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Posts posted by 200"mulie

  1. I've tried to cut them off, come in behind them, go out in the mourning and stay in one general area and wait for them. It's mostly luck than when it comes time to shoot ... that's the only thing you can control. Just play the wind ... my buddy likes to come from above the deer ...


    So far counting helping my buddy and myself .... 3:15 opportunity (within 70 yards)


    I shot and missed a couse at 70 yards .... ducked <_<


    Buddy missed a mulie at 60 yards ... cause he didnt listen to me and range the doe that was walking in front of him.


    I bumped a couse that ent straight to my buddy. He thought that the stalk was over/blown ... put his jacket away and the buck comes up to 10 yards and busts him ... with his bow on the ground.


    Keep at it and try different things and figure out what works best for you.
