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Everything posted by CUZTAIL


    Food plots in AZ?

    do it up. Someday i will get that 3c bull tag, but till then keep em plump
  2. +1 to January for me also. sucks, but now i get a full week in August to wait for Mr. bear to come in for a nice cool swim in this hot weather. OH YAH!!!!

    lookin for a WEIMERANER pup

    would love to have one of these dogs, unfortunately dont have the large amount of money people are requesting. Maybe somebody or knows someone in a jam with needing to get a pup to a good home?

    Chino Grande Ranch 19B

    This is all crap!!! its not about ranchers or land to me. its about G&F. they issued a hunt and took our money for it. it screwed every person that put in for that unit. some people maybe had 15,18 points and now arnt hunting due to G&F. G&F knew this was a problem unit and didnt correct the issue. its rather obvious when you look at the timing of the announcement. i think the rancher played it perfect. a good ole slap in yur face G&F!

    $$$ For Sheds???

    whats the going price per pound for brown elk sheds these days?

    Free rod iron fencing

    got 150ft of it-put up 5 yrs ago so its in desent shape. all kinds of curves, 3 gates. being lazy and tryn to get out of me doing work. so call if u want it. paid $5000 for it, im sure its worth somethin(maybe scrap $)? 480-510-5655

    bowhunting beginner

    Shoot the 1st deer you see that has horns!

    WT Buck Water Use and Summer Activity

    Last year i got to my stand(over water) at 4 am opening day. I didnt see a buck till 10:15am. by 10:30 and 5 bucks later i had mine on the ground. i sat for the next 4 days waiting for a bear and saw nada. Its my opinion Whitetails figure out whats up VERY quickly.

    Drenalin 4-sale

    27.5 LH Mathews Drenalin- had Archery Headquarters put a new string on this year. comes with a blacks river "drenalin" case. Bow is bare, however can throw in some sights and rest if you need them. choice of whiskerbisquit or trophy taker drop away and sights are trophyridge or extreme. im sure if i look hard enough i also have a stabilizer and release if needed. $550- call 480-510-5655 i dont check e-mail often so just call.

    Well the time has come, I will have my very own...

    Keep it simple: PAYSON PROCESSING- say a hunter is up on the rim and drops an elk. he thinks, where am i gonna take this thing? lets see, im driving through payson... does payson have a processor... oh yeah, its called PAYSON PROCESSING!

    Arrow Rest

    I switched to QAD after 5 yrs of whisker biskuit. Groups instantly got tighter and no problems at all. the WB was my choice for a long time due to arrow containment. The QAD offers the same containment with no worn out whiskers to deal with. Down side- SUPER PRICEY!!! buck 50 if i remember right

    Vanes: blazers, 4in. fobs

    oh fbomb! I dont know if u know what yur talkn bout, but i like yur style brother!
  13. i shoot a drenalin- noticed today my stabilizer makes my bow heavy. i have a lighter one. would make sense to lighten her up, but do i need the weight? guess i could just shoot and see the difference, but what exactly am i lookn for? any help would be great!

    stabilizer help???

    thanks 4 the help! swapped between lighter and heavy today and found that especially after the shot the heavier one kept my bow from jumpn out of my hand.

    sticker benefits

    The sticker benefit is no lie!!! put a operation game thief stick on the truck and conversation has turned from speeding to hunting ever since. The real benifit though i think is displaying that stick. I like to think when other hunters see that sticker it will keep them true to their ethics.