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Everything posted by wardsoutfitters

  1. wardsoutfitters

    Never Been Fired

    pm sent
  2. wardsoutfitters

    gun yard sale updated pricing

    any .223's
  3. wardsoutfitters

    ol man ladder stand

    Cody I'll take it where do I send the money and where is it located? Call me 520-404-5114
  4. wardsoutfitters

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    No access to 76 all locked up. THe entire east side of the winchesters are closed , By hass and Davis. the entire dos cabes is locked ny clump and brooks and some other ranchers.
  5. wardsoutfitters

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Not to bash all you outfitters because not all are alike, but I agree with Lark. I'll say it again It's obvious that you have never hunted in Southern az in units 30a, 30b, 32. You talk about being lazy but how about my 82 year old grandfather who can't walk around the areas, Or my 10 year old son who likes to hunt with his 5 year old sibling. Before you go implying people are lazy look at the circumstances other might be facing .
  6. wardsoutfitters

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    It's obvious that you have never hunted in Southern az in units 30a, 30b, 32. You talk about being lazy but how about my 82 year old grandfather who can't walk around the areas, Or my 10 year old son who likes to hunt with his 5 year old sibling. Before you go implying people are lazy look at the circumstances other might be facing .
  7. wardsoutfitters

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    How has trophy hunting hurt anyone? A trophy to me is differant than a trophy to you. Trophy hunting has nothing to do with the decline of hunters.
  8. wardsoutfitters

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Here is the problem, No access . All the hunters are forced to hunt in the areas where there is access, The greedy land owners that block of 100;s of thousands of acres with a tiny piece of deeded land is bull shoot. This makes everyone pile into small areas to hunt , the areas get over harvested and yet Game and Fish still continues to survay lands we cant even hunt .
  9. In December I bought a 7 week old black lab and named him Neeko. Throughout the month we have taken him on every deer recovery and have saved fresh blood for training purposes. Throughout the month while clients were in blinds we would make trails of blood for Neeko to follow with a reward of small pieces of deer meat and hide at the end for a reward. Yesterday we put his training to the test. One of our clients made a bad hit on a buck; he thought he saw the arrow shoot low through the bottom of the sternum. When we got to the blind I asked the client where the buck ran, he didn’t even have time to answer and Neeko was on Blood and following it. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He was working great. I know from experience that where you think the arrow hit and where it actually did is more often than not the same. We were seeing more blood than usual for a sternum hit so we kept going and Neeko was right on. It came to the point where we couldn’t see blood but every 100 yards or so. Neeko still followed the trail only loosing it for a few seconds at a time. We continued on the trail moving as fast as Neeko; it was cool because he would not get any more than 20 to 30 yards ahead of me. During the tracking job we stopped a few times to give ourselves a break, Neeko would play with sticks and then rest awhile. We would hang out for 10 or 15 minutes and then Neeko would get right back on the trail and start tracking again. We followed the buck for over a mile and I knew we were close because Neeko got very excited and the hair started to stand on his back, we went another 50 yards and found the buck dead in his bed. Neeko is 13 weeks old and working very good I hope to keep his training up in the off season. Neeko asisted in finding three deer during the last two weeks. Below are a few of the deer we harvested the past month . All together our clients harvested 18 coues deer during the month of January
  10. wardsoutfitters

    .300 Ultra Mag UPDATED PRICE AND PICS!

    pictures and price please , how many rounds have been through it ?
  11. wardsoutfitters

    You Decide...

    Thanks guys. Gabe has been shooting high powered rifles since he was six, I bought him a super shadow 243 wssm and had a muzzle break put on it. If any of you are interested in coming down to shoot long distances let me know We can go to the dry lake just outside of Willcox and shoot as far as you want. I think it would be cool to get a Coues whitetail shoot together.
  12. wardsoutfitters

    You Decide...

    First of all the hunters missing those shots have no business taking those types of shots. Here is a pig my 10 year old boy shot this morning, he is the kid on the right side of the picture. His name is Gabe , over the past three years he has harvested three coues bucks one at 370ish, one at 380 and another at 480. He wacked this pig this morning at 653 yards one shot one kill. With that said he fires more rounds in a month than most adults do in a year. He hunted the first day with his bow and we got 30 yards to some pigs , but that is 10 yards to far for him, Because I have only two days to hunt with him before clients arrive he decided he wanted to hunt with the ultra but wasn't going to shoot a pig at less than 500 yards. What it boils down to is the time behind the weapon.
  13. wardsoutfitters

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    Have killed a few down here by willcox.
  14. wardsoutfitters

    WTS/WTT: SKS Yugo Model 59/66

    Trade for ground blind if interested. 520-404-5114 will be in tucson in the morning Thanks Steven
  15. wardsoutfitters

    !5X60 Docters For Sale

    Good Glass guys I wouldn't let them get away from you!!!!!!
  16. wardsoutfitters

    Ward's Outfitters A season to Rember

    I am hoping that by next season Neeko will be able to help local hunters with their tracking jobs if they need him
  17. Watch as we shoot the Inverter Broadhead Into a Cinder Block
  18. wardsoutfitters

    Archery Mule Deer

    Thought I would share this with you all, It's been a very busy three days On Friday I sniped this cat while glassing for Coues deer he was sitting on top of this large open hill side watching a small Coues buck as it fed toward him. he was 890 yards so I worked down the ridge and closed the gap to 718 yards. I turned the turret up to 720 and let one fly , it went right over his head and he never moved, after a few seconds I figured because of the uphill angle I need to take a few yards off . I again lined up the cross hairs and squeezed the trigger and placed the 190 grain sierra match king through his right shoulder and out the top of his back. On Saturday we guided Daniel who is involved in the outdoor experience 4 all , it's a great organization. My wife drew a 32 late dec tag and she couldn't make the hunt due to small children, so she decided to donate it to the organization , on Saturday Daniel came down to hunt with us and harvested this nice Coues buck. Daniel made a great shot at 300 yards. I will ask Eddie to put a full story up for all of you to enjoy. Yesterday while scouting for Coues deer in another unit I glassed up this mule Deer buck and stalked into 64 yards , the rest is history. Man it sure felt good to hunt for myself for a change
  19. wardsoutfitters

    It's been a good month

    Good Job. thats a sweet buck
  20. wardsoutfitters

    Trophy Art

    I have a very good friend that draws pencil art for some of my clients. Her name is Tycee Evans. I want to share it all with you , If you are ever interested in having a piece done for you let me know and I will get you in contact with her. She can draw anything you might want.
  21. wardsoutfitters

    Trophy Art

    you would have to talk to her. 520-255-1008 tycee is her name
  22. We harvested this buck in 36b on the secound hunt , Leon made a great shot at 224 yards on the first morning.
  23. wardsoutfitters

    Archery Mule Deer

    The head performed flawlessly , I shot him quartering away, It entered the right side behind the last rib and lodged in the opposite shoulder.
  24. If you all haven't heard of the outdoor experience 4 all , it's a great organization. My wife drew a 32 late dec tag and she couldn't make the hunt due to small children, so she decided to donate it to the organization , on Saturday Daniel came down to hunt with us and harvested this nice Coues buck. Daniel made a great shot at 300 yards. I will ask Eddie to put a full story up for all of you to enjoy.