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Everything posted by 1easystyle

  1. 1easystyle

    bad fire in 23 north

    fire map is here http://www.inciweb.org/incident/2861/ let's hope they can stop it, beautiful rough country there.
  2. 1easystyle

    Journal of My January Hunts

    Based on your notes, I believe we are hunting at about the same elevation and the deer patterns in the area I’ve been hunting are very similar to what you’ve described. I’ve been hiking into areas I know hold deer and I've been still hunting out of natural ground blinds (bushes, downed logs, etc…) whenever I come across fresh sign. I’ve been using code blue to bring them in for the past 4 years; I’ve noticed that it works really, really, well in the peak of the rut ~Jan 8th but it loses its effectiveness about the 15th, that could explain why the doe you saw on Friday acted so weird.… I had the same luck as you this weekend, I didn’t see or hear a deer, the rut sign I found was at least a week old so it looks like this round of the rut is over. I imagine the estrous may start working well again in early Feb as the unfertilized does go back into heat. Hopefully a big one walks by before then. Best of luck.
  3. 1easystyle

    Is the rut still on?????

    Do you mind sharing what elevation you were at? I thought I’d outsmart the coues over the weekend and work my way up from a lower elevation (3k), from the sign I found it looks like the nice weather (Sun and Mon) pushed them back up the mountain towards 6k, either that, or I walked by all of them. By the time I got to 4,600ft while calling every ~500ft in elevation with no response, I was wrecked and decided to pack out.
  4. 1easystyle

    Is the rut still on?????

    Started seeing action in 22S on the 9th and 10th of Jan. Nothing last weekend, I think it was because of the storm front blowing in. Hoping that it picks back up after the storm blows through. I've heard that they will start shutting down at the end of the month with the full moon.