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Everything posted by wardsoutfitters

  1. wardsoutfitters

    I'd like to start a debate.....about points....

    I get jacked up all the time with clients , I have to remind myself if there from the east it would be a 8 point and if there westerers then a 3 point or 3x3
  2. wardsoutfitters

    API tree stands

    yes they are all the same
  3. wardsoutfitters

    API tree stands

    I have 12 API tree stands for sale. New they were like $190.00 . I'm selling them for $75.00 per stand. They are big and nice to sit in . I'll post pictures if you want to see them.
  4. wardsoutfitters

    API tree stands

    I dont use them anymore. the seat is 21" wide
  5. wardsoutfitters


    I have some api tree stands I dont use anymore I paid almost $190 per stand if you need some I'll sell them for $75 per stand
  6. wardsoutfitters

    Could this be the same deer?

    nope not the same but still a good buck
  7. wardsoutfitters

    doe with twins

    I think one of the problems hunters have is they put out salt in any place and expect bucks to hit it . This is not the way to go about it , you need to find the bucks and pattern them and then put out salt or other attractents. THe reason you pattern them is so when you do put out the atttractant you can place it in a area you can beat them"wind being the hardest to beat.
  8. wardsoutfitters

    doe with twins

    The question is how many buck pictures do you get at this spot, What I have found over the years is I have licks that 90% are does and I have licks where 90%are bucks. I personally feel that if your not getting pictures of bucks you should move. Keep in mind that during the rut the does might be in this area and then it would be a good spot to hunt . when I scout I look for places with few does and usually there will be a bunch of bucks. This morning I galssed up 36 bucks and only 8 does. In another area I glassed up 19 does and only 3 bucks. I think the bucks will avoid high doe concentration areas due to the fact that lions, bears and other preditors will frequent these areas. Just my opp but it has worked.
  9. wardsoutfitters

    Antler Growth

    Well in a week and he added a bunch of bone.
  10. wardsoutfitters

    Personal best?

    THis is my best archery, but the picture of my boy is is one of my proudest moments. Gabe shot this buck last year in mexico and was 8 yeards old. He made a perferct shot at 340 yards.
  11. wardsoutfitters

    Couple rifles for sale...

    pictures please
  12. wardsoutfitters


    Johnny congrats your going to have a really good time ,plan on hunting the duration of the hunt. I was lucky enought to get a tag 4 years ago and harvested this bull with my bow. It was a fun hunt.
  13. wardsoutfitters


  14. wardsoutfitters

    Draw results

    I was told by the game and fish op that they are trying to get them posted today sometime
  15. wardsoutfitters

    Big wall tent

    $400.00 you can have it
  16. wardsoutfitters

    Big wall tent

    I have this wall tent that I have had for about 7 years and haven't used it. I got it form a friend and I think it's 12x14 it might be bigger. I know it's about 150# with everything. I set it up once and It was in really good shape. any resonable offer is welcome.
  17. wardsoutfitters

    Big wall tent

    it looks alot like this one but brown
  18. wardsoutfitters

    Big wall tent

    I think it's a army cook tent but im not sure I would set it up but man by yourself it could be a real pain. I'll look on the web to see if I can find anything like it . I know it has two metal poles that support it on the front and back and tie down straps with stakes that hold the sides. Its been in my shop boxed up so im sure no mold. and If i recall i dont think it had any holes.
  19. wardsoutfitters

    I keep hearing this nasty rumor....

    It wouldn't suprise me . but if you look at the rule change dates it l;ooks like the meeting is the first day of archery elk season. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  20. We are looking for two good honest club members for a coues deer lease in sonora mexico. The ranch is 30,000 acres and has had very very low hunting preasure on it for the past ten years. The lease is $2500.00+$250.00 for your gun permit. With this you and 8 other club members get full access to the ranch begining in August,2009. Club members will be able to hunt a unlimited amount of days during the season. This means you get almost a full three months of hunting. This ranch is 3 hours south of the douglas port of entry.If you are interested please give us a call at 520-384-3351 or 520-404-5114
  21. wardsoutfitters

    Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

    two maby three
  22. wardsoutfitters

    Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

    Come on desertjntr you and I both know that a club member would be someone that has paid their dues. I dont think the name really matters the ranch has been hunted once in the past 10 years so Im sure you would not know of it. All I can say is nine bucks were harvested on it last year to include a 118, 111, 109 and the others were high 90's to low 100's . these hunters only had five days to get it done, just think what we could harvest in three months of hunting .
  23. wardsoutfitters

    Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

    Sorry I will not disclose the name of the ranch . Only members will know this. it has to be this way to protect the Lease, as im sure you are aware good coues deer ranches are in high demand.
  24. wardsoutfitters

    Need two club members for coues lease in mexico

    No hidden fees you pay $2500.00 + $250.00 for the gun permit. This is not a business prop for me Im doing this so I can lease the ranch and have some where for me and my kid to hunt also.
  25. wardsoutfitters


    Tree stands work well , but I would reconsider for a ground blind.