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Posts posted by 200"mulie


    will do and thanks for all the info oneshot will most likely go out there in the next month or two and i will get in touch then with what i find.

    I usually go out there and hit the forest service roads...I have seen a few does but not any bucks. Gardner canyon area.


    get off the road and hit the hills ... you'll find bucks there's plenty of deer. use your boots to get up high on a hill and use your binos and scopes to find deer

  2. yeah i witness somewhat the same thing earlier this year while helping a buddy pig hunt in Jan. I was in awe .. was trying to circle this herd of mule deer and push them toward my buddy. But a coyote got to close, all i heard is hooves coming up the hill at me... at first 2 jack rabbits run by (thought the coyote might be hunting them) then a single coyote runs by ... I now i got 6 does staring at me all within 5-8 yards. They see me and take off.


    Pretty cool experience having so many animals running by me
