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Everything posted by wardsoutfitters

  1. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    Hancock I sure would like to know who we are all talking to? As for pictures I have plenty, But untill you disclose who you are there not going anywhere!!!! If you are going to get on this site and question others you might want to man up and let everyone who you are ...
  2. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    Again you didn't read the story!!! didn't you see his partner was with him when he got wacked!!!! jealousy will get you know where in life my friend
  3. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    I would suggest to you newbie that you go out and learn about Coues deer habits for yourself instead of reading about them. Did you know the rains are here and the acorns have dropped , I have watched bucks in the past three weeks move more than three miles to get to the fresh new growth and acorns. I am curious as to what you might be implying?
  4. wardsoutfitters

    3 blade tri-verters testers

    Thanks Gary I assure you the blades are sharp enough to harvest any animal. You will notice the blades are 32 thou thick and they have less carbon in them this is why they are so strong. The more carbon in the blades the sharper you can get them but then you run into the problem of them snapping under load.
  5. wardsoutfitters

    3 blade tri-verters testers

    Thanks Gary let me know how they work for you. We are always inproving the design , on the final design the area where the blades meet the ferell when the blades open will have a small notch for the blades to sit in.
  6. wardsoutfitters


    i'll take it give me a call 520-404-5114
  7. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters 135" coues story

    Thanks all !!! I'm hoping to add another monster story to the thread in a few weeks!!!! I don't think he'll be 135 but dang close. We'll see . Wish me luck !!!!! The picture is him three years ago.
  8. wardsoutfitters

    1st ever CouesWhitetail.com Bass Tournament!

    Steven and leroy are going to tough to beat , but you never know all it takes is a few good fish and you could win this thing. I'm in it for the fun!!! See you all there
  9. wardsoutfitters

    3 blade tri-verters testers

    Thanks everyone we hame reached or limit. THANKS STEVEN WARD
  10. wardsoutfitters

    3 blade tri-verters testers

    well send them out in the morning thanks
  11. wardsoutfitters


  12. wardsoutfitters

    2010 PSE OMEN AND AXE 6

  13. wardsoutfitters

    2010 PSE OMEN AND AXE 6

    For sale NEW PSE OMEN 29" @60#'S For $605.00 (Digital) These retail for $949.00 PSE AXE 6 29" 70#'s for $550.00 (Black) These retail for $749.00 pm me for more info
  14. wardsoutfitters

    2010 PSE OMEN AND AXE 6

    Yes just the bow!!
  15. wardsoutfitters


    Guys I have fished off this boat and it's very nice. Leroy takes great care of his possesions and this boat look show room new!!!!!!
  16. wardsoutfitters

    1st ever CouesWhitetail.com Bass Tournament!

    I'm In ..
  17. wardsoutfitters

    Inverter Broadhead test #2 Cinder Block

    Give me a few examples and I'll see what I can do.
  18. wardsoutfitters

    Inverter Broadhead test #2 Cinder Block

    Sorry guys I have been very busy , I'll get them posted this week for sure. Thanks Steven
  19. wardsoutfitters


    Here's My Best 81" in 19a. The other was a New Mexico buck that in this video.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4E-wy2mHQY
  20. wardsoutfitters

    Long Range Rifle pics

    Viper 50 bmg. Leupold vxIII 6.5-20
  21. wardsoutfitters

    Bowhunter Happening

    I'll be there I will be giving a presentation on Saturday about Coues Deer tactics. Hope to see you all there.
  22. wardsoutfitters

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    29 late coues for me , 32 late coues for my wife . She'll give it to my boy who didn't draw. only one problem i had clients draw 31 late so that's going to cut into our season . Oh we'll have to pay the bills
  23. wardsoutfitters

    San Carlos Crappie

    I took some good friends to San Carlos last night . The crappi fishing was very good Three of us caught 115 crappie and 20 catfish. We were fishing in 50 feet of water out from the lava rocks. I'll post some pictures of the filets when I get them. Steven
  24. wardsoutfitters

    2007 rhino for sale
