buying feed from me so he could help Fred Eikler harvest a buck, then he decides to support the ban. ISN'T THAT TWO FACED!!!!! I will not buy a single item from that place ever!!!! I would suggest you do the same if you feel as strongly as I do on this matter.
  14. wardsoutfitters

    Jr. Hunt Success

    It was a pleasure helping these two Jr. hunters to harvest their first Arizona Mule deer bucks. The two bucks harvested were managment bucks and they were both over 12 years old. The hunters made great shots at over 200 yards.
  15. wardsoutfitters

    Jr. Hunt Success

    I guess since it's on the front of the regulations we can now show this happy client we guided on the youth hunt in 2012.
  16. wardsoutfitters

    Help with AZ Coues hunt.

    Unit 29 is closed the second half of January because they feel the harvest in the unit is too high during the archery season. I attended a meeting with Commissioner Harris and hefelfinger, I advised them that the department closed the archery season during December of 2012 this is part of their 20% rule. I advised them that they had no data to support the closure of the second half of January because there harvest data was a year behind. I asked that they wait a year to see if the checks and balances system they had put in place had worked ,they both agreed and I thought it was a done deal that they would in fact wait a year to review harvest data, but in fact they did the exact opposite. It just goes to show they will close or remove or make changes without even following their own guidelines..
  17. wardsoutfitters

    Monster Coues????

    Here are a few buck to judge off of. in order 115"-106"-117" Now you be the Judge
  18. How Much For just the vtr
  19. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    I just love how the Arizona Bow hunters Association has not once attempted to stop the game and fish department from discrimination against bow hunters/ Where is the voice they say they have for the archers in Az ?????
  20. wardsoutfitters

    Bringing The Family Together.

    This past Easter weekend was a great time, we brought 4 generations of family together to do the Harlem Shake. I hope you enjoy !!!
  21. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    Exactly extrapolate
  22. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    I was looking through the Hunt harvest data again!!!!! Does anyone know how the department comes up with the number of hunters in the field when this is an over the counter tag and they are good state wide? For instance in: 2010 azgfd reported that 260 bow hunters hunted unit 29 and harvested 53 deer for a 24% success rate. 2011 azgfd reported that 169 bow hunters hunted unit 29 and harvested 42 deer for a 25% success rate. How does the department know how many hunters hunted in 29???????????? YET AGAIN THEY BASE THEIR INFORMATION ON SPECULATION
  23. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    Keep In mind 90% of the time it’s not the Field officers it’s the jack wagons in the Phoenix office. It's pretty bad when Phoenix doesn’t even listen to their own unit biologists. Maybe things will change since WAKELING was demoted
  24. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    They removed the December hunt this past season and now half of January, this without even having the data to see if shutting down December reduced harvest? If they were concerned with harvesting too many deer then why not reduce a few rifle tags? The Coues deer numbers are strong and the mule deer are low. With that said the department hasn’t figured out how to only shut down the mule deer archery season, And they also aren't smart enough to figure out that survey numbers are down because they fly the same blocks year after year, although the fires devastated most of the areas they normally survey and the deer have moved, Come on AZGFD I thought you were smarter than that????
  25. wardsoutfitters

    2013 Fall Hunt Recommendations

    Yes again the Department is Attacking Archery hunters!! When will it stop?