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Everything posted by Wyorawhide
Lawsons does all of my work for me. They do a great job. You will not be disappointed.
Southpaw, A trip to Alaska might not be all bad. The Dall Sheep Season up there starts in July/August. You could guide for Moose, Bear, Sheep. In September move down to Arizona/Idaho/Montana/Wyoming/Colorado/Utah/Nevada etc and guide for mule deer, elk, antelope. November you could come home to Arizona and hunt deer/elk. And move to Mexico for the January hunt and guide for Mule Deer and Coues. You would be hunting for pay for better than 6 months of the year. Something that most of us just dream of. Dean
Where to hunt for first coues hunt
Wyorawhide replied to DBArcher's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
Check out the picture fourm and there is a coues distribution map on this site somewere. That should give you some info. There are some big bucks coming out of unit 6A. -
I was in there last February and saw nothing but coues. Course I was about 2 miles from the nearest road. I have seen some huge sheds come from that range. Northwest side if I had a choice.
Travis, The comparable ballistics from your 7mm should be done with a 150 grain bullet. I would consider a 180 grain bullet if I was you. The warbird is nowhere in the same category as the 7 mag. (180 gr Barnes x) Dean
Hi, Yes it has been getting slmmed every other day for the pas two weeks. 36c has also been getting quite a bit of rain. I know it will not even come close to making up the shortfall over the past few years but there has been enough rainfall to make the ocotillo get leaves again. They are the first to drop leaves due to cold or drought. Dean
Hey Travis, I don't know about the warbird, but I do know a little on the ballistics for a 30-378 Weatherby Mag. The rifle has the exact sme trajectory with a 165 Speer ballistic tip as it does with a 180 grain Barnes X. In my book that only means one thing, I am sending the round down range that packs a bigger punch. Just my two cents. By the way, I would consider 165 grain bullets minimum for the Warbird. Just an opinion though. Faster and lighter is not always better. Dean.
Well in the preceding two years, All of the Catalina Mountains have burned. By sugestion would be to hunt the Bullock fire burn. Should be plenty of feed. On good authority I have been told to try the Buehman canyon area. Old burns produce some pretty good deer. Glassing is more important than walking. Glasses are just as important as the rifle.
I took my son into unit 32 yesterday to look over some new country. We seen around 30 deer. For certain 5 were bucks. The antler growth has just started. All five bucks had antlers about 4 inches long. The deer were located between 3500 feet and 4500 feet. (I imagine that they were even higher but we didn' get any higher). We located all of the bucks right around the 4000 foot mark. They all looked good and they seemd to be doing well. The oaks showed a few acorns starting. It will be a few more weeks before we will be able to tell what kind of mast crop we will have. Any of the tanks on the map that I had, and could locate, are dry. It was some beautiful country and we were happy with the deer that we spotted.
Now telling you exactly where I was wouldn't be fair. It took a little time and effort on my part to get out and look around. I did however give elevations. With a Topo map you can narrow it down to about 10% of the hunt unit. I do think water (springs and tanks on the topo map) and elevation (Contour lines on the topo map) have a lot to do with where you will find the deer. Visit the G&F websight and read the hunt unit report. They will give you a pretty good idea of where you can look around. We found an awsome whitetail buck last weekend. I didn't draw so I am up there looking around for a bear. Keep seeing deer though. And Bighorn sheep. Sorry to hear about your sour experience. Hike in a ways and get away from people, (hunt unit report), and you will have a good hunt. Do not go out without a pair of binoculars. Even a bad pair is better than no glasses at all. If you don't have any, get ahold of me and I can give you a few ideas on how to come up with the best pair you can afford. Dean
Where to go for archery coues
Wyorawhide replied to DBArcher's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
Go to the home page, go to photo gallery, go to rifle hunt page 3. There is one poto in there of about 20 bucks taken out of unit 6A over the last twenty years. The photo says that most of the deer score over 100. While you are there check out all of the rifle and archery photos. You are in the right area for just about anyting Arizona has to throw your way. I would get a set of good glasses, check the G&F websight on 6A and see where they say that they are. From there I would head out for a day in the field with the glasses. Start now and by the Dec rut you will know where to go. Probably see a lion or two. Mule deer, maybe a bear, Javelina. The key is patients. I learned that the hard way. -
Try Mansfield Canyon
I hunted in and around an old burn last year. I saw more deer in the burn than I seen in the areas that hadn't burned. Seen a couple of awsome bucks too. Wasn't fortunate enough to tie my tag on one though. There is always this year though.
what do you think the best all-around caliber is
Wyorawhide replied to a topic in Rifle hunting for Coues Deer
More D, Keep checking ebay for a chronograph. Can pick one up cheep. -
When are draw results ready???
Wyorawhide replied to More D's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
Last year the results came out on July 17. Check the MonsterMuleys.com message board archives. -
what do you think the best all-around caliber is
Wyorawhide replied to a topic in Rifle hunting for Coues Deer
Prount, Have you ever given the consideration to reloading your own ammo? Drops the price way down and the accuracy goes way up. Dean -
what do you think the best all-around caliber is
Wyorawhide replied to a topic in Rifle hunting for Coues Deer
I am impressed with the ballistics of the warbird. The price scares the heck out of me. They make them here in Tucson. -
I really like the photo on the front page, I think that it would make an awsome t shirt..
My advice would be get a pair of good glasses, a tripod and get out as much a possible. Personally I scour the topo maps for large roadless tracts of land and walk in. I have yet to be dissappointed. Get about a mile and a half away from the roads and you will probably not see any people. Get out as often as you can between now and then. The bucks are sprouting antlers again. Post this question on the monstermuleys.com coues forum message board. Randy Weaver might reply. He did quite a bit of hunting in that area and has since moved away. Als look at the following link to the AZ game and fish websight http://www.gf.state.az.us/h_f/hunting_unit...its_35a.html#wt
what do you think the best all-around caliber is
Wyorawhide replied to a topic in Rifle hunting for Coues Deer
All around rifle in my opinion would be the 7mm Rem Mag. It has superior bullistics to the .270 and .300 Win Mag. The comparison was made with respect to the caliber and weight of the bullets. (130=.270, 150=7mm and 180=.300) Check the ballistics yourself. I used factory stated ballistic coefficient and factory muzzle vel. http://www.eskimo.com/~jbm/ballistics/calc...lculations.html If money were no object, I would get a Weatherby Mark V Acumark chambered in 30-378 WBY Mag. Weighing in a 8.75 lbs it is not too much to pack around. With the included muzzle brake the recoil is comparable to a .270. Hearing protection will be required on the range. (should be worn anytime you are on the range.) If you make a good shot, you should only need one shot in the field. I personally wouldn't have any ear plugs in for the one or two shots. There is no such thing a too much knock down. You owe it to whatever you shoot to make a fast clean kill. As with any rifle ever shot, shot placement is much mor critical than anything else. This rifle out peforms them all. Check out the ballistics http://www.weatherby.com/rifles/ball_30-378.shtml -
Here is a place that I use pre scouting an area. You get actual ariel photos of the area. It comes in handy. The only drawback is that I don't have a 30" screen for my computer. http://terraserver.microsoft.com/default.aspx I also use topozone.com to look at maps.
Jeff, Get on the AZ game and fish websigt. There is a section there spacifically about unit 27. It has a little info and some places to start looking.